Yes, a color photo is much bigger...but i f'n what.....Doesn't it defeat the whole purpose of going to another planet and trying to discover things...its like wrestling with one arm behind your back...sense less....
We've got all the time in the I don't really think bandwith is an issue...and far from a no brainer in my eyes.
In should be a no brainer to have color images....of course..IMHO
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
It is probably about bandwidth and transmission times. A colour photo is so much bigger than a black and white one and so it will take that much longer to transmit. If you can get more information with less file size, then then it is a no-brainer.
This thread reminds me of a letter I wrote to NASA a few years ago... I told them that my little $100.00 Ricoh camera I got on a TV shopping network would do a far superior job than the cameras they sent on the Rovers... I graciously even offered to donate my camera to them for furture Mars missions!... needless to say I never got a reply back!
Thanks for the clarifying definition of tampering, medeling, ect
I know its alittle of topic OP but.... I can not stand how the general public does not notice that we have not changed much in resolutin in the past 20 years!!!!!
I can people be so dumb to not question why there billions upon billions of dollars gets them F'n Black and white photo's......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, granted there are some higher res images out there....but lets not fool ourselves poeple...
goggog pointed out the specs on these rover cameras last night for me....So...these rovers can take images and capture wavelengths that go far beyond the human eyes capablility....which is f'n great....BUT....It can't take a plain and simple color photo graph?....!!!!.....O "they" can give you a color image, but it is a process of filtering RBG to give you a widly arguable actual color image...
How convieniante they have these camera's....
I am so sick of this ****.....fighting over the scraps that they throw at us....and there not even legitiament scraps..
P.S. sorry bout the spelling
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
Any change to any image that alters the perception of primary subject in ANY WAY constitutes tampering. High-pass filter description:Quoted from Adobe Photoshop, this shows why such filtration was scientifically inappropriate and is rarely used on planetary images. Unfortunately this process is widely used,resulting in flat, featureless image properties, landscapes, detail etc, that convinces the viewer the subject is a perfectly natural featureless picture. However, it violated the first rule for planetary image processing by making the object look less like what the human eye would see if there. When considering why this happens, we are left with an unhappy choice between dishonesty and incompetence. Lifting this haze will give better detail and quell the constant problems of misinterpretation. If we dont come to terms with this process we will contnue to stumble around in the fog tripping over strange looking formations. The by-product of these unfortunate processes is arguement, over inflated egos, commercial exploitation of the truth and so on.
I wont inflict or patronize you guys with all definitions and uses but if you need to read more Click HERE
Pirate youre right: These kind of things make me mad because I got a 12 mega pixel sony that would take 10 times better pictures than these.....100 million bucks for these....Arrrrhhhhhhhhhhh
Of course the true Hi res, all singing all dancing images are just not available for public consumption.
Ive made a point of posting rarely on this forum for reasons that will be best left unsaid. Only when I feel it prudant will I step in.
I just don't have the trained eyes like you guys do....
You know....when I look at these rocks, it kinda reminds me of looking at clouds in the fact that I think it looks like one thing one minute...then...a couple minutes later it looks like it could be something else.
These kind of things make me mad because I got a 12 mega pixel sony that would take 10 times better pictures than these.....100 million bucks for these....Arrrrhhhhhhhhhhh
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
....and the stuff on the top of the rock? I do not think this is tampering, but i have suspicions as to what it may be. But, I'll leave that to others to say what they think.
It seems to me that the closer the camera is to a 'swirling dust cloud' the easier it should be to see through it (to the ground) beyond. The 'haze' underneath the rover camera should at least be able to see some ground through the dust, and it is strange that it is SO localised in those one areas around the rock(s).
I have a hard time seeing a lot of the things you guys do....
On the rock to the left (the larger on of the two), there are two round things, one at each end of the rock (yellow arrows) which have a bit of a shiny surface, but of course these might be 'blueberries'. I am sure you can see those
There is one of those 'geological' donuts pointed out by the green arrow too.
First let me say that when spotting a fake or phony image(usually ufo's or whatever) here on earth, the images are usually in color. When the image is in color and tampering has been applied; it makes spotting them a lot easier because it is much harder to "blend" so to speak. I am not a professional by any means, but I can spot most fakes after running through a few filters.
Having said that, black and white images are a lot harder to spot "tampering" as there is less color scale to compare to the rest of the image.
Well....I have looked at this image under a number of different filters and I am unsure of this "mist". But, I have noticed the "mist" next to other rocks as well....
At first glance, I would say the wind might be blowing which would leave a type of blur like that. I am NO professional by any means, just throwing a gues out there.
And under a couple other composites.....
I really didn't notice any unusual compression effects around the area....and it seems to blend well with the rest of the image when going from one extream to another. Also, with the newer technology, it gets harder and harder everyday to spot "fakes" or "tampering" and it is a hell of a lot harder than those old Clementine images when it comes to tampering now days.
I will say this qmantoo, it has raised an eyebrow....but thats about it. I have a hard time seeing a lot of the things you guys do in most of these images, as it takes a well trained eye to spot a lot of these anomolies.
I would also like to say that I am realist first, believer second. And I like to try to cover all angles before I go and make assumptions, as the skeptics will tear you apart if you don't.
So, to recap, I really don't know on this one.....??????????
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
I thought you may be interested in this 'square rock' as it has an interesting extra raised piece on the top which has some really regular patterns to it if you examine it carefully and change the brightness/contrast etc.
I also thought Software Pyrate might be interested in the "martian mist" on the left hand side of this rock which seems to be locallised in a small area.