Blah, Blah, Blah..... Save your moronic speeches for when you get out of preschool. None of what you have said even makes any sense. I don't give a **** what part of the planet you come from or the differences in our language!
You know what, from this point on as far as I'm concerned I won't even have anything to do with JS's site. If JS thinks that you morons are doing the right thing than so be it. If that's true than this is nothing but the biggest scam in years and I will spend the rest of my life proving it.
You freaking idiots want to play games, "Let The Games Begin!"
Blah, Blah, Blah..... Save your moronic speeches for when you get out of preschool. None of what you have said even makes any sense. I don't give a **** what part of the planet you come from or the differences in our language!
You know what, from this point on as far as I'm concerned I won't even have anything to do with JS's site. If JS thinks that you morons are doing the right thing than so be it. If that's true than this is nothing but the biggest scam in years and I will spend the rest of my life proving it.
You freaking idiots want to play games, "Let The Games Begin!"
Live Hand In Hand And Together We'll Stand, On The Threshold Of A Dream
I second Mars.. Nicely put , you have my vote on that.. no more to say from me as Mars has distilled, exactly the problem with a slice of sensitivity..
Every post here could easily be prefaced with ... "I know this is probably just basaltic rock, but take a look at this one - is there even a remote chance that this could be something more interesting..."
There is a concept called the "marketplace of ideas." Good ideas are "bought," and bad ideas disappear from the marketplace.
Message boards allow us to post speculative possibilities. Most of what is posted here will not be bought. Rarely, one of the ideas will be good enough, and it will hopefully be culled out by a consensus - or maybe Mr. Skipper will cull something out which he thinks has merit for further study. All of the other ideas will not be bought in the market place, and will fall out of sight to the bottom of the message board, and disappear.
The great thing about this message board is that with more activity, there will be more ideas, and as a result, a few of those good ideas may emerge that otherwise would never have been considered. We can consider completely insane things for a moment, and then discard them, and consider something better. I think people should be encouraged to post their ideas. We will all gain experience from it, and learn what to keep and what to discard. The more people who have a good experience hunting for things, the more will be found- and a tiny few of those things will be really interesting things.
The other alternative is that nothing should ever be posted unless you know what it is, and know that it is artificial. Hmmm. That means an extremely inactive message board - with few or no thoughts in the marketplace - and no reason for people to come here - and no way for beginners to ever get experience.
One thing we may consider doing is ranking things in particular categories - voting on them - or giving them a quality score of some kind. Then the discussion can lead to what we are looking for, and what makes one find good and another not so good. Maybe we could each create a top ten list of anomalies - which we constantly update - and compare lists to see what others think are the best ten.
By the way, OSD, I enjoy seeing your artwork, and hope you continue to post it in the various threads. It adds something to the discussion even when you poke fun at our crazy thoughts.
I think we will only find out who was correct and who was barking up the wrong gum tree when these things are revealed in their proper state for everyone to see. It is true that many theories are too far "out there" for many people to accept, but like ETs in general, if you do not believe they can exist, then you are not going to subscribe to any of the fringe theories that rely on this premise.
I have heard the saying that 'truth is stranger than fiction' and it can possibly be so. Unless we have done the investigations ourselves, we are unlikely to believe in some of the more unusual theories, and personally, I believe some really strange ones (not about Mars though). It all boils down to our life experiences and what we believe is possible, combined with our research findings.
Well here goes! I've been quietly reading and watching for awhile just to see how things would go. I've been in contact with J.S. about some earlier posts but since then I have come to this conclusion.
Sorry Xenon, "By the way, I agree with you 100%.
I have never seen on any websites concerning anomalies on Mars the Moon or here on this heap of boulders we live on, anything so idiotic, so completely ridiculous as I have seen on this site. You see faces? If that's true, then I might ask whoever does to seriously think about getting some professional help.
At me the offer. For comparison to find pictures of a terrestrial landscape with randomly scattered stones for our revealing of "erroneous imagination". We will reveal a percentage parity of images. Agree?
У меня предложение. Для сравнения находить снимки земного ландшафта с беспорядочно разбросанными камнями для выявления нашего "ошибочного воображения". Будем выявлять процентное соотношение образов. Согласны?
Critics are always appreciated and you are welcome to participate to rise the level of this side, though your tone seems to be a little bit destructive, maybe you can work on that ? We are the first ones recognicing all these things you mention and we work on that. This side is under construction, it shows some very fine aspects, some of them burried under some garbage, but that is what happens, if everbody is allowed to leave his comments. It grows, so the attacks will increase too. People are different, but regarding the participients and the visitor to this side , it should be expected, they share the same motivations..... We try and sometimes we fail. We are experimenting and not everything works as expected or imagined, but we do something positive. We do something. How about some constructive feedback ?
Well here goes! I've been quietly reading and watching for awhile just to see how things would go. I've been in contact with J.S. about some earlier posts but since then I have come to this conclusion.
Sorry Xenon, "By the way, I agree with you 100%.
I have never seen on any websites concerning anomalies on Mars the Moon or here on this heap of boulders we live on, anything so idiotic, so completely ridiculous as I have seen on this site. You see faces? If that's true, then I might ask whoever does to seriously think about getting some professional help.
Before I get to far, Hey "ONE SINGLE DROP," is this your special place for showing off your art work or what? It's nothing but a distraction and a waste of bandwidth! Nobody cares about your artwork, take it somewhere else!
NOW, Back on topic! There are only a few images on this site that even resembles anything other than rocks, period. Ooooh look at the worms, Wow look at the the little Martians in the caves making ramps, OOOOO more worms!!!! Then more of those freaking drawings by OSD.
If I have been writing this to 5 or 10 year olds, never mind, please go back to what you were doing. Your doing a fine job kids. You people are making a mockery of the project that this site was supposed to be defending. It is "PATHETIC!"
If the owner of this site has any vision left I would suggest you try to clean this mess up real, real soon because it's going down very fast from here especially when your mods are starting to mutiny on you.
Last but not least. I'm going to try and talk some sense into J.S. before this site and others like it or worse, "if that's possible" come back to bite him in his posterior by actually backing this nonsense!
The man has linked himself to this page for Christ sake!
Live Hand In Hand And Together We'll Stand, On The Threshold Of A Dream
I, like Mr Skipper, am a serious visual researcher and have been involved in the research and investigation of objects and anomalies on Mars and the Moon for many years. I have been in contact with Mr Skipper on several occasions regarding certain anomalies and have a high regard for his dedicated research.
In saying that, I cannot totally agree with him regarding the subject of image tampering. I do agree that some of the tampering is self-evident in the images from earlier missions. There is plenty of evidence of images being smudged and others where complete sections have been air-brushed out and even some where the image has been deliberately altered to conceal the truth.
But, with the majority of later images, especially those captured by the cameras of the Phoenix mission and the two rovers, Opportunity and Spirit, I have found the majority of the images to be genuine. Unfortunately, some of the released images are of poor resolution which can be very annoying to a serious researcher. I also believe the Phoenix image, lg_23586, is authentic and can find no evidence of tampering.
As many faces can be observed in image lg_23586, I am sure that these features have been created by an intelligent, micro-sized species. There is visual evidence available to back up this statement. My theory is that there are vast numbers of very tiny beings domiciled on the surface in the northern plains and the equatorial regions. They are around one-thousandth the size of people on Earth and build their structures in the shape of heads that are decorated with the shapes of faces, which I believe are representations of what they look like or possibly, what their ancestors looked like. I have investigated hundreds, if not thousands, of images of the martian surface and found many zoomorphic and anthropological representations in images from different locations on the planet. These features can be observed as landscape sculptures or as light-relief and high-relief rock carvings of various sizes.
Some of the heads are displaying a major tell-tale sign which aids recognition when viewing different images. The heads have a large cranial protrusion which is usually found on the cranial frontal bone. This unusual cranial characteristic is a very mportant observation. I have carried out extensive research on this and will explain more in another thread.
Could the miniature appearance of objects be one of the reasons why so many objects and artifacts are being missed or misinterpreted by viewers. Many researchers are looking for objects or anomalous artifacts believing, for some reason, that they have to be 'earth-sized' in appearance.
The secret I have found is to look for objects and other features, such as rock carvings, anomalous objects and landscape sculptures that are of a much smaller scale. The objects and carvings I have found in some of the images, especially from Phoenix and the rovers, are of millimeter-scale and any individual features realized will be very small indeed as can be observed in the cropped image shown below. The features could even be smaller than some of the natural rocks scattered over the terrain.
One has to be careful in this type of speculation as some of the objects observed as rocks may not be rocks at all, but tiny built structures that have the appearance as being natural shapes. It has to be remembered that we are viewing objects on the surface of a completely different world, so there will be many differences to what is anticipated. I have also found that Martians are masters of deception. In some areas of the planet their structures are camouflaged so well that they appear to be integrated into the natural landscape.
gmantoo, in a post above, made reference to the possibility that larger beings may also be living on the Mars. During some research of the MGS-MOC images of the southern polar regions, I have observed terrain differences compared with the terrain of the northern and equatorial regions but have noticed similar landscape characteristics such as the heads and faces which appear to be 'designed' into the landscape or appear as structural features. It has to be noted that not everyone can see these particular shapes and features, but when they are recognized, viewing becomes much more interesting and in some cases, very revealing.
When I first started researching the images, surface anomalies and artifacts that I now recognize were not apparent in earlier research.
The following question has to be asked.
Have the facial features been introduced for a specific reason?
The 'face' and the pyramids at the Cydonia location are typical examples, but should be disregarded as these old eroded formations are probably related to an ancient existence, although they are still interesting from a researchers point of view.
tsad said,
"sorry timewarp...I am not seeing what you are trying to point out in the circled areas. Can you please go over them with line work?"
In reply, I have posted another full image below of lg_23586 and a cropped section of it which displays some of the surface objects. I have not included the facial representations as they tend to be a distraction when searching for surface objects. I do not use line work on images as this interferes with the display of the object or artifact. I use circles so that the item of interest can be seen at, or near, the centre of the circle. The images can be downloaded from this page and using a suitable program such as PhotShop or Paint Shop Pro one can zoom in to assist recognition of objects.
Remember, everything in the image is over one thousand times smaller than objects found on this planet. For example a house on Earth 6 meters in height will only be 6mm at this location on Mars.
What I see in this particular image is a large arch feature, a pyramid, a structure with two spires or towers. a long white structure with a tower built in the center and to the top left, a sloping structure which may possibly be a large entrance to an underground infrastructure. There are also other objects that I have circled.
1. Image lg_23586 - Full view with objects circled.
2. Image cropped and resized to show a close view of circled objects.
Image credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Personally I feel that using our own imaging software - whatever it is or however good it is, will probably introduce extra things into the photograph in addition to the tampering and changes that NASA has already made. I try to only alter the contrast and brightness to see if things show up in the shadows and things like this.
If I do not agree with what others see, I do not comment on that aspect and I feel this is a safe, respectful way to go on forums.
HOWEVER, I do find myself needing some 'reality checks' occasionally and sometimes I need to focus and re-evaluate otherwise I get too far out and whacky. That is a danger in this kind of investigation, our mind takes us in directions that may not be reasonable or common sense ones and that reality check, to me, is important still.
We are all adults (as far as I know) and as such should not need others to fight our battles. Respect is earned and even the most respected such as ghandi and mother teresa will have knocks and questions aimed at their character. Part of building up immunity to this kind of attack is having to endure it and becoming stronger as a result.
Remember, our emotions that we feel are always chosen by us and we can decide to be offended or not depending on our previous life experiences. Whether you like to hear that or not, it is the truth.
We can discuss this forever, but we will never be certain of what we "see" until the objects or lifeforms are in our presence. In other words, "Right in front of us". And even then, some won't be able to (or refuse to) comprehend what they "see".
This is why everyone one of us use: " It appears to be......." "I believe......." "Here's what I see....." "It looks like........" "Does anyone else see this.......?" "Can anyone explain this.........?" "I think............." These are all comments of uncertainty. Therefore, why criticize anyone's conclusion if there is uncertainty within our own conclusions?
I "believe" we can all agree that the agencies that supply these photos has tampered with them. This has left the public with a lack of trust for these agencies. Who among us has the expetise and knowledge to tell us what is real? If there is a person, will everyone agree with his or her conclusions? And, how will they prove they are correct? It's great to be human!
As a follow on from the previous images I posted above, here is an image that was captured during sol 85 of the Phoenix mission. The image shows a typical view of the terrain surrounding the Phoenix lander.
Three images are shown.
1. The original image. 2. The improved image. 3. The same image with objects and anomalies circled.
Phoenix landed in the area of the Northern plains which is miles away from where the rovers are working, but there are many distinct similarities to be found.
I can see that some members feel that what can be seen in above images can be compared to seeing faces and shapes in the soil or in the clouds. In this image there are many shapes to be observed and some of the objects are definitely tiny built structures.
View the image an see how many objects or anomalies you can find. I have included the original image should you wish to compare the circled image with the original
1. The original image.
2. The improved image.
3. The same image with objects and anomalies circled.
Image credited to NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Now my two cents worth. I am a moderator on the Forum, but first and foremost I am a seeker. I look at everything presented here, I process it in my own way and I show courtesy and respect for all members points of view even if I do not always agree with them.
The fact is that we are working with tampered images. We do not know what is real or not, it is likely we may never know. We only say what we think we see.
If we see faces than we should have the freedom to express that opinion, and other members should have the freedom to answer. This thread was seriously examining the possibilities that the faces may be tampering inserted to divert our brains away from the evidence when this digression started. We were making some headway on discussing what we thought about the faces any maybe formulating an idea on what was happening before we were disrupted. I am annoyed at that disruption. I do not like creativity and 'out-of-the-box' thinking to be censored.
I joined this Forum to discuss my ideas and theories and findings with others. I accept opinions and criticism when other members do not agree with me, but I will not accpet being told what I can and cannot think or see. Xenon, that is not what we are about. There are two trains of investigation in this Forum, the mainstream 'scientific' evidence-driven one, and the more lateral-thinking, creative, test-the-limits one. Both trains are essential to reach some understanding of what may be on Mars and in the heavily tampered images we have access to.
If you do not like the direction a post is taking as a member, than you have the freedom not to read it or comment on do not have the right to censor it ! Outrageous ideas sometimes lead to incredible discoveries, so let the posts run their course. If people are not degrading or disrupting a post then what is happening is a good, un-censored discussion of different views. It does not ridicule us in the eyes of the other Joe Publics out there, and I for one really don't care what the scientific community may think as they sure as hell do not tell us the truth about what is happening 'out there'.
Personally, I do not share the opinion that the Mars Balancing Stone thread (which happens to be one of the most popular threads on this Forum) was cloud-watching. I clearly see the faces and other anomalies in that post and am not finished working on it. Harrys help in understanding a new way to view these images was invaluable and I have a great respect for his talent (and the other Secret Planet members) even if I may not always agree with what they see. thewatcher has been extremely supportive of members posting information and I know his input has been appreciated on the posts and add another essential dimension in the discussions that happen there.
I would be very dissapointed if anything was done to jeoporadise this input or alienate any more members.
Goggog, you are right... we need freedom of speech and though as seekers
You've heard mine too. Harry is a valued friend, I'm in great hope for all our dreams. There is definately movement behind the scenes and Harry is in the thick of it, I'm not expecting u to retract athing, just mutual respect. I'm sure that is not just an opinion, it's prerequisit for all opinions, theories and thoughts. Secretplanets is a test bed for lobbying, we do not publicies the URL in anything, it is politicians we are lobbying.
Regards Thewatcher of all
I agree with mutual respect for all our communities, I have no animosity towards Harry, we all find our own direction and strengths in our search for disclosure.
But I will not sit idly by and see our members chasing shadows and red herrings when there is so much real evidence examine and explore.
Now back on topic please
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
You've heard mine too. Harry is a valued friend, I'm in great hope for all our dreams. There is definately movement behind the scenes and Harry is in the thick of it, I'm not expecting u to retract athing, just mutual respect. I'm sure that is not just an opinion, it's prerequisit for all opinions, theories and thoughts. Secretplanets is a test bed for lobbying, we do not publicies the URL in anything, it is politicians we are lobbying.
in reply to thewatcher I, like all other members in this thread have expressed an opinion as to what the images contained (everyone has a right of opinion), I have not attacked any members work, and I know nothing about the secret planets site or the work you do as I have not had cause to visit the site.
I stand by what I said in my last post, and my dream is for all of our communities to unite together in one voice, but please do not try to accuse me of being unprofessional and insulting by having an opinion other than yours.
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
XENON I quote: I am sorry but I am not convinced they are created faces on the surface of Mars, it is easy for the human brain to perceive shapes in natural objects, like Harry's lion head feature, or the way we look at clouds and their shapes.
Im a fair person. I relish other people opinins and ideas. But theres a line that I and other wont cross. Its a code of conduct we apply to ourselves . to cut to the chase , mutual professional respect. Harry is a great colleague and now close friend. I have the utmost respect over what he does and beliefs. He's been gracious and kind enough to show me What to look for and how to PARTIALLY reveal them. I find it strange, that you put Harry's work with the shape of clouds? a Face of a lion? I read the thread. He didnt say what he saw at first, he you asked guys to say what you see, Yes or No? It here in your forum. That statement I would take personally .
Now I can understand the uncomfortable alliance going on here . I respect your opinions but DONT use a fellow hunters work (weather you agree with it or not) as a theme of mo chary. Its unprofessional and insulting. Ive quietly fed to this forum, what I can see. Ive questioned when I haven't understood. But at know stage have I taken my private vendettas out on forum users.
You are a follower of J.Skipper. This forum is in-respect to his great work yes? Well as you stated..the human brain to perceive shapes in natural objects, like Harry's lion head feature, or the way we look at clouds and their shapes
1/4 of a face revealed.. arent we just putting our pattern brained engine in this image?
Would you call these cloud formations?
Patterns that the human brain locks onto?
Compression artifacts?
I respect Skippers work.. Dosent mean I agree with all the tamper field images. But the guy has put time effort and good piece of his soul into his work. I or any other member of SecretPlanets would never openly use his work or name in conjunction with fools finding shapes in clouds. I really dont get Harry personally. Why he bothers and cares so much . The guys on a different plateau of hunting in comparison to the arm chair critics he has to put up with. So.. Secret Planets takes to heart what you said Xenon. We maybe a very small group but we certainly know what we are doing.
Your members are doing great work. I think I have helped toward naking this subject a little less intimidating. Ive added content to your site with no want of personal adulation. Harry said it would be a good place to cut my teeth on. To develop my knowledge. and to learn the art of being humble! NO Ego here. I know I have a long way to go.
I am sorry but I am not convinced they are created faces on the surface of Mars, it is easy for the human brain to perceive shapes in natural objects, like Harry's lion head feature, or the way we look at clouds and their shapes.
The danger with such assumptions of them being faces, is when another person sees similar faces and agrees with the finder, that often makes some viewers susceptible to seeing faces/artefacts when in reality it is just a rocks angle or shadows.
I have searched these images below, and other than pixelation and possible tampering, I see nothing but natural geology (admittedly the rocks do seem less eroded than would be expected for the Mars time line), and some do show geometry even though the quality of the images is not perfect, and may well be artefacts.
We need to keep a perspective of what we are searching for when it comes to evidence, yes it is possible in the past a high civilisation (the watchers) flourished on the surface of Mars that had its own art (and may well of brought their skills to Earth), but due to the calamity that altered its biosphere and rearranged its geography, Mars has become a desert planet where life is recovering and evolving, Earth has gone though similar changes in its past (and more extreme in the distant past).
Use the evidence we already have to understand what we are looking at, Mr Skipper and our members have shown us Biology, and evidence of a lost civilisation on the surface of Mars, the knowledge being hidden from us about our solar system and our past, have set us all back decades in our knowledge and understanding, the evidence being presented by the community is overwhelming, science cannot ignore the obvious for much longer, it needs to look away from its peers and think for itself.
So please lets not fall into the stupor of chasing shadows, if the faces you see are a result of tampering, then you have to ask for what purpose and by who, so much can be achieved by reasoned argument for the evidence we present, but trying to create the illusion of faces/effigies where there is none is only damaging the communities credibility and our argument for disclosure.
-- Edited by Xenon on Wednesday 14th of April 2010 02:49:01 PM
Ксенон This statement, I think you "cut" creativity freedom. I think it only harms to business. Excuse, if it is rigid
Этим заявлением ,думаю вы "подрезаете"свободу творчества. Думаю это только вредит делу. Извините ,если жёстко
Has anyone ever used one of those "PHOTO STACKING" programs commonly used to sharpen astrophotography photos taken with a telescope, to see if that can shed some light on defeating some tampering effects?
Hi, Xenon has a point but the level of tampering is total. TIMEWARPS image of facial nightmares is a very very interesting point. he maybe interpreting features of the landscape bythe minds ability to pattern recognise human features ... BUT! I ask anyone, Look at whats there. Its a confusion of organic alien shapes we dont understand and just apply our best guess. I worked on this a bit. This is quite detailed and can appear a complete mess. Just compare closely with original and you'll see the extent of tampering and its capabilities to our perception.
Theres a lot in here. but thathats exactly what Timewarp was pointing too (maybe without knowing). Theres something awfully alien in these images. Nasa tampered the hell out of it to ease the visual mess and hide the truth.
"...untill we/someone cracks the tampering code and gets to the real pic..."
Unfortunately, once the picture has been degraded with the jpg compression and the compression artifacts have been introduced, there is nothing anyone can do to get back what has been lost in the detail. I dont know about the smudging and whether that can be 'undone' but I doubt it.
I have seen some of these fractal sharpening and that appears to sharpen the image, but it probably only makes assumptions based on pixel shades and colours next to each other.
I am sorry but I am not convinced they are created faces on the surface of Mars, it is easy for the human brain to perceive shapes in natural objects, like Harry's lion head feature, or the way we look at clouds and their shapes.
The danger with such assumptions of them being faces, is when another person sees similar faces and agrees with the finder, that often makes some viewers susceptible to seeing faces/artefacts when in reality it is just a rocks angle or shadows.
I have searched these images below, and other than pixelation and possible tampering, I see nothing but natural geology (admittedly the rocks do seem less eroded than would be expected for the Mars time line), and some do show geometry even though the quality of the images is not perfect, and may well be artefacts.
We need to keep a perspective of what we are searching for when it comes to evidence, yes it is possible in the past a high civilisation (the watchers) flourished on the surface of Mars that had its own art (and may well of brought their skills to Earth), but due to the calamity that altered its biosphere and rearranged its geography, Mars has become a desert planet where life is recovering and evolving, Earth has gone though similar changes in its past (and more extreme in the distant past).
Use the evidence we already have to understand what we are looking at, Mr Skipper and our members have shown us Biology, and evidence of a lost civilisation on the surface of Mars, the knowledge being hidden from us about our solar system and our past, have set us all back decades in our knowledge and understanding, the evidence being presented by the community is overwhelming, science cannot ignore the obvious for much longer, it needs to look away from its peers and think for itself.
So please lets not fall into the stupor of chasing shadows, if the faces you see are a result of tampering, then you have to ask for what purpose and by who, so much can be achieved by reasoned argument for the evidence we present, but trying to create the illusion of faces/effigies where there is none is only damaging the communities credibility and our argument for disclosure.
-- Edited by Xenon on Wednesday 14th of April 2010 02:49:01 PM
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
Timewarp, I can see most of the faces in the circles in answer to your question but not all of them are humanoid.
That is a fascinating theory. If they have worked so much detail into this one small area we should be able to find more evidence of them around here. We just have to look smaller.
Like gmantoo, I believe there are an abundance of different life-forms on Mars and I have already stated that I am open to the fact that there may be a humanoid race that is much smaller than us after Skippers coin report and finding the tiny coin on Earth as well. We have our own myths of liliputions, dwarves, fairies, elves etc.. so if the 'little people' are part of our ancestral memory why not exist somewhere else ?
Mars realy is a fascinating planet, with evidence of life forms that are tiny to monstrous worms.....
What size do you think they are? I think they are small too, but I would be interested to know what you think.
We should be able to deduce what the Martians look like from the images they create as we tend to create ones that look like us. I think they have funny 60's haircuts! No...really, I am being serious. I have found a couple of places where I think I have found a Martian and they have. I could be completely wrong though.
It would make sense if theye were small because the delta-wing things are small, and the cities and shelters are small. I have often wondered because things were too close to the Rover to be big human sized and it would also account for the fact that they have not attacked and destroyed the Rovers. (Plus they might be peaceful too, of course).
I think there might be big Martians too though in some places, which is why we have wreckage and large structures, but I suppose little Martians could make these large structures too.
doney, I do not think there has been any tampering with the images to add faces to the rock surfaces. The images taken by the rovers are displaying some very interesting visual information. What you are seeing is the real thing. The image below is the original of the image shown above. I have enhanced and darkened it to show up more of the detail. I have cropped some of the sky as it is a distraction.
Looking at this image closely many anomalous heads and faces can be observed. I have a theory about why this is so. I believe that Martians, although they are very tiny beings, are great landscape artists and have the intelligence to form what they or their ancestors looked like into the landscape as well as being capable of making light-relief rock carvings. This is just one image where heads and faces can be observed. There are many, many more and if the viewer knows the tell-tale signs of what to look for a whole new approach to viewing the images can be realized. When viewing, see if you notice any if the tell-tale signs. Some of the faces are clearly visible whilst others may appear slightly camouflaged.
In the image shown below I have circled what I can see. Members may find it more beneficial to download the image and load it into a program such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro to zoom in to double the size to see the detail more clearly.
It would be interesting to note if any other members can see the heads and faces that are showing in the above image.
-- Edited by Humanoid on Tuesday 13th of April 2010 08:48:13 PM
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
The reason I call them reflective is because they appear as an actual photo of a person instead of a created object like the "mask" and "side profile". Yes, I believe both are tampering.
I have seen faces in almost every photo. I believe that is the intention. Here are a few for your determination. Some people "see" these right away, other do not. Fortunately, or unfortunately (I haven't decided yet) I see faces without trying to look for them. It can be very distracting while trying to analyze the contents of a photo.
doney, at last someone has expressed it and so simply !
I've been looking at these images for two years now and wondering if part of the tampering process was to insert faces in the layers of tampering. That way when we actually found faces like on statues we would doubt what we are seeing.
I am interested to know what you mean by 'reflected' ?
Meteoriteman- I have found three distinctive "forms" of facial appearances. (1) We "see" them in the structures (carvings or statues). (2) We "see" reflections on structures. (3) They are part of the tampering process.
I have found photos that contain all three in the same photo. When using "faces" in photos for tampering purposes, you become very distracted from the content. I believe that is the purpose.
I know the human mind is preprogramed to find faces in random imagines and shapes so don't shoot me for posting this, but while playing around with this image I came across some faces I'd like to share and maybe get some opinions on.