marsrocks is correct in saying that my claim to there being tiny life-forms on Mars less than 2mm in height is 'quite bizarre' but we have to remember the planet is a completely different world and the conditions there are widely different than conditions here on Earth.
I am sure that in the distant past the conditions on Mars were very different to what we see in the current images of the planet. For a start, there is much debris strewn across the surface and the size of some of the debris gives one the impression that at one time martians were a much taller species. This could tie in with what the atmospheric characteristics were like at the time. Perhaps the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere was far greater than the current 0.13% level. The factors that relate to the size of the tiny life-forms on Mars could well be down to how much oxygen is available in the atmosphere.
The human species survives in an atmosphere containing around 20% oxygen. If humans on Earth were just over one thousand times smaller, would we still require a 20% proportion of oxygen or a 0.0002% proportion? If it is the latter, then an atmosphere containing only 0.13% proportion of oxygen would be more than sufficient to support life. Could the same hypothesis be applied to Mars? Unfortunately, I am not a biologist, so I am unable to answer this particular question.
A question to marsrocks.
As there are quite a number of different images of this scene, would it be possible to make an animation to determine whether or not the anomaly is actually 'smoking'?
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." This photograph 2P308541519EFFB1E5P2587R6M1 is version 1 of a photograph produced for M - MIPL (OPGS) at JPL on Sun, 11 Oct 2009 13:57 (Sol 2052). It was taken with the PANCAM, through the Right camera, using a 934nm (25nm bandpass) (IR) filter on the Mars Rover Spirit.
It is a full frame EDR picture which is raw, is NOT liniarised, and is NOT thumbnail sized
The picture was taken at site number B1 on drive number E5, and the command sequence number P2587 to take the picture was instructed by PMA & Remote Sensing instr. (Pancam, Navcam, Hazcam, MI, Mini-TES) and belongs to the group 2000 through 2899 - Pancam sequences
If you put in end date: 12 Oct 2009 11:58 site: B1 PANCAM SPIRIT you will continue to get others I am sure.
There was a lot of rubbish taken at site B1 such as the 'joystick' thing that calibrates the colour and the black square with a white circle in the middle. The pics above are real pics though, not calibration etc.
OSD, that's an interesting thing to discuss, and I'd like to weigh in. There are a lot of factors that are different between earth and mars.
I would tend to agree with you that the lower gravity factor would result in the possibility of larger beings - for instance, bugs should be able to carry larger exoskeletons with less gravity. But gravity is only one factor.
Current conditions on mars suggest few or no resources - and little liquid water on the surface, if any. With fewer resources available, historically, we see smaller beings on earth. The large dinosaurs existed when there was considerably more oxygen in the atmosphere, and loads more resources to eat. Humans are historically larger in areas and during times where there are more resources; and smaller when fewer resources (vikings may be an exception - not sure). Some of the smallest known humans evolved on an island with dwindling resources.
In addition, mars has a weaker magnetic field protecting the planet, and therefore is exposed to more cosmic radiation. This has the potential to break materials down into much smaller particles - with smaller particles we may get smaller organisms as possibilities - building ever smaller biological structures with the smaller material.
The examination of mars meterorite ALH-84001, indicated the possible appearance not of common bacteria - but of nano-sized bacteria. The shapes were varied and were similar to shapes of earth bacteria - but these shapes could only be seen under an electron microscope - not a normal scientific microscope. One of the criticisms that these might represent organisms was that bacteria could not possibly be so small. The magnetite structures now identified within those nano-sized critters tends to indicate the critics were wrong and that mars at least at one time supported nano-sized life forms similar to larger bacteria on earth.
So, while timewarp's claim seems quite bizarre - and not directly supportable with the camera resolutions we have - smaller organisms on mars (if any exist at all) may not be so far out as it appears on its face.
The reason I called the object 'a smoking anomaly' is because if one looks closely steam or smoke can be seen rising from what I interpret as being four independent smoke stacks. I have searched he image galleries for a better image so that a reasonable enlargement and assessment could be made but up to the present have been unable to find one.
As stated in another thread, I calculated that martians are just over one thousand times smaller than people on Earth, so when searching for evidence of recognizable objects and artifacts, it's like searching for a needle in a haystack. Most of the objects I have found are of millimeter scale, not meter scale. The anomalous object shown in this thread is no exception.
One way of viewing this particular object is to consider if this was an aerial scene of a large industrial complex or power station with smoking chimneys on this planet and was being viewed from 2 km above the surface, this is how the object would appear.
I am not saying that it is, but I get the impression from what can be viewed in the image that the object is some form of large industrial complex.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."