That is really baffling, although all my instincts say it is a processing glitch, i don't understand why the event cannot be seen on the suns surface.... Unless there was another data steam being sent along the same signal that crossed over showing another an earlier event or the far side of the sun, it is also interesting that a huge flare erupted so soon after the anomaly.
Xenon, Video I made personally from contemporary records and data processing I didn't make. According to the specified link you can check. On video there are all data. Usually glitches are shown only on one light filter of the camera. This event is reflected in all four light filters. It is a pity certainly it isn't recorded the main event - emission of substance or flash. I think from that that shooting between events was conducted for a wide interval of time.
Видео составил лично с архивных данных и обработку данных не производил. По указанной ссылке можете сами проверить. На видео есть все данные . Обычно глюки проявляются только на одном светофильтре камеры. Данное событие отражается на всех четырёх светофильтрах. Жаль конечно не зафиксирована главное событие - выброс вещества или вспышка . Думаю от того что съемка между событиями велась за большой промежуток времени.
That is really baffling, although all my instincts say it is a processing glitch, i don't understand why the event cannot be seen on the suns surface.... Unless there was another data steam being sent along the same signal that crossed over showing another an earlier event or the far side of the sun, it is also interesting that a huge flare erupted so soon after the anomaly.
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
July-August 2012г Here it is visible that the object starts to leave upward
August-September 2012г. Noticed, speed is reduced-means leaves from us. Actually simply passes to other quarter of a circle if to assume that the object circles
September-October 2012г Movement is directed as though up and at the end starts to be displaced to the right side. Allegedly transition moment half of one quarter. With confidence I can tell that after a while obvious movement to the right will be
Here for reflections. Data for the last 28 days. Besides on the second video appreciable movement of a point. It is the same object that on the first video and for the same time interval. Such impression that all three objects as single whole
Translation from Russian : << In the photos received by space vehicle SOHO, it is possible to see the strange spherical objects which are near to the Sun. In the majority, pictures have been made by means of ultra-violet telescope EIT (Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope). According to the version of NASA which has followed directly behind the publication of a photo, sphere represent consequences of compression of the image or any other defect.