This thread forked into two separate subjects : up to a point we were dicussing bug trails from the Spirit Rover. After that started analizing a photo by the Sojourner Rover from 1998.
When I looked at that picture of the rover marks, I thought that it was damage to the wheel too, because the marks are so regular and are the same every time.
It's a waste of time trying to analize NASA's photos because they are tampered and what we do is add tampering over tampering what becomes a dizzy tampertantrum of sorts!
Yup and no. This is one of the greatest examples of tampering. But the base image shows the alien plant life?? This is a superb find. and the guy (i think) was telling the truth. he just didnt know what he was looking at. Remember Mars is an alien world and 3 toed Disney foot prints really should be given a short stick. Crazily, underneath it all was an amazing example of alien life. if Only he bothered to study it.
Look At ETR-01 is linked to ETR02. Check his image.
Now This is proof positive that this wasnt allowed out for public consumption, he just got confused why. The level of tampering is very very shallow. ...
It's a waste of time trying to analize NASA's photos because they are tampered and what we do is add tampering over tampering what becomes a dizzy tampertantrum of sorts!
This poor guy had a problem... he could see the shapes but couldnt get through the tampering to understand it... We are creatures of patterns. So he did the best with what he could see...FOOT PRINTS.. ( looks like they were partially drawn in )
All the so called foot prints are actually linked... PLANT LIKE!
You can see the follow through between each location.
Tampering on tampering... One to hide an anomaly and another to create one. Mind blowing.
OK.. These foot prints are deeply suspicious.. Im pretty sure these have been modified from from original image. as I go through I can see the image disappear quickly when I get to ground layer. That means these foot prints are not part of the background image. I'll try again but I smell something here... even though the base image has a large number of anomalies the foot prints are floating... Can you give me the clear original from JPL and one from this guy./. I reckon I can get to the bottom of this. My first attempt as you can see show some imprints.
Watcher could you help me with ETL-0? Though It has been airbrushed too ... they left a starlike footprint: could you enhance it so we can see the details?
NM: Be honest now, do you and the other guys at JPL have a good laugh when you read the accusations on websites that you’ve discovered ancient martian artefacts – or even fossils or skulls – at Gusev and Meridiani but are covering them up? Or is it annoying and distracting?
Now this is what I did. To left the original, black pixels darkended even more, and superimposed circles from the one on the right, which the author cliams to be the real one not released by NASA. Though a couple of the circled areas don't match in the least, i have doubts with the rest ... There's something to it .. what you think Humanoid?
Well all I could do was find the image he says was released to the public which is genuine ...
fruitnut wrote: Unfortunatelly there aren't any official links provided at this site so that we can verify the author's claims. Left/right images are different with the right being the officially released and the left being what...photoshoped?
And the author either has a good sense of humour or I definitely want to try whatever he's smoking...Look below:
Above and right: Pathfinder project scientist Matthew Golembek addresses eager reporters with news about the successful landing. Invisible to the camera, an NSAa51 representative monitored the press conference to make sure he didn't reveal the real news of the day.
-- Edited by Humanoid on Wednesday 24th of March 2010 12:13:32 AM
He he, Humanoid, look what I found, while we are looking for insect trails they had already found footprints of a three legged crature, and found somebody had landed on mars before us ...
Humanoid wrote:The wheel partially seen in the bottom right is somehow wrong. Threads should run along its width, not its lenght but I'm lost as to what else this could be?
Sorry I were wrong about that. The wheel threads are oriented correctly. I misinterpreted the wheel's position before. As for the trail I agree with WingedOne.
The Rover had previously treaded on the terrain and that's what ICEMAN points at. Nonetheless the "bug trails" stand out as not a product of the rover's wheel mark left over but a later disturbance. Any other ideas?
Spider-man or someone else has been digging on this area or NASA has scooped over it. We can see something like steeps or walls, something clearly artificial.
The disturbed soil we see (excavation trench) might be the result of the rover manoeuvering over that spot. The wheel partially seen in the bottom right is somehow wrong. Threads should run along its width, not its lenght but I'm lost as to what else this could be?
Nice.. I think this vindicates my tampering removal .. Some kind of trench with extensive excavation and underlying damage or soil disturbance to underlying structures.
I still think this find is important. The scale of the area is very small if we keep track of the rover's base leg showing at the right bottom. It's not like a big boulder of something and accordingly this accounts for an area a few inches width.
Unfortunately, I think you are correct and it is just a rock rolling down the slope. Thats a shame, I thought I might have found something interesting.