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TOPIC: History written in stone

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History written in stone

 Individual files (better resolution)

-- Edited by Macten on Saturday 29th of December 2012 03:36:25 AM

-- Edited by Macten on Saturday 29th of December 2012 04:12:32 AM

-- Edited by Macten on Saturday 29th of December 2012 04:18:31 AM

-- Edited by Macten on Saturday 29th of December 2012 04:25:17 AM


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Another "Story rock"  this one from Spirit sol 67.  Am I the only one who see's these figures?  I am trying out a new (to me) tool of the same type that Gogog uses.




-- Edited by Macten on Saturday 29th of December 2012 02:17:05 AM

-- Edited by Macten on Saturday 29th of December 2012 02:48:22 AM

-- Edited by Macten on Saturday 29th of December 2012 03:12:59 AM

-- Edited by Macten on Saturday 29th of December 2012 03:25:21 AM

-- Edited by Macten on Saturday 29th of December 2012 04:05:39 AM

-- Edited by Macten on Saturday 29th of December 2012 04:11:43 AM



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THanks for your informative reply. If it was through cultural transfer then we are in for quite a shock when it comes to disclosure.  There seems to be a preponderance with reptiles in these carvings, in this picture and in at least 40 or 50 that I have looked at all through the Spirit sols.

I cant help but wonder if these were worshipped or maybe so trivial as a form of billboards for movies or stories of any other kind. I have also found a few "warrior" sculptures with armor (headgear) but not too many bodies, only heads.  I missed what seems a fairly importaint part in the "story rock" that I will show now.


This very faint image was behind the "alligator"


I clarified it more using a hard overlay in photoshop.



I also found what looks like a monkey or ape that I had missed the first time.

The Reptile looks like a T-rex with the unmistakeable narrow lower jaw and large dagger like teeth.  Is this what the artist saw first hand?

Did he also see the monkey? Unless these are not exclusively Earth creatures then this could prove the link between Earth and Mars. (To me anyway)

Well I am done with this one, on to the next....




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Macten, all. Mars ' art ' and other influences, are likely examples of cultural-transfer through the ages. Mars then, should have examples present of all our civilizations of the past, perhaps even from other worlds and stars .. a genuine Galactic Museum is easily possible! Can you imagine wondering through the halls of such a Museum. Treasures and examples of Art from a thousand worlds ... what a place to explore ( -bring a lunch )! I believe there are many common denominator art forms known throughout great sectors of space as a means to trade, exchange infromation and communication in general .. there would have to be some form of lingua franca . Before ' English ' took the spotlight, the language of diplomacy worldwide was French, before that Latin, and before that a north-west Semitic language used by these early seafarers throughout a vast global empire centered on the island of Crete. This was a conversant language which included related and mutually understood dialects such as Moabite, Edomite, Hebrew, Philistine, Ugaritic, elements of the Hurrian/Hittite, Phoenician and of course the Minoan, so called , proper. There is then, has to be, an inter-galactic language present. Such an amazing future to look forward to! As to our mentioned and examined eye-goddess or theme present, this is a motif and attendant symbolisms quite entrenched in our history from the earliest recorded times. And the mentioned T is another prominent psycho-pictographic image or iconic art-form, along with its attendant symbolic content. A few things for direction then, and perhaps to be somewhat prepared for when we will indeed encounter these artifacts and symbolisms, and mabee along the way, the designers themselves !                            -Morbius



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Morbius, my apologies for the character set at the bottom of the post. I did not preview it like I should have. I have many, many, more of these that I have done but they, unlike the ones I publish are more open to interpretation.  I see main figures and color them, then interpret what is in between, sometimes taking breaks of a day or two for a fresh look.

I have no idea why there are so many of these, unless this area was home to a museum of sculpture that was scattered by the flood. Just think how many works of art are in a city if all the buildings have art on them. Especially a really big city consisting of 20 to 50 square miles.  I cant even tell if this medium is really rock as many of the "rocks" I see are hollow and broken.  I really want to learn what the culture was like. So far I have seen many references to Reptiles or even Dinosaur like creatures intermingled with humans or human caricitures.  Indeed if this is true then these sculptures could be hundreds of millions of years old and maybe travel between earth and mars was commonplace. I can tell you with certianty that humans are more than 3 million years old, and that the theory of evolution does not apply to us. We are genetically altered beings with a recyclable soul unlike many other creatures in this universe.  Only time will tell what our real purpose is. (or was)  Anyway, I digress... Thanks for your insight. Later....



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These images are really well done. An old musician friend from the Carribean,Exuma, had a song called " The Eye don't Lie". I think this is what he may have been singing about. Mars "Art" has a lot of eyes.


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Macten, this is a grand success. These visual skills are virtually not possible to deceive, using the current deception techniques.


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Hello Macten, just looking at your submission with eleventy-two million letters and numbers on it .. wow .. gotta be a world's record! It is a peculiarity that most every one of these rocks can be seen with a ' face ' on it! This is very strange. Perhaps a tribe of wild martians were commissioned by their venerated ' Stoned-God '  to go around to all the rocks in the desert and make them into cartoon rocks, and thus enshure their entry into the Great Rock-Garden in the Sky! This is a wierd scene for shure!

OK, so what do I think seriously? In the first place, all this scene pictured is of a sedimentary or water-deposited nature. The sand, fine and coarse, and then ... these peculiar rocks. They exhibit a strange combination of characteristics which should be explained here. They are at once smooth or water-worn, and have contradictory sharp-edges as well. Obviously they were not there all along, but deposited there, and then, somehow smashed into the smaller pieces we see now .. the cleavage-lines are quite evident. The piece next to your showpiece-rock for instance, seems an exact fit to this rock. What force has brought some unknown stone to this destination? I would say water. What smashed this once larger stone into smaller pieces? I suppose  a violent wind perhaps ... but it remains a mute question for now. I sense from the still intact pieces, that these were, at one time, worked pieces of stone. That is , they were statues, art, or depictions of something reverenced by an earlier race of beings. Another thing to note, is the pock-marked appearance of your main-stone. All of these mentioned conditions are reminicent of a simular scene once played out on good old earth here. One of the art-forms of the pre-catastrophy race was the huge carved heads honouring their mighty-men or ' men of renoun ', their heroes. These are now called the Olmec heads. Always found in sedimentary conditons, and being swept there from some distance, received the expected wear and tear of this violent transit in various degrees. Many are also ' pock-marked ' as your rock find is also. As to just what it looked like originally, I honestly couldn't tell you Macten, but I feel it is indeed a part of larger pre-catastrophy Mars statuary or art-work of some kind, and that's the best I can say for now. Am attaching a few examples of these pre-deluvian ' Olmec " heads for analysis and comparative purposes. You may note and study the symb olism of these many heads on their helmuts and this may prepare you in observing or deciphering the same as fould on Mars itself, note also the circular-design also present, albeit worn, on your find also. Hope this may be of some help in identifying and possibly confirming your finds .. so far!                 -Morbius



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I have found another piece of artwork in Spirit Sol 134.


This Innocuous looking rock did not attract my attention until I noticed an eye, as in many cases with martian art, they do the eyes really well.  Anyway to get the detail out of this I triple layered it in photoshop using the high pass filter at about 7 degrees.  I still could not make out what was on top but the rest speaks for itself.

What really surprized me was the use of a "cartoon" like character and another that looks like a "devil".





































































































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Morbia, I'm glad that you talk about the other but there are those that we can not prove. However, it sets a certain mood of reality for ourselves. It is per se, very interesting what they captured multiple images day after day of this "rock". There is a substantial reason to examine it more closely.


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To follow-up on the previous reply, that " there are others " of the native peoples present in the picture, have choosen to check " the limits of resolution ", and so not leave this as a vague, ambiguous or ' up in the air ' statement. A little to the left of the person looking over the top of the rock, perhaps 30 or 35 feet distance, is one of the many makeshift shelters of this village. The attached then are of this location,1 -a large conopy ' the Priest's Shelter ', with a closer look, 2, and descriptive annotations of this scene, 3,an unmarked sepia-tint for comparison, and ,4, a picture of the '  Tzitz ' headpiece or crown worn in ancient Israel by the Cohen Gadol  or High Priest. The one picture I was actually looking to present is unlocatable, but it can be described as a small beautifully engraved box attached to the forehead by an equisite gold band and straps. There are many villagers present in the picture , but as this one was closer and resolvable in degree, so choosen. Hopefully then, you may see and understand clearer these remarkable finds by Macten and Iceman.



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ICEMAN: Your a tough act to follow! There are a number of things to say here. To begin, you are convinced there is ' something ', " behind the rock "! Am I right? Shure you are. But look at the rock, or is it? It may be a large animal washed there, its carcass turned to stone, as the fossilized trees found in the Arizona Badlands. Look Iceman, look at the picture. It appears as a dinosaur-type creature   .... the long serpentine-head with nostrils, eye-sockets, even a death-tounge hanging out, the short forearms, body, even a tail intact! Even an excavation area around its form, as if some archaeologist had made an exploratory dig. You know Iceman, I could easily write a page, or 30 if need be, with quite convincing pics attached, to totally debunk this or any of your ' pictures '. Yet you would still be convinced of what you percieve, see or believe, and Macten believing it too! However, I do not need to write a negative report or Post, couldn't anyways, as I have examined and thought quite deeply on this pic for some time now. Fact is, yes ... you are right my friend, and Macten too. Yes I knew what you meant, before your first request for an ' opinion ' to " see what is behind the rock ", but, not to distract from Macten's find, had decided to deflect it with some humor. When you showed such resolve the second time " what is it that looks over the stone ?", I just smiled and nodded a bit, was quite pleased actually, you were sticking to your guns, and so am writing back to you now.

OK , so just what have we got here? Indeed, there is a person gazing over the top of the rock, same with Macten's rock ( or erroded stele ), and yet another in your pic peeking over the ( Macten's ) " Sarcophagus " ( -good a name as any for now ). These are marked with an arrow in the attached, along with what appears a short inscription. There are others, a small group that are visible, but just at the limits of resolution. Who then are these people? I consider that mars has thousands of loosely allied ' tribes ' in many areas. I have seen them in many locations, and they are like the early American Indians, some stay close to one place, territory or area, others are nomadic. Many find shelter, sometimes exchangeable pieces of technology, in such areas as your pic. As such, it is not surprising that the Rover, or other vehicles advance, would have them scurrying for cover, yet, curious to see this wonderous machine, they ' peek '. So Iceman, Macten, all, another piece of the puzzle seems in place, and it is not a coincidence that we have achieved a group of such keen perception and like minds. We may be a bit silly at times, but mainly are serious and put out some remarkable work too! One last thought here then, you wrote a peculiar sentence Iceman, got me thinking " It is difficult to see what the brain does not believe to be reality ". Mabee too, what the brain sees we do not believe or consciously accept as the reality it is.Let's take writing for a start, although pictures/colour are the same, but would take a little longer as examples. Let's see how far we have ( previously ) thought we perceive things.

If you can raed this, you have a sepcail mind too. Can you raed this? About 55 out of a 100 mhigt. The phaonmneal pweo of the hmuan mnid is dnanwig on you. It dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig yes, and if you can raed tihs, then let's try it in a mxitrue of ltetres and nubmres. / 7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 70 PR0V3 HOW OUR M1NDS C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD, BU7 N0W, On 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U7OM471C4LLY W17H 0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4BOU7 17. 0NLY C3R741N P3OPL3 C4N R3AD 7H15 F4R. So far so good then. The human mind can process infromation in a form ( symbols ) and sequences faster than all the computers on earth. Truly a marvel of construction. The point here, is to realize it near instantly ' sees ' what is in the pictures. Nothing goes in the brain without it being qualified, quantified, and relateable to us. I once, somewhere, sent a post on ' seeing ' tips. Consider this a follow-up or part II. Listen to your mind, it will tell you what is really ' there '. I can look at a pic without any zoom, and just know where something is out of place, has contradictory angles, the slightest variant, no matter how small, in shading from its surroundings. We all have this quality about us, and as Iceman and Macten in example, have certainly demonstrated to such good efffect. I am sorry Iceman if the first part seemed I was comming on you chest to chest, but unfortunately am used to that approach on accassion. It does show however, by comparison, not only where we are not, but also makes the second part a compelling realization, by contrast, as to how good things might really be. Also, as you may have noticed, I am used to thinking things out quite extensively before submitting any report, as it should be an actual and accurate account as possible. Thus it appears I am over-extensive in our 'Modern " high-speed world, and thus, it invariably arrives ' late'. Sorry, guess I should learn to rite more better, and shorter too! Oh yeah, one last thing Iceman, next time, please, give me an easy one, or I'm going to have to buy stocks in the Aspirin company!  -Morbius



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Ok Iceman, now that I have added 3 layers using Photoshop I think I see what you are seeing.  It could very well be an optical illusion because the object appears somehow to be attached to the background, specifically the highly decorated Sarcophagus.

Unless he is wearing a beret his head is slanted.


 it does kind of look like he is pointing a hand held weapon at us!

(imagination gone wild)

the shelter crop.jpg



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Iceman, I do believe there is something on the rock, maybe even behind it but when I use all the clarification means at my disposal I still cannot discern a clear shape. Or anything that makes sense to my small human brain! I will tell you that this pic is a real puzzle and is full of manufactured objects and possibly animals. Do you know on what Sol or Which Rover took this pic? 

Morbius, Your explanation makes sense to me as to why everything is so toppled and broken apart. Even the technology mixed in with all the other rubble made no sense to me before. There still must be areas where this was not as destructive as in others. Maybe some of the tech still survives, allthough the inhabitants who did not leave certainly did not. I would guess that is what the Curiosity is really after.  Of course there is the possibility that there is a higher mission. Maybe to find out what caused the destruction of an entire planet and to try to circumvent the same problem in some way if it applies to us.

It is said in some circles that the reptilians caused the destruction of the dinos on purpose, and mars too. I hope it is not true because they would have no problem doing it again to us. But of course that is just "Hearsay" .

(added for entertainment purposes only)


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It is difficult to see what the brain does not believe to be reality.
What is it that looks over the stone?

the shelter.jpg 


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ICEMAN: What is this " Inspect rounded stone!  ",  " In the middle of the picture!", and " See what is behind the rock! " Yes, I looked ... I think it's a Harley Davidson ... kinda rusty, some martian biker on a cocaine delivery probably made a wrong turn and went over a cliff ! Mabee not. ICEMAN, get a grip! How the hell am I supposed to  ' see what's behind a rock ... on Mars?!! Just kidding my friend, actually just easing the tension before getting down to some serious stuff. Am having a heavy-duty pizza and a beer and gonna start typing my fingers off goes!

ICEMAN, I must tell you about something simple ... water ! When you put a hose on the ground and turn the water on a bit or so ... it spreads out in a fan shaped arc. With this simple analgy you can tell a lot about water ... on a larger scale too. The earth at one time underwent a catastrophic hydro-action event caused by meteorite bombardment of the vapour-canopy which once surrounded our planet. Water precipitated in the wake following the meteorites and followed them down forming giant cataracts that splashed on the earth as a bucket of water thrown onto sand. You can see this exampled in such as the ' great-lakes' of Canada. Thus, the vast remaining water, coming down in an almost solid torrential form, sought the lower levels and started to race downhills and slopes in giant waves over the lands, yet, was met with the water rapidly rising in the oceans as well. In this manner, the momentum was slowed, then stopped, causing the heavier sediment, rocks, boulders and debris of all kinds to settle first, then on up to the finer materials. This water poured out over the land and spread-out, as the mentioned garden-hose, in a fan shape ... until it met the great swelling ocean fronts and the material settled in an arc. How so we may ask? Just look at the Japanese Islands, a near perfect arc, and just opposite the mighty Huang Ho River of China ( -the hose again ), farther up the coast is found the Urlu Islands ..another classical ' arc ', and on to the Allutian Island chain, another huge and near perfect ..arc. In this case, the water poured through a weak point in the Arctic Ocean, as a bowl of water is swirled until it pours over a certain point of the edge. The titanic bombardment of the earth caused it to tilt, to wobble, same as when you tap a toy top, which will seek to and rebalance itself from this ' hit '. The meteorite bombardment caused the once semi-tropical Arctic Ocean to do just the same and this is called the Corrolis Effect. Knowing such a simple lesson as this, and there are others as well, you can describe and understand most all the features on the present earth ... by hydro-action. The same meteorite bombardment, even worse, hit mars near simultaneously, the cause of which is for another Post. Yet, we can see and understand mars clearer now armed with some few simple rules. The major channel system on mars is in Chryse Planita, it is up to 25 kilometers wide and near 2,000 kilometers long. It was made by a sudden catastrophic flood that shaped its sheer walls, gouged cavernous potholes several hundred meters deep, andd carved streamlined ' teardrop' islands, some measuring 100 kilometers from end to end. This 'flood' was incredibly fast, so that, at its peak, discharges of millions of cubic meters a second were necessary to cause the mentioned ' effects '. \Then there is the sheer volume of water, which can be calculated , as required to carve this immense channel. Calculations show it was once filled with thousands of feet of churning water, the water involved would, roughly, fill the Mediterranean. This is just a major example of what all of mars had experienced, and as mentioned, was but an extension of the identical sequence, and results ... evidenced on earth. These, from the same cause ... massive bombardment of meteorites. Will write some more on this stuff soon., suffice here, we have, hopefully, gained a good insight as to just what we are dealing with in examining the topography and ruins of mars. The picture you suggested ICEMAN, in example. This appears to have once been a channel-area. The 'deposits' lying in chaotic states there evidence this. Look at the rocks for example, these are sedimentary by nature, that is, they were laid down by and in water, and in a rapid and powerful river/s of water at that. This tremendous action easily accounts for the consistently rounded rocks and boulders, ground smoother in quick order, in the old flood bed pathway. Among the boulders, some of which were once parts of megalithic buildings of all sorts, and the pieces and remains of broken machinery and such, are found mixed with what I suspect may be coffins or sargophagus of some kind. I have located three, as attached, but feel certain there were once many many more. And one more thought comes to mind here. Mars is the planet of the god-of War, and I believe was once geared-up, dug-in, and  ' armed to the teeth ". An entire race dedicated to war and survial, tenacious and predatorial in nature  ... perhaps thus, actually their weakness  ... and downfall. These cofffins then, may have been part of their war plans, a survival-pod for backups and escapes. Hard to say really, just a thought,  will leave this to future historians to figure out. I guess I have really answered your question after all ICEMAN. One more beer and I'll be past Mars ... heading for the asteroid belt! Wow ... there they go now! Must call it quits ... stay tuned   - Morbius


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the shelter.jpg


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Macten: This is a kinda apology, and reason for the Post to follow. It is basically a reconstructed chronology of replies to your excellent Post ' History Written in Stone '. The following then is a basic or simplifed run-down. 1, You submitted a pic and 'human looking with reptile ( or such )',2, you submitted the same with added colour ' for clarification ', 3, gmantoo -comments well on this ,4, Morbius -comments, and adds,5, pictures. 6, ICEMAN then submits or suggests the same pic for my ' opinion ', to which,7, goggog replies with eight boxes enclosing smaller anomalies ( of the same picture ), to which you, Macten, then follow with, 8, another post and mention the far upper left 'sargophagus' and two more with possible 'bodies'.

Now, I soon realized  ICEMAN's recommended picture as the same, but, as I was behind on corresponding with him, , and thought it would be a good way to get up to date in these matters, decided to give him ' my opinion ' anyways, and examined the picture in some detail. I noted the many artifacts lying about, as goggog, deduced the general situation of the scene, and then clicked in on the upper far left ' coffin ', thus, seeing what I might be looking for, spotted the other two in mid-picture and ' behind the rock ' as ICEMAN puts it. I had finished this and made a write-up report with attachments for ICEMAN ( and by extension 'all' -to view ). Remember, this was before your last Post wherein you then mentioned you had noted the three cofffins or sargophagus, as well. It can only be said that we both arrived at the same observations and conclusions independantly ... and correctly too. These can be but complimentary in confirming our power of observation is accurate and on the same page indeed. If it is not accceptable to you Macten, then I will ask that it be taken down from the boards soonest.  -Morbius



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I definately appreciate the accolades from someone so well founded in this community and wish to return the compliment by saying I have been enlightened by you all.

Those are all very straightforward and impossible to have been designed by nature. The one in the upper left was the one I found first. lg_42476-7.jpg

THere are two strange looking 'Sarcophagus' like things, one right behind the rock and the other above and to the right. The top one looks as though it has been opened and it looks like a kind of skeliton protruding from it. I think it has been smudged a bit  tho.  Directly above and below it are peices of mechanical debris. There is artwork on the rocks but like many others it appears to be unfinished.


I have looked at the carving from my original post and I think that the "dragon" is actually part of the suit because it is in the same style as the suit. The human is also looking in the same direction as the fire it spits out as if he is controlling it. I agree that the back of the rock appears to be a control panel with what look like circuit cards or block modules installed on it. Very interesting. I also believe that NASA did not slip up and intended this to get through.

2p134096040eff2300p2369l4m3_2 layer color backimg.jpg


Teaching the truth

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ICEMAN wrote:

It is clear that we stand at a crossroads in terms of understanding and approach. Therefore I would like to display a URL
on a very important data that are the same type, and see your opinion because you are becoming extremely professional. 
Inspect rounded stone in the middle of the picture and see what is behind the rock.



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It is clear that we stand at a crossroads in terms of understanding and approach. Therefore I would like to display a URL
on a very important data that are the same type, and see your opinion because you are becoming extremely professional. 
Inspect rounded stone in the middle of the picture and see what is behind the rock.


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OK , try four, seems to get stuch on upload, irregardless, take a look !


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Macten: For many years now, I have made a study of art-forms through the ages, mostly to determine the nature of their esoterical meaning and variant forms used. Each culture presented their hidden-meaning/s in various local adaptions and ways, yet all maintained an underlying tapestry of common and basic tenants which they incorporated into their overall religious history, experience, and beliefs. These are found as forms, numbers, directions and locations which maintained the qualities and postion/s of deities to other deities, and events. These included the symbolisms of colours and materials. Stone, the type of stone used, as well precious and semi-precious stones and their deployment, were important too. And most often, there is found a well established etymological connection whereby is established, preserved and understood among these ancient custodians of sacred works, the true understanding of their universe and religion. I have observed, but not yet reported, on mars, art-forms reflecting near every period in our history. Is this an example of cultural-transfer through the ages? And by whom then!? Has an elite always been priviledged to go, and return, from these colonies through the ages, and brought their religious persuasions, including iconographical art-works with them? someday this knowledge blockade will end, until then we can only speculate and put together what little fragments we may find. Your own pic is eye-catching with potential meaning. As an example of art-work, or of religious connotations, it would bear an uncanny resemblance to the many classical Maya pictures in stone, their stele and carvings ( see, Spindon, Maya Art and Civilization , as it is packed with well executed and detailed examples ). They often depict their serpent-lord Votan ( the Toltecs Kukulcon and Aztecs Quetzalcoatl ) emerging from the mouth-of a giant serpent Ancestor, or being carried in their arms as the Ceremonial-Bar, this was their culture-hero of old, who came to that land after a geat flood to re-establish royalty and sovereignty, and brought again the arts and sciences of civilization. Every last culture, no matter who or where, acknowledged this basic ' history'. That your pic is interpreted as a man or lord associated with a serpent or reptile may well prove to be true ... even on mars! Here, I am not trying to encourage you, or for that matter discourage you macten. You are valued as a part of the group, the family, and have been presented some, hopefully interesting, material for thought, to sort through (' pick the best and discard the rest!). But for certain, explore your choosen route to martian artifacts, culture and history ... it will prove complimentary and revealing to all of us. One other possibility crossed my mind. The ' statue ', its partial face and eyes ... as though looking through an ' eye ' over the torso and neck ...are unncanny. That area seems to not even belong to the ' rock '. Coupled with possible airbrushing at the base, may indicate ' someone ' was 'in the picture ' and, as so often seen before, a ' rock ' is placed over the subject to be hidden ... and then airbrushed at the base ( I guess that's how they get their rocks off ). As to your basic picture, I take it your pic was taken at or from the edge of a rise or cliff, the porportions and ratios of items in the scene drops off ( the 'middle' area ) for quite a distance, till it gets into an even smaller strip ( in the foothills and erroded peaks on the horizon ). Three distinct sections to the picture then. In examining the middle section, the 'plains' or valley, there appears plenty of ruins and habitats evidenced , present there to explore ( attached sent/6/ seperately). Sometimes a close, medium, or far-view  -can add much to the overview, thus the ' picture ' and the puzzles unravelling daily at AA  and so many other sites as well. I am sorry if I seem to ramble, but have much to say and been meaninng to write you, ICEMAN, goggog, meomeo, ...everybody, but ... anyway, you were on the list, so wrote this short note for the evening, enjoy . --Morbiuus



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Picture added for clarification




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Yes, that whole rock is very interesting. I find the guys to the left most interesting of all, although there are a few hidden areas of total black and smudge which make me wonder what they are hiding underneath. This image in the jpg has multiple layers of square, blocky overlay which dont help to see through what is being shown. The pds img gif is probably better but I cannot access many of the NASA sites these days from where I am - strangely, they are mostly blocked by the authorities and I dont understand why. Anyway...

The symbol at the top seems to me to be an 'X' with the top part filled in and the shape to the bottom centre left seems to me to be an alien head in relief on the rock. (similar to a traditional Disney dragon) This is duplicated by what I think is someone on the left, looking around the corner of the rock (actually possibly two but the top one is blacked out/smudged) I think this picture was probably taken because they moved and the rover snapped the picture. In your last coloured image, there is a "control panel" shape appearing on the left edge which is also interesting. I suspect this image has come from the pds rather than the public jpg because it does not have the blockiness of the jpg and is better tonally balanced. Is that right?


There is lots of civilisation evidence in this image too with doughnuts and pathways and straight 'stick' things abound, along with ordered organisation everywhere which you dont get in nature. 

All pure speculation, of course.

-- Edited by qmantoo on Saturday 8th of September 2012 01:34:26 AM




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Posts: 97

This photo can be seen at


It is one of the clearest examples of sculpture I have found (so far) No need for red boxes, it is clearly visible in the foreground.



Closeup view


Enhanced view


2p134096040eff2300p2369l4m5 layer.img.jpg

Top closeup


Bottom closeup


I believe this depicts a human looking out of a suit of some type with a dragon below him,

Underneath them is a large reptile as evidenced by the long snout and many teeth.

I sent this to Skipper a while back and he did not respond. Is he still with us??  This is the second carving I have found that depicts a human or humanoid looking being, If only in facial structure.  There must be many more waiting to be found, unmolested by NASA.

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