here is a link where you can find the lossless img files.
You must click in the menu on the desired "mer-pancam-edr-sci" row and after three further clicks you can load down the appropriate pds files from the selected sol.
To display and process the pds files you can use the NASAVIEW program or the ImageJ freeware with pds-reader plugin. Have a good luck!
I hope I do not take offense very easily, and I certainly dont mind if people challenge my ideas. That is why we are here to discuss and to learn. I was merely trying to encourage you to post some pictures which you thought showed the "feature" in a better way or showed that it was not a 'feature' at all.
1)Do you have access to rover files which are lossless - apart from the .img ones in the pds?
2)Yes it can always be said to be compression artifacts and it would be nice to have better photographs too.
It is my opinion that although based loosely on actual details, these are probably made more apparent through compression artifacts. I am by no means an expert on the subject, though. I would love to see better photos.
3)Maybe you post the same area from the .img file to show the point of your post.
I don't want to be known as avoiding questions. I will not post the .img file. I was just trying to voice my thoughts. I felt that they may be the result of compression. I never said I had a better alternative. I only suggested formats. Sorry if I came off as a bit rude before.
What if Pinnochio says that his nose will grow longer?
Do you have access to rover files which are lossless - apart from the .img ones in the pds? Many people do not have software which can process .img files into smaller png format. Yes it can always be said to be compression artifacts and it would be nice to have better photographs too. Maybe you post the same area from the .img file to show the point of your post. With a link to the .img file too please.
Hmm... image artifacts strike again! But really, for detail spotting like this without manipulation, I prefer to use .png, .bmp, or .gif files. They seem to work better with details. Strange things happen when you try to mess with a .jpg. Don't try it.
What if Pinnochio says that his nose will grow longer?
It doesn't matter at all, but like many other posts on this forum, it is just an opinion. As if we are saying "Hey, I think this looks like a ... What do you think?" Generally if people cannot see what we are pointing out, they will not post and the thread will die or if they can see other things in the same picture, they will comment on what they see.
I think some browsers appear to render the photographs better than others. I use linux Firefox and Windows IE, Safari, and Firefox and the photos are not the same and not as good as in the paid-for photo editing software. It may be better to examine the original picture. For me, it becomes a bit bloctchy when viewed in browser, probably because it is enlarged so much. Maybe this is the real state and the photo software performs tricks(like smoothing for example) to make the picture look better. I will have to check my settings in there to see what I have got it set to..
First the link to the photograph which is a half-frame photo so is small. Sol 594 Opportunity - 1P180920914ESF6200P2593L3M1.JPG
Next the context picture with the area in question marked by a box I have lightened up the shadowed area within the box and was just curiously looking in there and...
If you cannot see them, I will ring them for you.
This may be pushing the boundaries a little, but according to my software this is 500x so they must be small. The face in the red circle is looking towards lower-right. The face in the yellow circle is looking towards the right possibly balding with white hair and right ear showing. Can anyone see them?