Hi Macten, the anomaly is about a third of the way down the image. You need to move the image once left to the horizontal and then reverse it to see what I am showing. If you move it to the horizontal, the dam with the sphere will be on the right, it needs to be flipped so it is on the left.
R0200927 no longer shows the right side of the pic which includes the anomolies. If you have the original pic you downloaded, could you post it or make a link to it?
First image with anomalies ringed. Starting top left with dam and what appears to be a metallic sphere/machine, pump and pipes, ruins and tower, and machine against wall/cliff. I have coloured them to try to make it clearer.
Closer view of dam, sphere, pump and pipes
Closer view of machine against cliff
The original image is good quality so you can see these anomalies a lot more clearly if you have a look at it.