How can it be rude? It is merely asking for some kind of proper response. It is rather like you saying something and you getting a grunt in reply. It means nothing and that IS rude.
Twitter, as the name suggests is primarily used for short comments. By definition you cannot write a long opinion on something since you only have a limited number of characters. Here we try and encourage some kind of discussion otherwise we would end up with threads full of one-liners which are of no interest to anyone - probably including you.
No-one is forced to post comments and people are welcome to read the threads on the forum without being members. In that respect, it is not a closed forum.
If members are extremely educated, then they will know how to express themselves properly and will also think one-liners are a waste of space.
This topic is not meant for this to be taken personally. I am just placing a gentle reminder that we all need to remember that one-liners do not contribute anything of value to the discussion. Wow, cool, etc do not show appreciation here, they show that not much thought has gone into the reply.
Hmmm, this is kind of rude in my opinion. They dont technically have to type anything. To me it sounds as if you feel unappreciated or something along those lines. I think this site should be happy it still has members. The member it does have are extremely educated and know what their talking about. If someone says "Wow" or "Cool" and thats it. Then that just means they thought it was interesting or cool. Just because they dont post their own experiences or knowledge of the subject doesnt mean they should leave the site and go to twitter. You made it sound like twitter is for uneducated stupid people, when that is not the case at all. Twitter has many other functions other than watching kim kardashian taking a crap. I found your post to be somewhat rude. Please keep in mind that there isnt any download links or hidden links that force you to comment first to get what you want. They dont have to say anything at all, they usually drop one liners to give some sort of appreciation. But I am sure you will beg for one liners once everyone leaves this heavily policed website and go elsewhere. PEACE!
i know what you are saying and i am probably am guilty of it too.
more than anyone, to tell the truth.
but somethings cannot be critique'd in length.
a lot is just,
"wow", "interesting" or "i don't know what that is".
i think these are better than a non response,
posting crap is worse and i can stomp as good as anyone. i refrain from doing that, since there is a fine line and i won't or have that judgement to make.
When I open a thread to read it, I really expect more than a one-liner comment. I am sure visitors to the forum do too.
If you have nothing to say which contributes to the discussion, then please do not post it here. Go to Twitter and post it there. Twitter is perfect for that, 140 characters and the place is full of absolute rubbish.
Most of us are relatively well educated these days and if not formally educated, at least have some interesting life experiences which they can draw on to make some contribution to the thread.
I know what I have just said will not be popular, but please think before posting amd make your efforts add to the discussion and raise valid points of interest that others can comment apon.