I have no doubt that in reality the future will be vastly more surprising than anything I can imagine. Now my own suspicion is that the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose. Possible Worlds and Other Papers (1927), p. 286
In helping one decide whether Cruithne is an Earths’s moon or not, as most nickpicking binary thinking PHD wiseacres keep on ranting, I found an interesting article from which I extracted the following paragraph.
The Earth's Moons
Everybody knows that the Earth has a moon: Luna* is roughly a quarter of the size of our planet and is second only to the Sun in celestial brightness. In fact, it is so big relative to our planet's size that it almost qualifies in some scientists' books as a double planet. Luna orbits 384,400 km from Earth, has a diameter of 3476 km, and masses 7.3522 kg. The Moon was also called Selene and Artemis by the ancient Greeks.
However, fewer people know that an asteroid discovered in 1986 is locked in a complex but stable orbit around Earth, making it technically a second moon. The asteroid was named Cruithne (pronounced croo-EEN-ya) and has a a 1::1 resonance with Earth. It takes a year to go around the sun. It is co-orbital with the Earth (meaning it shares the Earth's orbit), but more importantly, it co-rotates with the Earth. This gives it what is known as a "horseshoe" orbit; as the Earth moves, the satellite travels around the Earth, then turns and travels back as if it were following the edges of a gigantic circular horseshoe hovering around the planet. Previous to Cruithne's discovery, such orbits were only theoretical. Cruithne was named after the first Celtic tribe to populate the British Isles -- this tribe is more commonly known as the Picts.
Thanks gogog. In searching I came Across this video in BBC worldwide, they ask how many moons does the earth have? And of course the contestants don’t have the slightest idea … Also I learned the right pronunciation is Kroenia rather than Cruithne. lol
Everywhere this text only is quoted here: " It not absolutely truth, but is very close. In 1896 Duncan Waldron has found out an asteroid in diameter of 5 km addressing round the Sun with frequency, equal frequency of the reference of the Earth. Because of it it turned out that this heavenly body constantly moved near to the Earth. The asteroid has been named Cruithne (Кринуэ) in honor of an ancient Scottish nationality. Because of its continuous communication with the Earth it has been named by the second companion of the Earth. To see this companion it is possible only in strong enough telescope. After that it has been opened 3 more similar heavenly bodies connected with the Earth. In drawing above the trajectory of one companion is designated by dark blue color, the Earth — yellow."
I have been trying to find where the space flea photograph of Cruithne came from, with no positive results.
However I could find a Russian article in which again the space flea Cruithne photograph is displayed in reference to Cruithne. So that amounts to three sources already which display this pic as the Earth's companion representatation so far.
Goggog, could you tell us what this guy is saying and if possible find where he got the pic from?
Чтобы найти внутри себя этот отлетевший кусок, надо вооружиться хорошо настроенным Тескуано, позволяющим различать реальность за недействительностью.
А вот наш внешний маленький "спутник", "второй отлетевший кусок нашей планеты", в результате одной из "тренсапальных-пертурбаций", похоже, действительно уже найден.
Это большой астероид диаметром 5 километров (камешек, весом 130 миллиардов тонн), впервые обнаруженный лет 20 назад и названный Cruithne (Кринуэ). Весьма эксцентричный и очень удалённый объект, причём, скорее "младший брат" Земли, чем её спутник. Как и Земля, Кринуэ вращается вокруг Солнца. Причём, период его обращения вокруг Солнца (~364 дней) находится практически в точном резонансе (1:1) с Землёй. Но кроме обращения вокруг Солнца, Кринуэ умудряется ещё и вращаться вокруг Земли, как её квазиспутник (его орбита вращается вокруг Земли по траектории, напоминающей подкову - наверное, на счастье :)
The summary from the publisher G.I.Gurdzhiev - the legendary guru of numerous European and American intellectuals, whose name on force of influence on contemporaries ranks with Krishnamurti and Radzhnishem. Its book ` to the grandson ` is called by Rasskazy Velzevula ruthlessly, without any compromises to destroy вкоренившиеся belief and sights of the person at all existing in the world that then, on the basis of the thoughts stated by the author in books ` of the Meeting with remarkable people ` and ` Life is fine when ` I am `, to recreate true, instead of illusory perception of the validity. It is break in a new century, a passionate appeal to see at last true essence and improbable possibilities of the person, capable to create only one strength of mind. For laymen.
Just to correct my wrong appreciation as to why they say we will never see the celestial body, in the ESA article below, it's because in its nearest approach is estimated to be 50 times the distance from Earth to the Moon, and Cruithne is estimated to be only a few miles across, not because it cannot be seen with a telescope.
I have been trying to find where the space flea photograph of Cruithne came from, with no positive results.
However I could find a Russian article in which again the space flea Cruithne photograph is displayed in reference to Cruithne. So that amounts to three sources already which display this pic as the Earth's companion representatation so far.
Goggog, could you tell us what this guy is saying and if possible find where he got the pic from?
Чтобы найти внутри себя этот отлетевший кусок, надо вооружиться хорошо настроенным Тескуано, позволяющим различать реальность за недействительностью.
А вот наш внешний маленький "спутник", "второй отлетевший кусок нашей планеты", в результате одной из "тренсапальных-пертурбаций", похоже, действительно уже найден.
Это большой астероид диаметром 5 километров (камешек, весом 130 миллиардов тонн), впервые обнаруженный лет 20 назад и названный Cruithne (Кринуэ). Весьма эксцентричный и очень удалённый объект, причём, скорее "младший брат" Земли, чем её спутник. Как и Земля, Кринуэ вращается вокруг Солнца. Причём, период его обращения вокруг Солнца (~364 дней) находится практически в точном резонансе (1:1) с Землёй. Но кроме обращения вокруг Солнца, Кринуэ умудряется ещё и вращаться вокруг Земли, как её квазиспутник (его орбита вращается вокруг Земли по траектории, напоминающей подкову - наверное, на счастье :)
In this article published two day's after ESA proclaimed the discovery of the Earth's second Moon, the author, a guy by the name Robin Lloyd calls them "loonies"
Contrary to what most of people are saying about Cruithne, that it is not a satellite of earth, I found this interesting article by ESA, published 26 Oct 1999, which states
We will never see it (why? because they decided so?) but the Earth has at least one other natural satellite. In discovering several new types of orbital motion, a team of British scientists has shown that the gravitational forces of our planet and of the Sun allow our planet to capture passing asteroids. One of them is named 'Cruithne', and can be considered - at least for the next 5000 years - as 'Earth's second Moon'.
So officially we will not ever be able to see it, but also ESA proclaims it's a satellite of earth ,contrary to what now all scientists are telling us.
I find this interesting in regards to the Truth's protective layer, a famous astrounaut spoke about, in a conference.
While researching on any mention of Cruithne on the MSM, I found this forum in which, though the object was discovered in the 80’s, it was recorded that they announced it simultaneously in at least three MSM outlets in 2000 (only in England).
The daily telegraph at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/et?ac=001106188640208&rtmo=kLNLLkep&atmo=rrrrrrrq&pg=/et/00/1/25/nmoon25.html
Queen Mary and Westfield College at http://www.admin.qmw.ac.uk/presspubs/bulletin1/features2.shtml
ESA Science pages at http://sci.esa.int/newsitem.cfm?TypeID=1&ContentID=7331&Storytype=5
Apparently it was heralded as “Earth has a new moon: Cruithne“.
Qman, the pic I posted below probably was taken by hubble.
The details you can see are awesome. At this height of the road you should already suspect Hubble and Mount Palomar are able to read the date of a coin on the Moon's surface.
You should be suspecting also at this height of the road asteroids are not the fried potato bags they show us in the now commonly used CGI approaches of virtual flyby missions.
If you for some reason doubt the authenticity of the image I was able to find a link to one with lower res, smoothing the hieroglyphs and receptacles on the space flea.
Here http://www.starbase1.co.uk/galleries/CGI%20Images/Space/Planets/thumbs/cruithne.jpg
Yes, thats interesting. It appears to be in a similar orbit to the earth but in a different plane. From Wikipedia, It currently takes 364 days to orbit the sun and does not orbit the earth but orbits the sun like we do. Wonder why we have not got any Hubble images of it?
There is an asteroid few are aware of that rotates in what they call a horshoe path around the eaths's orbit and acts as a guarding centry of our home planet (there are a couple more but let's start with this one for which a close up photograph was able to be produced)
Furthermore the photograph that shows a close up of this "asteroid" reveals an artificial structure rather than a potato shaped rock formed by haphazard evolution of a mass of aleatory elements that came together as a result of the evolution of our mysterious solar system.
Its’ called 3753 Cruithne .
And below is the only close up available of this mysterious object