Trying to keep distance to reach and keep some objective point of view, means to eliminate imaginative factors down to a level, till they start ( or not) to correspond with other factors. If there is some strong personal conviction growing into a subjective "matter of fact" and this personal conviction can`t be supported by complementing observations, it ´s difficult to share this with others using arguments, `cause there would be none, or too few. If I cannot share it in a way that others are in the state to repeat the results and follow the way of research, making it transparent, the acceptance of the results would demand believe instead of persuasion, because they would depend on suggestive claiming instead of proof. My opinion.
Here you go gmantoo. What I look for in most photos is the level of probability of all details. While you may be correct about the jpeg crosshatch, and if I only had the headdress to evaluate, then I would be less likely to "see" the martian face. As a matter of fact, it was the headdress that first caught my eye. But here's what I see: 1. A humanoid shaped head 2. Eyes, in the assumed position 3. Nose, in the assumed position 4. Mouth, in the assumed position 5. Cheek, in the assumed position 6. Chin, in the assumed position 7. Forehead, in the assumed position 8. Headdress, matching the statue in the identical position 9. The pattern of the headdress, matching the statue 10. The top of the headdress, matching the statue 11. The item in question does not fit the surrounding terrain
The results of the math calculations on the probability that this is an artificial formation, and not a natural formation, could be eye opening. There are a lot of people that see artifacts with less.
in my opinion you are absolutely right: You have created an asian Buddha ! But why ? Which motivation could drive you to create an asian Buddha on the surface of Mars ? Fanatism ?
Yes, it could be, but on the other hand I have noticed a lot of jpg compression looks as if it is crosshatched lines or zig-zags like in the headdress. Particularly when you zoom in too much (which I do all the time).
Ideally we should turn off 'pixel smoothing' which blends one pixel into another. Without this, zooming in gives a blotchy appearance of the raw pixels of the picture.
What size is it and where on the picture is it? There are a lot of rocks in that picture!