It should be pretty clear that the picture is taken from the air. I have often noted this before. On related image we see a reflection of a face. This is a reflection on the glass cover, which the image is captured through.
Progress is based on theories that are in turn based on experience. So let's not confuse the theories, as long as they are build on following pictures, are they fully justified.
Nothing wrong with theories and conjecture as long as everyone knows it is such. Opions are welcomed on forums like this as it is not a place where scientific types with doctorates and PhD degrees come to discuss the latest developments.
We are all speculating on the "evidence" we see in the data controlled and supplied by NASA. I agree, there is nothing certain due to the fact that we have no independent observers or witnesses to what we are being fed and what we see is, as you say, what we get.
However, we can still ask for opinions and give our opinions - just like these pictures are our interpretation of the facts as we see them. So what I was asking for is opinons as to who or what may have made these things you guys are presenting as evidence for alien intelligence.
So far we have not found any evidence on Mars of anything with human arms or legs or (in my opinion) anything likely to create these artistic sculptures, so it is a reasonable question to ask those presenting this evidence how they think it appeared there.
We have found evidence of animal-looking and reptile-looking beings and as far as I am aware, none have the kind of joint movements making them capable of sculpting the shapes you all are showing in thei thread.
Yes, I am skeptical of it because, as I said, I cannot reconcile all the human-like art which is 'appearing' in some of the evidence presented on this forum. If it turns out that there is a colony of humans on Mars, then of course, my viewpoint will change as this makes it possible and probable that humans would create images of well-known animals and faces on the landscape.
We cannot have what we think are items of art, without a theory as to who or what created them.
So, how did they get there?
Hello, qmantoo! I am going to have to respctively disagree with you on that statement, if I understand it right. Even here on Earth we have much that denies credible explanation, inspite of much much theorizing about "who or what created them". And here, at least the "evidence" is what it is, and is without "intentional tampering".
For the most part, what we have to work with relative to things such as Mars art/anomalies, is what has been missed in the photo cover-ups. So, it then is hard to have even a "complete basis" for findings in general.
Yes, we can, and sometimes do, theorize and make conjecture relative to findings, but for sure that is all it can be anyway. At least as far as we know, there have been no Earthling boots on the Martian surface, so, with nothing more than photo data, that pretty much has to be it. We can talk all day long about what we see in the photos, and about what the anomalies prove or disapprove, but, the who's, how's, and where's presently can have no real basis in our discussions ---unfortunately!
Your statement will just have to remain a big hope for all of us someday!!!
rdunk, as you know, I have lots of things up on my website (and plenty more on my hard drive) that are nowhere near as good as your horse, all of which I am considering as possibly artificially altered or intentionally arranged. Some are single rocks, some appear to be compositions of multiple rocks. Some combinations that look like art compositions to me stretch from the rover camera to the horizon. Some stretch over large areas of the ground as viewed from satellite cameras.
Take whatever I say with a grain of salt. I am just to trying to get a better handle of what I am seeing, and staying open to all possibilities. There are far too few of us considering the artificiality hypothesis for any of this. The more of us there are, and the better we get at this, and the more we question things, the stronger our community will be, and the closer we will be to the truth. If something I say helps or makes any sense, then great, if not, then carry on.
Who was that guy who many years ago told people that the Statue of Liberty disappeared and thousands saw it disappear. Some magician or illusionist, cannot remember his name now. There are many ways to divert the attention and he was obviously very convincing to have fooled that number of people.
Maybe when Curiosity gets to Mars, we get to see the real horses and other things that these are used as a basis for these sculptures. I hope so but somehow I doubt it.
No-one has yet explained satisfactorily to me how we see Earth animals and Human faces in the rocks on Mars. I have seen no evidence of humans living there or any other Earth-like creature. Even the cat-like thing I found was not really like we have here.
One point you all might like to consider is that animals do not sit like that, they sit with their forelegs underneath them.
Anyway, I bet the PTB are laughing their little heads off at this thread as it seems to have captured our imagination. Winston has many names and faces.
How many D's are there Divert, Distract, Divide, Destroy... etc maybe someone can remind me?
Yes there are different. Here is an example where seem a changes of stones that looks like a chicken's head and a hand (it looks strange, but funny). I hope these differences are caused only by changes in camera position :
Unfortunately most of the objects in the background can be considered that it is a fancy, because they are usually vague. In the examplewith the horse, we can assumethatthis isnot a horseat all and on the left side of this image can be seen a "eagle sculpture"(whenpoorimage qualitymay seemanything):
Marsrocks, you are trying awfully hard to "gently debunk" the Martian Horse, by talking about possible different perspectives, and such like. Well, if you can find any "actual" different photo perspectives of this horse object, I sure would like to see them. But, in all of my looking, I have only found this one perspective. And, I just can't accept possibly contrived perspectives.
One big difference in an actual object, and and a jumble of rocks that just may look like an object, is in a comparison of the "fine" detail. A real object will show the fine detail, and the jumble of rocks will not.
In this case, just look at the horse statue's head and face. Everything is just in its right place - the eye, the nose, the mouth, the ear, the mane, the shaped head and jaw - the detail is all there and plain to see. Then there are the two "shaped" front legs that are easily visible - and etc.
In my opinion, the only thing another "real" different pic angle would do, would be to even make the horse even more clear. This horse statue may be made of pieces of stone, but, if so, they were put together, by intsention, to form a horse.
thanks, rdunk, for thepicture... Idid not findthembefore.
I just see the changes that were caused by change in viewing angle. Color image is most detailed and all your objects, that was marked, becomes more visible. Now, I can see in detail the sculpted relief mural(marked by red arrow) and many other artefacts.
P.S.: there are so many different artifacts, that makes me doubt, that they are photographed on Mars (For example, why not in Libya or Iraq, Iran)
Polluks, you have it just right. The anomalies are there, and are fairly easy to see. We know what the "skull" is, but we don't know what the "sculpted relief" is, yet we can see that it is a fancy "intelligent designed" item. And then the horse statue object - that gives everyone problems because there is "no known reason" for such a thing to be on Mars. And thus, it gets debunked from "every way but Sunday", to try and "kill it".
You mention "so many different artifacts" - the fact is, this whole Concepcion Crater area is replete with artifacts/anomalies, that are visible actual objects in the photographs. Some of them seem to scream out "civilization and inteligent design". Rover Opportunity spent several Sol days photographing this entire area. If one makes a long and detailed review of the photos of this area, you will find many such artifacts that still remain visible, at least in some of the pics.
I will post links to a couple of good mosaic's of some of the Concepcion' Crater photo days, that allow pretty good and close inspection of what is there.
Just a note- there is also some suspicious differences in these two photos, and one of the differences just happens to be in an area of another of my posts. Oh well !!!
This horse statue actually brings up a very intriguing subject that we need to discuss.
One thing we need to keep in mind is that what we often see in these images are objects that are separated by distance. The further away objects are from us in a still photo, the more we perceive them as single objects when they appear to overlap, rather than a collection of distinct and separate objects.
This is a photographic effect, that we don't encounter in real life, as we have two eyes to help us separate objects in the distance. In a still photo our two eyes don't give us two views as they would in real life - but a single view. Our two eyes allow us to perceive true dimensions in life - but still photos knock out that ability of our eyes - because we only see a single perspective from both eyes.
One thing we need to realize, as this comes up often, is that the horse we see is not a statue composed of a single rock - but the appearance of the horse emerges from this perspective as a result of our position relative to a number of rocks that combine to make up the appearance of the horse.
The horse is a great example for this, because it is very easy to see.
There is no horse statue in the traditional earth sense, though we can not rule out the rocks being placed here in this order to yield the perspective of a horse from this position. Art forms can certainly be different on other planets - and something like this could have been intentionally placed by a different-thinking intelligent creature with different ideas of making art.
As we move forward, our perspective would change, and the image of the horse would disappear, and the individual amorphously shaped rocks we encounter along the way would appear as a number of distinctly different rocks.
A smarter artist may be able to create different faces and animals, etc from the same rocks as our orientation relative to the set of rocks they use change. This would be an aspect of alien intelligence that is fascinating to consider. As evidence though, it will not be convincing to ordinary people on earth, as the art form itself is foreign.
So, just because this is not conventional art, does not mean it is not intentional. But we need to keep this in mind, as this is also why art forms we think we see, disappear as the rover changes position. Of course, as we all acknowledge, this could also be a random arrangement of rocks, and the natural tendency of our minds to make sense of what we see may be making the art first in our own brains. But we are here to consider the alternatives - but in doing so, let's keep in mind that "art" like this (whether it is randomly occurring art or intentionally formed art) is formed from a collection of rocks as seen from one perspective - and is not a conventional statue.
This is a collection of distinct rocks that appear to be a horse from our current position. If we approached these rocks from a different position, the horse would not appear to us. The lines are used to show where the rocks are separated - sometimes by a few inches, sometimes by a few feet. I have skewed these images to try and demonstrate my point of the art form being composed of separate rocks that look different as we get closer or change our orientation relative to them:
thanks, rdunk, for thepicture... Idid not findthembefore.
I just see the changes that were caused by change in viewing angle. Color image is most detailed and all your objects, that was marked, becomes more visible. Now, I can see in detail the sculpted relief mural(marked by red arrow) and many other artefacts.
P.S.: there are so many different artifacts, that makes me doubt, that they are photographed on Mars (For example, why not in Libya or Iraq, Iran)
Hey Polluks! One thing I believe is worth mentioning - there sure does seem to be considerable "photo tampering" going on with the Sol day 2172 Rover photos. I haven't really made a complete comparison between Sol days 2171 and 2172, but I do see significant differences.
There are three different anomalies that I personally have posted from the Sol day 2171 photos, and now I see all three of them have been changed so much that their "clear anomaly appearance", including some "intelligent design" is comletely "messed with". Those three anomalies would be the "skull", the fancy object" lying on a rock, and the "horse statue".
And that would be, just one Sol day difference in the photos, at a "meteor crater/ejecta site that has existed here supposedly more than 1,000 years, so one would expect them to be pretty much the same. especially on the "hard items".
When we look at NASA photos, we pretty much just have to accept there is no "truth" in them, except for what the programs and screeners missed. And, even when they are misses, there os nothing to stop them from still being "changed", with "reason".
If they can tamper with even one photo, then they can tamper with every photo!
FYI. I posted the "Martian Horse" here on Sept 30. You can go there to see the Sol 2171 screenshots. I hadn't gotton around to posting the skull and fancy object here, when my "attach files" quit working, so, I will post here a screenshot of those two anomalies from Sol 2171. Then look for these in Sol day 2172 photos ??????????????????????????
I decided to post a screenshot of the Sol 2171 Martian horse here too, just to make it easier for everyone.
-- Edited by Chandre on Wednesday 17th of October 2012 03:33:16 PM
...they really knew a lot about art : On this fragment - dragon's head and something in the foreground that looks like a small sculpture of a turtle, or a finger from another broken skulpture. Behind them something(golden possible)attached to the piece of some broken column:
Hi marsrocks, of course, I tried to make a left-right image. To do this, I need left and right images, but, unfortunately, I could only find the left-eye images.
By the way, in addition to Opportunity - Sol 2161, besides the decorative dragon's head, there are visible some elements that's looks like a details of fasteners: