Feel compelled to add two follow-up pics on this incredible wall system on mars. The Wall winds its way over the hills ( or ramparts) in slight curves, goes past more little settlements, and on to the horizon. - Morbius
One feature noted in a previous Post " for gemantoo " , were the huge walls built on the summits of the surrounding hills. A pic ( 1 ) from that post is included here for background to this further study of these walls. The study pic here ( 2 ) is from mars.arounder.com -panorama site ( an arrow marks this further study site ). The ( 4 ) following pics are close-up variations on the site itself. On the little settlement at this end of the the wall are two geat tanker-containers, one on a support base near the wall exit. The ' hills ' I believe are man-made ramparts, topped with these incredible walls. They are easily on a par with the Great Wall of China here on earth. Just who built this great defensive work, and to defend against whom, will remain for future historians to explain. - Morbius