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Post Info TOPIC: Odd Tampering

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RE: Odd Tampering

That triple blurring effect seems to go in a straight line. I will dl this one and check that . I have seen the "lazer" with the dot at the end in other pics.  I thought is was a lazer too until i noticed it in the same place in several pictures. I dont know what else it could be.

I dont know if anyone else has found this but it looks like someone is trying to cover something up in the Billion Pixel Image viewer.

bpi 25.jpg

bpi 24.jpg


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Strange blur effect.




 Is the rover leaking?


LAZAR beam?

-- Edited by Levelwind on Friday 28th of February 2014 10:44:01 PM

-- Edited by Levelwind on Friday 28th of February 2014 10:44:58 PM


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I was looking at this one too a couple of weeks ago.  Very strange stuff going on here.  I thought the sand that the rover drove through looked fake.  The edge is way too straight and I've seen this type of cover up before (pointed out by the red arrows).  The thing that caught  my eye the most was the weird triple blur effect going on in the blue circles. I have never seen this in any of the rover photos.  You might have to down load the big jpeg to really see it. 

I didn't notice the Lazar.  Is it where I have the two blue arrows?  And how about that white stuff in the yellow circles?  It almost looks like the rover was dripping it in the bottom circle.  Very odd indeed, a lot going on here.






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NASA must have people working around the clock (like us) to filter and sanitize these images prior to releasing them to the public. So my question is why leave anything questionable besides the obvious smudging? Like the white stuff that Xenon pointed out.. It looks like a leaking white paint trail.. weird. Do they purposely leave things for us to find? You know, baby steps to disclosure..

I can't stop studying this picture.


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I am presently in discussion with a another anomaly group about PIA17944: Curiosity's Colour View of Martian Dune After Crossing It what sparked our initial interest was the rim of the dune, but as I looked further into the image I found in places there are little shadows without rocks/stones behind them, there is also over exposed white patches along the left rover track (ice or carbonates or squashed Martians ???), notice also the trails leading away from the rover tracks left centre to bottom left, also why is the rovers laser pointing up to the sky (top left)???, I am still searching the right hand rubble pile after seeing so many anomalies and tampering.

Again I apologise for not being able to post images, but I am sure members will enjoy dissecting this one. 


"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"


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Morbius from your earlier post where you said " Have no idea what that is about or any such details as such. There were two amazing pics left there however, which I thought might be shared here in lieu/ attached"

The images are of "The Black Knight" which is a mysterious satellite said by some to be 13k years old and of extraterrestrial origin


I came on the site today because I wanted to post these images from just before the 2012 S1 Ison passed by Mars. I've puzzled quite a lot over the obvious tamper marks in the foreground that contrast in an overly obvious way with the more genuine looking debris in the background sky. They're from Rear Hazcam: Left B 2013-09-30 12:52:02 UTC RLB_433817054EDR_F0170676RHAZ00313M and Rear Hazcam: Right B 2013-09-30 12:52:02 UTC RRB_433817054EDR_F0170676RHAZ00313M






The farther one goes, the less one knows - Lao Tzu

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NASA claims the light areas on this image are 'geothermal deposits', so IMHO it would be quite possible that these were being harvested by the machinery apparant in your work and the image I downloaded here

This image is in false color derived from observation in infrared wavebands with the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The CRISM spectral data is overlaid on imagery from the Context Camera on that orbiter. A stereo pair of Context Camera images provided topographic information for a digital terrain model produced with NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline software. The image uses no vertical exaggeration.

Problem is that these types of images often have imaging artifacts that make it hard to prove you have anomalies. However, if you could find other original images of this area perhaps you could prove your case biggrin

This volcanic cone in the Nili Patera caldera on Mars has hydrothermal mineral deposits on the southern flanks and nearby terrains. Two of the largest deposits are marked by arrows, and the entire field of light-toned material on the left of the cone is hydrothermal deposits. The cone is about 5 kilometers (3 miles) in diameter at the base.

NASA caption on image


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There is a lot to see in this one.  

It's almost smack dab in the middle of the the photo.





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Macten, I have downloaded this particular image as there are certain shapes on the surface that I felt needed further investgation. I cannot agree about the degree of tampering you mention but would prefer to say that the image is untouched and is a valid producton. Agreed, the image is not a very good example as far as focus is concerned, but there is enough detail showing to make a positive evaluation.

I firstly downloaded the image, save it and then loaded it into Paintshop Pro. The image was then softened and sharpened once and saved. As this program does not allow for a shadow enhancement procedure to improve the edge-definition I loaded the new saved image into Photoshop which does have the necessary tools to enhance the image. The 'burn' tool with brush size 21 was selected at a strength of 3%. The brush was applied to the image using a circular motion and applied to selected areas.

What the initial enhancement process has revealed is that there are many noticeable structures on the surface and also some large head statues displaying humanoid form. Could this possibly be what Neil Armstrong was referring to in the speech he made at the White House speech in 1994 when he said 'there are places to go beyond belief'? 

If any members or visitors have the time, give this process a try and you may be be pleasantly surprised at the result. I used the colour image, but you have to be careful otherwise the colour detail may start to over-saturate beyond what is acceptable.

I will post the enhanced version later when it is finalised.


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Indeed there is so much tampering in the crater it is useless to try to decipher. However they did not get everything. When viewing this picture in the standard Windows 7 viewer it is impossible to see anything except the "artifact" layer. When I viewed the pic with my CPIC program it became much clearer and smoother.  Different algorithim?? Unknown. Skipper once said that the color was there to confuse you. since it is artificial anyway, I used my program to remove it. That is helpful. I then increased the contrast by 3%.  The result was part of a machine or structure became apparent immediatly. I think most of this object was obscured and only part of it remains. There are other interesting structures to the lower right of the one I have circled also.








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There is tampering all over this one.




Right center in the caldera.  It reminds me of the crappy smear jobs they did on the Clementine photos.



-- Edited by Levelwind on Saturday 14th of September 2013 05:28:38 AM


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If further proof were needed.

I recently came across this you tube video which shows how the LRO Moon images carry binary code which proves they are regularly doctored using Photoshop. These include images of the Lunar Landing sites. It doesnt seem to have been posted here before and its only received 4000 hits so I thought I would post it here. Makes for interesting viewing and it also shows how we can obtain similar results if we follow the instructions.  Observations welcome.

Video uploaded 23 Feb 2012 by Hunchbacked


'This video brings the proof that the LRO photos are photoshopped.
Indeed any picture edited with photoshop bears the signature of photoshop which proves that it has been edited with photoshop. The LRO photos all bear this signature as I show in this video.'  Hunchbacked




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-- Edited by Xenon on Saturday 10th of August 2013 09:34:18 PM


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Xenon: Have searched for TW's site SecretPlanets and found it is being offered up for sale. Have no idea what that is about or any such details as such. There were two amazing pics left there however, which I thought might be shared here in lieu/ attached/. Will speak soonest.



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I miss fruity too as he knew his stuff and had an energy no longer seen on the forum, but sadly he was involved in a flame war and ended up banned, I was told he can be found at the secret planets site run by TW, but as I have never visited the site I do not know where he is these days.


"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"

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Just closing down some odds n ends and decided, for whatever, to post/reply the attached.

I don't know who frutty was, perhaps some members do, but he was with some very keen perceptions on AA subjects here. I wish I could have met this insightful and exemplary person. Two of his posts are included here, as they seemed quite relevant to this present thread. Also, there are 8 other startling, and puzzling pics of Liu Bolin < Amazing Fun The caption reads " This guy paints himself, no kidding, no trick photography he just paints himself ... " I see no reason to immediately doubt or reject these pics or person, and as such we need ask ... would it be stretching the association or point to consider that , in some way, there may indeed be a correlation with our Mars pics too ?

Just leaving the door open enough for discussions here, rather than arbitrarily dismiss it for convenience ? / -M


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We have found smoke before, so it is quite possible it is smoke. See this one about the Martians having kippers for tea or else the Pope has just been elected 'cos of the white smoke billowing out of this rock.

In Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles dramatisation, the Martians eventually evolved into bodyless forms I believe. Maybe what we are seeing really is a ghost as we call them and the density of matter is not the same as it is here on 3D Earth. I have captured an image of (possibly) a bipedal humanoid running and it would explain a lot of the ghosie-like images we see and also exonerate NASA from the tampering too haha!




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Have just been reviewing the interpretational particulars of the ' ghost-figure/s ' pic presented in this thread. As has been rightfully noted, these ghostly apparition-like forms appear in upwards of 90% of pics. I'm shure we have all seen these at one time or another. These are, in my opinion, bleed-throughs from and of the original picture/s sent back. Pictures we are not privy to, and are then completely covered over 50 ways to 1. I also believe that what we do see, as these ' apparitions ', have been purposely slipped through the processes, for whatever reason/s, to give us a little glimmer, a hope that .. all is not so hopeless after all. However, make what you will of this call, and decide for yourself of its possible relevancy here.

Am attaching a couple pics that should give reasonable indication, that what we are actually dealing with here is, in reality, a contingent of soldiers, likely off-world mercenaries, their armored-vehicles and equipment. That shadow-guard and attend to our space ' probe ' reconnaissance vehicles ... Curiosity, Rovers, etc.. Again, for whatever reason. The original ( main ) ' Ghost ' spotted is, or should be, quickly evident. There are however, many more present ... so have outlined just a few of them for you. In any event, this is what I believe we are actually dealing with here, and hope, as a plausible solution, you might give some open and well thought out consideration to this alternative answer to ' the Ghost-Problem ' as found herein . /  -Morbius


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Levelwind wrote:

0120MR0752013000E1_DXXX circled.jpg

Almost looks like a ghost to me.



 Levelwind, I have just had a look at the 'ghost' effect and I think it is being caused by a plume of smoke that is rising towards the camera then falling away.

This could be the reason for being able to see the lines in the rock.

Now, the big question is, what is a plume of smoke doing on mars unless it is indicative of life activity. 



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Teaching the truth

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RE: Странно Вмешательства

Note the space in the picture animation of the original. Unfortunately the original link is lost. Why are these objects in motion?






Watch the animation: "2P205107877EFFAS00P2266L2M1":



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RE: Odd Tampering

LOL I got the same shot 4 or 5 posts earlier. Glad someone else noticed this, especially that eye.  Here is some more oddness from the same pic. One of them looks like some kind of bugs and the other a serpent of some kind.



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It could very well be an attempt at obfuscation that blurrs the perspective.  If you look at goggog's post earlier in the thread he hits the nail on the head "On mine here the object simply merges with a background " and that is exactly what it does.  Its like the bridge to the holy grail in the Third Indiana Jones movie. You have to look very closely to see the edge demarcation.



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Hey Macten, I'm not sure it's transparent either it could just be some kind of failed cover up job.  The box you high lighted looks like it's been smeared to me and the contrast enhancement makes it look like there is a hole in the middle of it.  The thing that makes it look transparent is that it is obviously in front of the rock behind it but you can still see the detail of it carry through.  How can the patterns of both rocks be exactly the same?  What are the chances? 

 And as for the protoplasmic life form thingy who knows?  When I first looked at that one I thought it looked like my three year old was scribbling on the photo.  Like maybe someone paniced and had to cover something up in a hurry and didn't really care what it looked like.  We can only speculate at this level but that is the fun of it right?  Maybe someday NASA will be forthwrite and show some integrety, but it until then...........confuse   


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TW, didn't we pick up something similar to the transparant object at Balancing Stone and Payson ?


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I allmost forgot, the pic with the "clear" or transparent object is just an optical illusion.

THis first pic shows that in the circle the lines from the background appear to match or coencide with the lines on the object.

If you look closely this is only true of the top line within the circle. The box contents appear to show that the color is the same as if you were looking through the object to see the color in the background. they are actually very slightly different as evidenced from the contrast enhancement and clarification in the second pic.

However wierd this thing is, I dont think its transparent.



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I am sure NASA could explain what that is.  Looks like a protoplasmic life form to me.

There's lots to explain in this pic .



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Lightened up a bit.



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Another angle.




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NRA_409307139EDR_F0051858NCAM05133M_.jpg                     NRA_409307139EDR_F0051858NCAM05133M_.jpg         



-- Edited by Levelwind on Tuesday 8th of January 2013 07:15:04 PM



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Levelwind wrote:

That's wierd, I always just copy and paste from nasa to here.  0120MR0752013000E1_DXXX is the picture #.  And here is my copy and paste right from mars.jpl.nasa/msl, see if this works.


0120MR0752013000E1_DXXX circled.jpg

 This is the more complex problem that I do agree is an enigma. Structures passing through shadow that really has no source. I know this anomaly well but have absolutely no idea why this happens. Ive noted this strange false shadow in 90% of anomalous finds . People usually lock onto the darker regions and see figures. Looking beyond the shadow sometimes reveals more structure but on a different focal plane.... Dose indicate software color interpretation issues and detail restrictions,,, very good highlight.

-- Edited by TheWatcher on Tuesday 8th of January 2013 06:59:08 PM



HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory

One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.

Teaching the truth

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Странно Вмешательства

Thanks! Now normally

Here similar subject: Half-transparency of objects (Полупрозрачные объекты ) - Alien Anomalies

dd41d1ebdb783a52ebce4454377b23b7.gif  On mine here the object simply merges with a background

-- Edited by goggog on Monday 7th of January 2013 09:43:18 AM


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RE: Odd Tampering

That's wierd, I always just copy and paste from nasa to here.  0120MR0752013000E1_DXXX is the picture #.  And here is my copy and paste right from mars.jpl.nasa/msl, see if this works.


0120MR0752013000E1_DXXX circled.jpg


Teaching the truth

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RE: Странно Вмешательства

Levelwind wrote:


 The link doesn't coincide


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RE: Odd Tampering

0120MR0752013000E1_DXXX circled.jpg

Almost looks like a ghost to me.




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The first pic is the left bottom corner crop of Levelwind's first discovery of tampering. The second is a layered offset pixel rendition of about 10 pixels that I have found to provide a good bit of clarification.

I could not figure out at first what the veritcal lines in this and other parts of the pic were. When I zoomed in I saw that there was a fixture on the rock where the line began. A Small white tube or similar.

The third pic is a crop of the pole. In the obfuscated area there appears to be  demonic looking things, in a reddish color. Some of the eyes visible.

I will attempt more clarification on these but my feeble tools only go so far.


-- Edited by Macten on Friday 4th of January 2013 02:40:27 AM


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0132MH0163000005R0_DXXXE.jpgFrom your first pic.

partial clarification, still working on the rest of the pic.


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0141MR0820047000E1_DXXX crop and circled.jpg


0141MR0820047000E1_DXXX crop.jpg

0141MR0820047000E1_DXXX circled.jpg


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I wonder why they would smear such a thin strip along this rock?


0132MH0163000005R0_DXXX circled.jpg

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