my sensation is that the "head hores" is not attached but simply behind another cylindric like object, what you called "weapon"
i think the weapon is very very strange, those 3 lines clearly visible to its right end and its general shape it's at least bizarre if natural, that i'd exclude : in my opinion it's an artificial object
the head horse could simply be a rock with indeed a strange shape, that seems like carved, maybe many centuries ago a metallic object turned into stone, or maybe just a strange rock.
I have thought for some time that of all the destruction we see some of it was caused by war. The first pic is not far from the "temple mount" what I call the horse head. There appears to be some type of gismo that looks like a weapon attached to its right side. It has what seem to be lateral vents close to the end of it. The only example of vents I know of like this are for cooling or recoil suppression. There is another pic of this thing but it has been partially obscured which is why I think it is important.
From Spirt sol 511
-- Edited by Macten on Friday 15th of February 2013 03:51:36 AM
Really good animation TW ! It's a RAT but perhaps now that it's cleared some of the surface layer off we can examine what lies beneath ? If the RAT brushed and then ground/drilled it's interesting to see the texture underneath the flatter , smoother surface layer.
And from a Curiosity image posted by Timewarp in this thread, we get this in the rectangle on the left hand edge a little lower than half way down the image.
Clearly a black weapon emerging from the rock on the far left of the rectangle, pointing to the right..
i thought it may ve been a weapon but i thought it was a panoramic from space. so in my idea the object firing the white shape was a big structure like e semovent turret or a veichle.
now that i know it's just a rover's image and not a panoramic i'm sure it cannot be a weapon. but what the hell could be ?
it is a little object with a shape that doesnt seem to be natural, with a shining area.
we have yet found stuff like this ( metallic balls, and other objects clearly metallic and with aritificial shape like in "anomalies from gogog" examples ), i belive thay can be mini-droids ( maybe used as spies to monitorize our activities ) or something of similar.
Warning.. Graphic reaction! No words can express my reaction but this animated Gif somes up my feelings wonderfully!
less tha 3 seconds on google and this would have been avoided. Is there an aversion to simply searching? A weapon? Tip of the iceberg when it comes to disturbingly odd conclusions. Theres lots more here but this takes the biscuit!
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Tuesday 12th of February 2013 02:08:16 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
i thought it may ve been a weapon but i thought it was a panoramic from space. so in my idea the object firing the white shape was a big structure like e semovent turret or a veichle.
now that i know it's just a rover's image and not a panoramic i'm sure it cannot be a weapon. but what the hell could be ?
it is a little object with a shape that doesnt seem to be natural, with a shining area. we have yet found stuff like this ( metallic balls, and other objects clearly metallic and with aritificial shape like in "anomalies from gogog" examples ), i belive thay can be mini-droids ( maybe used as spies to monitorize our activities ) or something of similar.
I dont know what the white shape is, but it is unlikely that the Rover photographed the laser at the exact moment it was fired, so your guess is as good as mine - except that mine probably would not include a weapon in this case - but I could be wrong and you may be right.
Possibly, your picture link is a picture of a giant turtle head and not the rock Adirondack at all.
But, let me ask you this - If it IS a weapon, how did it get there and why was in not there before and showing in the other pictures. Picture of the day
what do u mean exactly for RAT ? The RAT is the Rock Abrasion Tool on the end of the rovers arm. The drill can drill only about half a centimetre into the rock I believe.
The links you gave were to the rock known as 'adirondack' and were to a picture of that rock after it had been drilled and cleaned by the RAT on the rover.
For us to accept this is a weapon, we also have to accept that these pictures are being taken not from the rover, but from space, and that this is not really a rock at all but a picture of scenery and landscape on the surface of Mars. Is that correct?
my feeling is that this object By caforio at 2010-09-04 could be some kind of land-veichle ( notice the track on the ground ) that for some reasons has been abandoned. the shining flame could be a weapon that is left active for some reasons
in alternative, i think taht the machinery could be working around the damaged disc/dome structure to scrap it ( to recover the materials ) or maybe to repair it. in this case clearly, we'd be in presence of an activity currently ongoing on mars, that's quite scaring.
So, you think that NASA saw this 'weapon' and then drilled into the rock next to it with the RAT? Is this how your thinking goes?
Seeing this in context, I do not think it is a weapon.
There are probably other pictures of the rock (since it is a fairly well-known one) before the RAT touched it, and so we can see if this is a weapon or not and what the area looked like before the drilling started. As with most of fruitnuts pictures and processing, I cannot see many of the things he sees.
I think the area that has been drilled looks interesting because this was below the surface of the rock.
Could we have links to the originals of these please?
In general, whenever we post pictures, we need to give the original links because it means that visitors can see the evidence for themselves straight from a NASA site.
I suspect one of these shows a dome really quite clearly and I would like to examine it in more detail.
intresting G. it's clear that between all those debris we found there must be weapons or at least parts of war-machines.
also, i'm waiting from a couple of years the relase of "Warfare Evidences" from Skipper : i think that probably those evidences are potentially the stonger of ever, because a cannon is a cannon, there isn't much space for interpretation.
here for example ( spotted by fruitnuit ), there is something like a big machinery that seems to work around a disc partially destroyed. there is like a shining flame coming out from that thing, i think it could be some kind of weapon.
a big disc-parabola and some mechanical junctions are quite evident. By caforio at 2009-06-27
i really hope that Skipper will publish soon the warfare evidences. the reasons of this retard are a mistery for me, but i suspect that he found things so strong that to publish them could be a big problem...i mean for his phisical incolumity...
There are a couple of items in this picture that I feel maybe weapons of some kind. Original photo
The first is in the shadow at the bottom left of the photo and appears to be something we have seen before in other pictures (Link here to the thread). It is long and thin pointy thing mounted on a rock-looking vehicle but in the past, it has been pointing up at 45 degrees, which maybe in a driving position. Here it is straight ahead parallel to the ground like a battering ram or a drill and I think maybe used to kind-of puncture the rovers wheel (if it was inflated rubber, but I dont think it is).
The second is straight ahead of the rover and maybe a weapon like a gun barrel type-of-thing but is not sticking out of the 'rock'. I have pointed these out before (see this thread) where they are more obviously a weapon like a gun. It could be a camera or totally some other kind of device. It is definitely NOT a normal part of a rock though.
-- Edited by qmantoo on Monday 13th of September 2010 03:17:16 PM
-- Edited by qmantoo on Monday 13th of September 2010 03:24:14 PM