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Teaching the truth

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RE: Interesting "boulder"

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Teaching the truth

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LROC Image Browser - M139504224L



Teaching the truth

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The Moon Zoo has an 'identify images of boulders' in Lunar pictures, so it may be a good resource for other boulders like these.



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The image below is the full enhanced version for the set of images seen above. Compare with the original full image shown above.

Note: The image was captured on the far side of the moon which accounts for the inferior quality.

I get the impression the lines of lighter intermittent features may be part of a transport infrastructure that is part surface and part underground. There are also plenty of anthropological shapes (faces) in the image.




"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

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This research gets even more interesting. The title for the link that dave posted above states, "Bouncing, Bounding Boulders". After processing and shadow-enhancing a selected section of the large image strip I am of the opinion that these objects being described as 'boulders' and the 'boulder trails' are in fact something completely different.

Five images are displayed below.

The images are a little on the dark side as this was not an easy image to process. Looking right into the image you may be quite amazed at the features that can be observed.

Could it possibly be that this is what Neil Armstrong was meaning during his speech at the White House on the 20th July 1994 when he said, "Breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers. There are places to go beyond belief."

What I am currently finding in some of the lunar images confirms exactly the meaning of those two sentences spoken by Armstrong. I can confirm that he was perfectly correct. There are many constructed features on the lunar surface that are definitely beyond belief.












"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer


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Even more examples of "boulders", towards the bottom of the picture 15m boulders with trails going long distances.


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NASA gives wrong picture of the situation on the moon.
Attached is a picture of a building on the Moon




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The objects that appear as boulders are not boulders at all.

I have spent quite a lot of time on one of the images where these objects appear and I think you will agree after viewing the processed image that there is plenty of evidence that suggests there is the presence of an active life species on the moon. What is also interesting is that the inhabitants appear to have a human-like appearance. This raises some serious in-depth questions for astrobiologists and anthropologists. 

The other important question relates to the moons' atmosphere. How were these 'people' able to construct so many large buildings in such a hostile atmosphere? Could it possibly be that the atmosphere is not hostile at all but we are being led to believe it is?

Two images are displayed, the original and the processed image. Look right into the processed imaged and you may be surprised at what can be observed.







"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer


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I wouldn't doubt there are some giant bucket wheels similar on the moon.



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Here in this picture you can see small craters in the path of the device and elsewhere in the picture. These craters are perfectly circular. This phenomenon is found all over the the moon. The fact that they are in the path of the device proves that they are not real objects. Yellow arrows point to some examples.

NASA uses it to make the Moon repulsive and unattractive.



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Those look like boulder trails and boulders bro.


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There are many other examples of devices that seem to form a path. (marked with arrows)
It is noteworthy that all these devices seem to trend in the same direction at the same time. Is there a search for something?




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LROC site is certainly has some of the clearest images on the lunar surface available.  It all reminds me of the artist impressions of moon bases from the 1960's and 70's. 



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Another recent image with a few more "boulders"



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Look guys, I'm not crapping on my own discovery here or anything.

I've seenan found plenty of genuine anomalies and nothing ever comes of their bring discovered and published. Excepting of course, when NASA pulls images and reposts sanitized versions.  But no one ever becomes famous or gets visted by spooks for posting a lunar anomaly.

I hope I get credit if it turns out to be arifiicial but I didn't get credit for being the first one to publish images of lunar volcanic activity. 

That being said, I am quite impressed with your work here guys. Timewarp, that last image totally makes it look like a vehicle. You folks have top top-notch anomalists amongst you.

This anomaly - whatever it may be, and as big as it is - it almost looks more artificial than the apollo lander remains that the lro has just imaged.


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Exuberant1 wrote;

<< It is just an interesting lunar feature. >>

I can assure you Exuberant1 that the detail in the area of the so-called boulder is more than interesting. It is revealing! The image below shows there may well be an active presence on the lunar surface.

Have a look at the positive image displayed below. I have spent a considerable amount of time on this particular image to bring out the detail that unfortunately is 'hidden' in the original tiff. If you use an optical magnifyer to view the image many built structures can be seen on the surface.

The image has been shadow-enhanced to bring out the detail.




"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer


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qmantoo wrote:

This is not to say that you do not deserve credit. You do. However, what is it that you really want.? Fame? public recognition? You will soon learn that these things bring their own problems, but that is your learning path. 


You are being kinda dramatic there qmantoo.

It is just an interesting lunar feature.



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I look forward to seeing your enhanced pics on this one timewarp, you always seem to find more in an image that I miss.


Dedicated to the truth

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To Exuberant1,

If you were the first person to discover the 'boulder' anomaly then in all fairness you deserve the credit for the find.

What I found interesting about this particular site were the host of objects that are located close to the 'boulder'. There is no doubt about what is showing in the images after they were shadow-enhanced using Photoshop. Many people would say that manipulating an image destroys the original content but if the operator knows what he/she is doing when using these programs, with care it's surprising what can be achieved.

If anyone is interested I will post the process I used to bring out the 'hidden' detail. 


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Teaching the truth

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The stopping and pointing towards home and then starting again, may be an explanation. It certainly has not been put forward before as far as I know. It would be interesting to see what the ATS guys think of this one as they are the ones who came to the conclusion it was rocks after all.

Exuberant1 - I note on the ATS thread you say you discovered it. This is definitely a large discovery and one which will go down in history as adding towards the proof of "More than we are told, is going on on the Moon".

In practice, no-one can really say thay are the discoverer of anything as there is nearly always someone else who knew about anything before 'we' discovered it. For example, if this thing came from Earth, then there are at least 100 people who know about this mission and probably a lot more. Many people will have used the available images to see what 'their' rover is doing.

The people who 'discovered' foreign lands in the past are only the discoverer for their culture and probably not the very first to have seen it as there may be local population living there for eons.

This is not to say that you do not deserve credit. You do. However, what is it that you really want.? Fame? public recognition? You will soon learn that these things bring their own problems, but that is your learning path. We all have our reasons for wanting to find anomalies in images etc. Mine is the injustice and 'unfairness' of being continually lied to by the authorities.

But, I have come to realise that there are probably alien life forms which are not dangerous and who probably want to live a peaceful life just like we do. Yes, they may be living on Earth too, but so what? They dont bother us much (at least some dont) and the ones who do bother us, need to be chased away if we are able to do that with our ancient technology. There could be all kinds of things which come up as a result of (disclosure) KNOWING we are not the only intelligent species living on Earth, and I am not sure that humans are responsible enough to know that just yet and still act in a mature way. We are more than likely to start a war - and lose it.




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Image: lunar rover design



Dedicated to the truth

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Members may be wondering where the images are that I posted in this thread.

Unfortunately, it would appear that Photobucket are putting a block on for some reason. Why would they do this? The only reason I can think of why they have done this is because someone out there doesn't like the truth of what is really on the moon being displayed in the public domain.


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer


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I found an interesting possible explanation on ATS...

Ok, everyone has been looking at the track in the lunar regolith from the perspective of having been created by something akin to a rock or boulder tumbling or rolling down a gradient or slope.

However, there is a much more "cleaner and satisfying" explanation for the track creation. Occam's razor certainly would be satisfied as well as lending credence and weight to the hypothesis that it's a manufactured artifact ... hence, artificial.

Lets start at the beginning of the track and position the artifact so it's facing photographic north, ie. towards the top of the image.

1. Now, let the artifact move forward (northwards) x amount of meters.
Now the artifact stops and executes a clockwise turn of 90 degrees so it's facing photographic "east". This turn is executed on "the spot".
2. At some point later in time, the artifact executes an anti-clockwise turn of 90 degrees, thereby resuming it's original north facing direction.
3. The artifact moves forward x amount of meters.

Now repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 multiple times and what do you see in the regolith afterwards ? exactly the pattern observed in the photo. !

Take a look at the following image to give you a better understanding of what I'm on about.


So, we have a very simple explanation for the track based on "intelligently directed" as opposed to "natural" movement. Thereby adding strong circumstantial evidence of artificiality.

But why the repetitiveness in the pattern ?

Again, a very simple explanation will suffice.

If the artifact is indeed artificial, then it's a given that it will be in communication with Earth controllers. Now I would have assumed in that case that it would have onboard telemetry feeding through a parabolic dish. This dish would normally be slaved to always point at the Earth to enable continuous transmissions in both directions.

Now, if the slaving mechanism fails, then the only way for the artifact to receive regular mission updates would be for it to periodically stop it's movement (in this case northwards), PHYSICALLY ROTATE it's body until the parabolic dish re-acquires the Earth signal (now facing towards photographic east) ... receive the update ... then rotates back to it's original mission heading (northwards).

At regular intervals, this pattern of stopping, rotating the dish (and main body) towards Earth ... transmission update ... rotating back to original heading ... moving forward, would be repeated over and over. And obviously mission control would not let the artifact travel too great a distance with faulty onboard communications without instructing the artifact to stop regularly and reacquire the signal.

Simple assumptions that fits the observed image details and easily explains the artifact and it's puzzling track pattern.


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Exuberant1, welcome to the forum.

Exuberant1 wrote, << It sure would be nice if the discoverer of the anomaly was given some credit for the find. >>

In reply, I would say I couldn't agree more.

The finding of this particular anomaly has intriqued me to the extent that I felt further investigation was required. It's a great shame that the sectional tiff version cannot be posted as there are even more interesting anomalies to observe.


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer


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It sure would be nice if the discoverer of the anomaly was given some credit for the find.


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Closeup view of the lower right section showing the mystery anomaly.





"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

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Close up of detail in the upper left section of previous image.




"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

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Maybe this will help to determine the truth of what the 'boulder' really is.

There are some very very interesting anomalies showing in this sectional crop.

Please note I have shadow-enhanced the image to bring out the 'hidden' detail.

Could it possibly be that the 'boulder' is a very large structure?



The image below shows some of the detail highlighted.

Note the anomaly I have arrowed to the upper left.



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Teaching the truth

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qmantoo wrote:

There are two threads which both go into quite a lot of detail over at abovetopsecret

See the original one here

and the one I started the other day to see if we could get a little further on it.

seems like we will never know the real truth but we are used to that.



Teaching the truth

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There are two threads which both go into quite a lot of detail over at abovetopsecret

See the original one here

and the one I started the other day to see if we could get a little further on it.

seems like we will never know the real truth but we are used to that.



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with this pic, i have to ask if the trail is going "down" or "up"

grav assisted, it has to run over all the others, both ways.

looks like a concentrated origination point and no real dispersion field,

if it was rolling boulders.

i have no answers just observations.


Teaching the truth

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yes of course - good question. However, I think we will have to make up the answer ourselves, 'cos no-one official will say anything. smile.gif




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My question then is who's rover? Correct me if I am wrong but the last succesful "public" rover was in 1973. And I prefer Ozzy Osbourne "Bark at the Moon"


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maybe dooo wap?

blue moooon!

i saw you standing aloooone...


Teaching the truth

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Thats a good one, yes. I found what you are pointing to, but isn't this someone's Rover? Taken on 27 May 2010 so it must have been abandoned or else... (que the Close Encounters music) doo,doo,doo,doo,DOOO ! Can you tell I can't sing? smile.gif The tif file is 93Mb.




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When you zoom in on the original look at the lower rille on the left hand side. Next to some rocks you will see tracks leading UP the wall of the rille to this "boulder" that turned to avoid another rock.

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