After a point, there becomes no reason to continue to look at images presented by NASA if we think their tampering is moving towards major changes in image structure. A river bed change would mean this is going on. Up until now, I have believed that they only obscure (although some have put forward ideas that the whole landscape is created in gaming software). If they indeed make major structural changes or if the features are 'created' then we may as well all go home, because we are just wasting our time on their creations.
It would be a series of very sick minds at NASA who create the Mars landscape in software and it would be a series of very sad hopefuls who continue to try to find anomalies when they believe that the landscape is created for us to 'play' with. Please dont take offence at this as I fully acknowledge that just because I am still here on this forum, I am as sad and hopeful as the rest of you.
We all try to find out the truth but when we dont really know what illusions are being perpetrated on us, we just have to keep our minds sharp and our wits about us and look for 'truth' clues. Sorry if I seem cynical, but I have become so, which is why I could not continue to be as active as previously.
The point I would like us to agree on is that this represents a river/flowing water of some kind in the foreground - can we agree on that perhaps? If so then we have established a base line for this area and can go forward from there. I am sure that there is lots going on here and NASA is up to its old tricks again, but it is the unravelling of the details which make up the image we are being presented as 'fact' which is important.
Thank you Q.
I had a chance to use the pc, so put down my findings after l had good look at the image, I felt your thread was relevant because of nature of the tampering, and yes I do agree we are looking at a river bed that has had recent flowing water/ice and I do see the anomalies you pointed out, but in my mind the image has been tampered with and as such we have to question if the river bed has been changed too.
Macten you got the mound anomaly spot on, a little to the right of the mound shows you the other anomaly I mentioned
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
Xenon, Yes, of course I dont mind what anyone thinks. Obviously we all want our 'ideas' to be taken seriously and to be considered but if we have can be mistaken (as I have many times in the past on here) then it is better we have it pointed out before we spend too much time on investgating nothing but air.
The point I would like us to agree on is that this represents a river/flowing water of some kind in the foreground - can we agree on that perhaps? If so then we have established a base line for this area and can go forward frrom there. I am sure that there is lots going on here and NASA is up to its old tricks again, but it is the unravelling of the details which make up the image we are being presented as 'fact' which is important.
The newspapers are to blame for this whole sorry mess. If they had some dangly-things then they would ask far more questions and wait until they got some proper answers. Unfortunately, we now have a load of yes-men who just want to keep their jobs and their cosy positions rather than do any real journalism. Maybe we find some investagative journalists and get them to take up the chase...They like challenges dont they ?
Macten, there is so much that is hard to prove, for example, I ignor everything that is not relatively straightforward. It's like a science you do not put the theory without having something that supports it, something that others understand. Because I'm looking at your hypothesis,
I'm going to publish a theory for another item: that is track, track that appears to be old. when you look at the location and how the mountain side is cut here and there, so this idea fits well with previous findings regarding this area. Xenon was, talking about something that, could be an indication of a tunnel through the mountain?.. if I'm not wrong.
I completely agree with the logic vs emotion argument. I get wrapped up in this to the point that no one else can see what I see. I do believe that I might have found something else in this pic.
As in the case of Copernicus crater on the Moon, there appear to be numbers in an almost "cartouche like" outline on the side of the hill. 11025 stands out to me in the top red box. There might be a carving or two in this hill but I cant make them out clearly.
The visual instruments that we have been given or have been allowed to view through fogs of blurring and grids of image shifting, requires both second sight vision.. intuition and imagination along with left /brain critical analysis . Good thing we have individuals that contribute from both hemispheres. I learn alot!! THX
I hope you don't mind Q, but I looked a bit deeper into the image provided by your link, I believe the image has been tampered with, in this inverted view you can see the lower part of the hill has been airbrushed over, along the edit line with the upper part of the hill (which stretches right across the image) looks to be a structure with a cave above it (left of centre), to the left of this is an airbrushed mound that looks to be covering a structure , also notice the way the top and bottom of the image have more detail than the centre.
Q, I don't know what to make of your anomaly, to me it looks like a tidal mud bank we have on earth, but I am sure other members can dig a little deeper into this image, if I am wrong about what I see then I apologize, but I don't think I am this time
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
qmantoo, thank you that we have drawn up a comprehensive picture of the potential activities in the area. Here I show some images based on your research and mine, in the same area.
Overview photograp
harbor area
harbor area, close-up
Pipeline runs from the harbor area to the refineries.
I have rotated the image slightly to make more sense and I have darkened it and increased the contrast as well. I have taken a copy of the 2Km line marked on the original by NASA and moved the copy over to the harbour/dock so that we can see the scale.
The original rotated slightly showing marked harbour/dock area
Four different cuts of the harbour dock area trying to show the structures more clearly, I reckon the grey area at the top is the water (or where the water would be if this is a river scene). If you download this PIA yourself, there are possibly some structures around and within the harbour area which can be seen. Not distinct enough to show here.