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RE: Imagine

Probably you`ve seen, there are four more images of that kind. It would be easy doing to repeat the process wearing gloves. Why do they present defective images to the public )



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Funny games...
Thank you very much for explaining the creation process of that  "piece of art".


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RE: Imagine (sloppy processing of negs and prints)

Hi, This is easily dealt with. This is down to very very poor neg and print processing. The processor (handler) should have been wearing silk or fine cotton gloves. in stead he/she used there bear hands on these valuable 2nd generation prints.  When prints are dried,the larger drops had clung to the sweat palm/finger print and dried. this has happened to me lots of times pre- digital photography.  Blobs arent alien. You can see the pattern print is human. Interestingly this process is used to hide anomalies underneath (sometimes)..

Nice pic though.


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RE: Imagine

                   Imagine...   Funny games, funny artifacts.....


Lunar Orbiter -

Image Namelo5-70-h2b
TIFF Imagelo5-70-h2b.tif
PP Latitude17.3
PP Longitude26.3
Corrected Resolution (meters)1.7
Altitude (km)113.1
Incidence Angle70
Emission Angle13
Related Imageslo5-70-m

       lo5-70-h2b[1] - Moon.jpg

                                                     lo5-70-h2b[1] - Moon - det.jpg

lo5-70-h2b[1] - Moon - II.jpg


Teaching the truth

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You will say what, if you look here here: 2N237339087EFFAUCMP1665L0M1.JPG (изображение «JPEG», 1024x1024 пикселов) If attentively you scrutinize into each lying stone, then it is possible to see erysipelases in each of them


Teaching the truth

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2N237338466EFFAUCMP1665L0M1.JPG  «JPEG», 1024x1024

Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Multimedia: All Raw Images: Spirit: Navigation Camera: Sol 1250


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                              Sorry for that, but:

             Hard times, hard people, hard images.


"Recruits! ", the General says, "Recruits, Uranium ammunition IS dangerous, but just for the enemy. You are protected. Each of you will be sterilized tomorrow."     "Dismiss!"


Teaching the truth

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Chandre,  I'm sorry about that.  Goggog is using Russian.  Most everything of significance has been translated so that it is in both Russian and English in each post.  I am using babelfish to translate.

Chandre, I' m огорченный о том. Goggog использует русского. Большинств вся из значительности было переведено так, что она находится как в русском, так и в английской языке в каждом столбе. Я использую babelfish для того чтобы перевести.


Dedicated to the truth

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Can somebody please explain to me why some of the text appears to be Greek and how we would fix that ? I cannot follow the thread if I cannot understand the words...


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ok, that's what i thought, i just wanted to make sure!

thanks for that!


Teaching the truth

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gbull wrote:

this last pic looks kinda muddy out there.

i see the colored dots, what do you mean by them, if i may ask?

is this on of the latest pics?

To me кажетсячто in this picture stones are scattered in pairs. Each pair has noted certain colour. What will tell? blankstare



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this last pic looks kinda muddy out there.

i see the colored dots, what do you mean by them, if i may ask?

is this on of the latest pics?


Teaching the truth

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Мне кажетсячто на этом снимке камни разбросаны попарно.Каждую пару отметил определённым цветом.Что скажете?blankstare


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Same object; different times of day:

Такой же предмет; различные времена дня:



Teaching the truth

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<<Gogog, это от Sol 1888, pancam выйденная камера (совмещенные L2 и L5).
Я поворачивал градусов по часовой стрелке счетчика изображения 35, и
сиял изображение над рамками. Другая сторона там, и, как раз как ты
показанный В.Е., показано в различных условиях освещения в зависимости
от где солнце в небе. Интриговать.>>
Yes, you have correctly noticed. Двуликость a stone it is shown depending on the party of light exposure by the sun.
Here me the processed variant of pictures:

You извените me that in my person I cause you some inconveniences with perusal of my messages. Because with English language at me absolutely anything. At present I write through the translator of the text.


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Gogog, this is from Sol 1888, pancam left camera (L2 and L5 combined).  I have rotated the picture counter clockwise 35 degrees, and brightened the image over the frames.  The other face is there, and, just as you've shown , it is revealed in different lighting conditions depending on where the sun is in the sky.  Intriguing.

Gogog, это от Sol 1888, pancam выйденная камера (совмещенные L2 и L5). Я поворачивал градусов по часовой стрелке счетчика изображения 35, и сиял изображение над рамками. Другая сторона там, и, как раз как you' показанный ve, показано в различных условиях освещения в зависимости от где солнце в небе. Интриговать.



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The feature is also from navcam sol 1968 and sol 1969, and probably others.


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Here we go - horton's discussion of the feature - in jest in this thread:

The feature comes from sol 1871:


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hortonheardawho is a regular on the mars rover blog forum which I have followed off and on for several years (link below).  I think he is retired NASA (not sure though); he is an image processing guru; he has a memory like an elephant; and he tends to keep his opinions to himself (at least as to anything anomalous).  I am a little shocked to see the image he posted on his flickr site as well as to read his statement on that site.


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Welcome! Somebody should invite Mr. Horton.

 Mr. Hortonheardawho ( Hometown: Cosmos) says :"I am a retired pachyderm with a lifelong interest in science, space and computing.I spend my ample "free time" exploring the solar system electronically ( mostly Mars ) looking for things curious.I like to imagine that my creations are of some interest to all creatures large and small that inhabit the cosmos - including the curious apes of the planet Earth..My honest hope before I join the great elephant herd in the sky is to hear the whos of Mars to cry out loud enough that all with ears will hear them and be amazed."


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 Let`s say the situation would be that worse, no matter who would have been getting  involved into it and ignoring the question of "guilt", there would be pretty much need to look for help whereever you could get some, from inside of the box, from outside of the box, academically educated or not etc., does not matter.
Reqarding the situation does last for decades , that would mean, either the situation is very  complex or the methods used till now to cool down the situation or to find or create  a pathway directing to some sort of solution failed.
Even if the situtaion shows an enormous complexity `causing  stagnation ( patt, business as  susual,), there is a certain probability , that some factors  just have been overseen or misinterpretated (  missing link or Joker ).
These helping hands should belong to stable minds, with distincted instincts and a wide awake intellect. Knowledge about science and two dozen other disciples would be helpful , but not ultimately necessary.  No robots please.
The help demanding party should be aware that  they have to be ready to make some basic datas avaiable.
If I  have to  design  a milk bottle for some big food company, I have to know at least of the measures to do some useful work. Not to mention, I would have to be shure that there will be filled in milk, no oil.


Teaching the truth

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Привет goggog Добро пожаловать на форум, очень интересное изображение Вы отправили, я уверен, что другие члены будут счастливы от комментариев, но мы можем переместить сообщение в правильный поток для получения максимального охвата

С наилучшими пожеланиями



"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"

Teaching the truth

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Posts: 1902

Привет! Это изображение вам знакомо?

Оригинал : AZ162-0930_1600LST


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RE: Imagine there is no bag....

Organic thoughts from " The Organic Universe" by Giuliana Conforto.

You decide.

" There are people arising amongst us using Know How AND Know Why. Creativity starts prospering and new chances are opened. The creative ones are those be able to figure out solutions for transformation, same time turned down and silenced by the system.... minds free of conditioning and compromises, free of the rules of the culture of separation, which is separating the young from the old, the profane from the holy, the private from the public, the spirit from the matter.... only free people are be able to find courage to face the real enemy, to face the threat inside of us, the threat to be different, the threat that outside there may be no enemy and that outside there may be no guilty party anymore to be faught and to be accused. To overwhelm this enemy represents the last process necessary to step into the land of self responsibilty.

In our times many people have started to evolve themselves. They do not belong to any groups, for shure they`re not part of the elites, they do not have to win elections, they are interested in and working for a world of true justice.

Some part of mankind has started to evolve, another one is ready to. Evolving people all over the world are experiencing the inner truth. They are ready to leave the dirty paths, they represent the real pioneers, unknown, unseen, unaffected, sailing in the shadow of the storm...

The Big Machine runs out of energy, no cosmic energy is avaiable on wallstreet. Today the Big Machine seems to be blinded by fear to loose control about its followers. ( I, Robot. / Heinlein). All its money, its gold and its oil will not save it, ´cause its fuel are voters and servants, who believe into the Big Machine. Blinded by the mechanism of the machine, voters elect minds dominated by selfish tendencies, who are spreading mistrust and concurrence, once in power. The allmighty are mightless without followers. To fight against them is useless, - they are mightless.

The allmighty ( = old mighty ) continue bluffing, using the medias propaganda to dominate.

A bluff which paralyses the world by creating servants, unaware of their real situation, unaware of their true self and unaware of their chances. The door IS open all through the centuries. Our time will see more and more people passing through.

Simple replacement of the Old mighty will not stop the logic of slavery. Some jobs get better payed, whilst the debts increase. No progress at all.

The few ones supporting true progress by action do not waste time using useless words to convince the others. Some are ready to switch off the engine of the machine... The old mental mechanism defends the old logic of possession, grabbing and keeping, same time neglecting the logic of BEING.

The new reality will be brought up by concrete efforts and practical work, done by wise and righteous people. "


Teaching the truth

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RE: Imagine

The problem with disclosure of any kind is that once the cat is out of the bag, it cannot be put back in again. The aliens who are feeding our government with technology in return for we-dont-know-what will have to come clean and their agenda will no longer be secret and covert.

This means that any agenda they have will be out in the open and they will have to use force to keep their position of control, rather than manipulation (which is what they are using at the moment).

Although we may THINK we want disclosure, in actual fact, it may be worse than what we have now due to the far greater technology and knowledge that the aliens have.

Unlike the War of the Worlds, they have been here long enough to have virtual immunity from our bugs and bacteria and they have probably done enough genetic mutations to allow them to live here quite comfortably.

So, do you REALLY want disclosure now?



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Reading this feels like coming home.


Dedicated to the truth

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Xenon, you have a wonderful way with words, sincere, clear and emotive smileYou question the very essence of mankinds greatest fears and hopes.

20 years ago I read a wonderful book by Heinlin called 'Stranger in a Strange Land' and I understood just how alone I was. I have questioned and challenged the 'norm' my entire life, always feeling like an outsider as people just do not perceive reality in the way I do. It's been a long and painful path, one I continue on every day. Having overcome my programming and controls that were forced on me by a repressive educational system, I am driven to try to free the people I care about from the 'matrix'. I have come to realise that this is not easy or perhaps even possible with people older than 30 as the controls are just too deeply embedded and they react with fear and anger to anything that threatens their realities.

I am exploring ways to by-pass the controls in a non-threatening manner - sort of a 'back door' approach to overcome the protective blocks. It's easier on younger people and there is so much evidence being leaked sub-consciously to the masses. A prime example is the recently released movie 'Watchmen', where not only do we see the Colossal Head in Skippers report come to life, but we are given an insight into the scale of this being and a direct link to Mars. You, and I and Papa and many others know we would not react in panic, terror or negatively to a general announcement by the powers-that-be about life in our Solar system. We have probably known the truth at some deep level for our entire lives.

The problem is Joe Wannabee, they did such a good job at brainwashing him into ignoring the obvious facts that I believe they may now be unable to reverse that conditioning even if they wanted to. The church can tell him/her there may be aliens, the government can release reports that UFO's exist, the President can hint at needing a 'Star Wars' protection, photos of faces and mermaids on Mars can be released via the media, movies and TV programmes can start to implant visuals of thesefacts and still Joe will not accept it !He/she has been numbed into immediate disbelief when confronted with any of this.

Maybe they are watching us to see how we react and to try to learn from us how best to release this information as they really do not know how to undo what they have done. Maybe they should just ask us for help rather than threatening, intimidating or victimisingus. Imagine having free access toimages that have not been tampered with, or even betterbeing able to use the technology to look at the targets we choose !I am sure that all of us working together could come up with some pretty inventive and non-threatening ways to start to release this information to the general public, to bring the rest of our class up to speed !

Wishful thinking nonoI know the reality is so far removed from this idealistic viewpoint that it makes me seem naive. I am not at all. I am always hopeful that I can be surprised by the very people that are trying to keep me repressed. The ones that are manipulating and controlling the images and information being releasedand hiding the truth from all of us.

Wow, long post. Didn't mean to blab- I just have a lot to say, but there is time enough for that later biggrin



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furiousi would feel the same of u

maybe ther is a God , a sort ofcreation force, but OUR terrestrial gods are rapresentation of ancient visitors went in the past

in the future the contact with extraterr. species is very near
so near that also military establishments abandoned the cover up publishing vast amounts of ex-classified files about UFO's phenomen

this means to admit in public UFO's are real, so that we aren't alone

what we can espect ; we are going on mars, we have the "sonda Cassini" looking to Saturn, taking images of strange object spying our progress, as in the Apollo's missions
soon we will move from the earth
and then we will enter in contact with other races, we will not able to avoid it

the UFO's disclosure it's propedeutic to give psicolgical preparation for what si near to come
soon anyone will be able to say : "ufo don't exist"

how do they feel now that UFO's are officially existing as confirmed by UK and USA govern.s ? badly...and the future will be worst day by day....aahhahaaaa

also the Curch is preparing ; u know the Vatican spent a lot of money to build a sofisticated and modern observatory somwhere ( it seems to me australia )
ask urself why....



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One of my brother's once said "I need a reality check" when I tried to talk to him about government cover ups and alien visitors, his comments made me step back and take stock of the evidence I had at hand (that was over 20 years ago).

Over the past 20 years our knowledge of the universe has expanded 1000 fold, so much so that some data will take decades to sift through, some theories have been proved while others have crumbled into ridicule, and yet some have been resurrected because of the new data received.

We are discovering evidence of life on earth where we thought was impossible because of the conditions it was found (In the deepest depths of the oceans, volcanic vents, deep underground), we have found life that needs no oxygen or sunlight to survive, life that can feed off minerals or gasses, and life that is immune to radiation, even now we have only discovered a fraction of the life that may be on earth.

Imagine a similar diversity of life exists in outer space feeding on dust and gasses or on the minerals of asteroids or comets or for that matter other planets, as our perception of life changes so do the possibilities for life elsewhere, the problem we have is seeing a life form for what it is, for instance it might be bacterial and look like a sediment band in a rock formation, it may look like a small rock or insect like which could take an hour, months or years to move several inches, or it may move so fast we can't see it at all.

What would be our reaction be if it was announced that space was teeming with life forms, how would our world change knowing that our Gods where in fact life forms from outer space or from other dimensions that have interfered with our existence, how would we react if we found out our leaders and scientist that control our everyday lives suddenly told us they have been deceiving us all along and that life is universal.......My reaction would be I have known the the truth for the past 20 years.


"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"

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