Hello Levelwind, sorry for the delay .. and yes I did notice it, but did not do any work on it .. until now. There are in fact quite a few anomalies present, so am attaching a submission which has defeated much of the obfuscation and brought out a reasonable amount of detail for all to examine. Kinda Ansel Adam-e lookin ... see what you can spot Levelwind. -Morbius
OK then TW , as ' the Administration Building ' ( attached ) seems incorrectly applied , then what is the reasoning as to it being considered an unusual geological formation , or as you put it ' geo-features ' ..on Mars? Am I missing something here ? just asking / cheers -Morbius
I have no contest with your critique TW , however , to your ' a very simple question ' , may I ask what you're answer was when asked ' a very simple question ', twice , as to the nature of the Crystaline Structures ? -Morbius
That's a shame... Anyways... Morbius if you keep your replies to the points in hands and not make slanderous accusations then things wouldn't be so difficult for you to understand ;) You may've forgotten old boy it was Christmas and some of us have families and loved ones to attend. Unfortunately 'wrong' insinuation reflect the source of ur over inflated reaction to a very simple question. I haven't (outside your thread) come across the generic term of admin block to describe geo-features on Mars. In fact the term 'admin block' dose not describe structure but function, last time I checked. Instead of answering the question clearly, its patently clear no real reason could be thought of so burying the attempted answer in slanderous , almost laughable unfortunate conspiracies (which I will take from you only once Morbius) is all I sadly expected. An enlightening explanation to add to my 9 year stint in anomaly hunting would have done. As for you poor summary of what I rely on from NASA. Let me explain it in a language that you most probably wont understand but I will try take your level of thinking into consideration. I deal with the paradoxes of compression algorithms and the much misunderstood realm of tonal maps , including pixel ties, their influence on interrogation and the subsequent substructure it affects. I don't deal with perfect images from NASA per say ;). Now with imaging, I have some interest in robotic vision systems. Why? Due to the fact I build , design controlling software and market such mechatronics. I have the privilege to have worked with 1 noted (nameless) engineer whom helped design develop SPIRIT and Opportunity's power management systems etc. I have also been privileged to be given tone-mapping software whose powers of detail analysis hasn't really been rivaled. Now my right to question a statement is important. In fact its something that I find lacking due to whatever inner ghosts people carry. To admins. Personal cloaked slanders aren't really tolerated by me without sound sources (in this case I understand that will break a habit I suspect). This has obviously been over looked for whatever reason but i take it down to standard anomalies beyond current explanation. As for you Morbious consider 2013 a year where you started to look harder at what you claim and stay away from personal attacks. Also.. Try and back your statements up with some source material... kinda looks more professional. TW Oh almost forgot... For the other members of the free world A Happy new Year. Never be afraid to question. Informed investigation always out trumps blind belief or what we call today, 'Religion' A form of control by unquestioned words. Something happened on Mars far more profound than many believe. Treating Mars like a crime scene requires methodical investigation. One could say a scene of Crime. It deserves that respect at least. Clear rational, informed thinking is needed... even when thinking outside the box!
As for My Thoughts on Skipper.. I think u need to extend your extensive investigatory powers to his guest book lol. I do believe I am of the few that try to quell the fires of venomous posts while those anointed watch it burn out of control! I havent seen you there?? I may not agree with some of Skippers finds but bitter sarcasm does tend to distract if theres a strong point to be made. For some reason I feel you're learning that point!
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Tuesday 1st of January 2013 09:34:46 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
You're advice is well spoken Chandre. As you know, I'm not out to 'prove ' anything , just put my best efforts into possibiities of anomalies we at AA can view, share and comment on together. I for one will abide by your directions. -Morbius
I am keeping an eye on this thread, any more posts of this nature will be deleted. Agree to disagree on your perceptions of the anomaly and the naming thereof, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.... let's concentrate on the anomaly itself.
Nope, still on Xmas holidays enjoying life beyond the web. Full of cake and fun and really didn't want to deal with ur unfortunate delusions and ill thought out accusations ;) you keep typing, when I can be bothered I shall deal with ur laughable admin block statement and other embarrassing posts.... Most of us avoid guys like u as u have nothing really to say. Lets just say I'm feeling charitable! See u at ur admin block soon ;) mumble mumble !.
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
As usual Morbius ur research is questionable... and if really understand what I'm about and what I do I guess u'd be feeling a little silly. For the moment my work should state where I stand and I'm a 100% advocate for the public. Now if u think common sense and some knowledge of the subject is intimidating ... I'm truly pleased ;). I ain't here to tickle ur tummy. I asked a straight question and ur answer was sadly, predictable.... Looking forward to asking more ;)
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Friday 28th of December 2012 06:41:06 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
;) Actually edited out my response as I want to deal with little old Morbius once I'm back at base ;)
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Friday 28th of December 2012 06:29:49 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
Touche! Albeit a short lived victory. To wit , "Turd Tower" appears to me to be a machine or ship of the slightly inoperable type as there are peices of it scatterd about in Merde city. Not to credit the disinformation experts among us but It very well could be an adminstration mother-ship that went off the universal cliff and plopped itself next to the rover.
Seriously, who gives a drek what its called. Its not supposed to be there, or maybe were not supposed to be there.
The Administration Building name was choosen for its large size and imposing position in the center of many other buildings arranged on a grid-pattern directly below the pyramidal Twin-Peak. No other viewer seemed to have any problem in recognizing this, or in accepting this simple nickname. Perhaps I should have looked at this more from a Martian cultural stand-point , wherein they are devoted to promoting their new post-cataclysmic religion based upon all things needing to be rationed and recycled. As such , it would have been more appropriate to have named, or renamed this edifice Turd Tower , Maneuer Mansion , Crap Cathedral , or some such honourific that would dignify and extol the wisdom and glory of the new religion and its founders. Under these guidelines, the faithful, as required, would then pilgrimage to this sacred-site, and with joy and humility, toss their crap through the window to be electro-fragmentized and rise up the chiminy and be converted into rich soil that floats gently down to enrich the once bleak and arid landscape. The enriched soil then bursts forth with daisys, daffodils and clover., a luxurious carpet of beauty rightly befitting the Shrine Area, and providing the faithful with an ever-replenishing source of the gourmet food they had grunted and laboured so hard to produce. What a truly sublime and inspiring concept and reality to follow ... a model of efficiency!
However TW, to remonstrate that the choice of Administration Building was innapropriate or poorly thought out in lieu of your ' correct ' descriptives, is a rediculous attack, and which has prompted the following reply
I have been noting a number of peculiar connections that are linked to you TW. And just what would this assemblage of facts be suggesting? That your agenda is a list of various sites you are known to systematically blog on to intimidate, criticise and debunk anyone who may actually be producing something of merit. You see TW, you're ' expertise ' is dependant upon NASA's pic releases being pristine untouched ' originals '. To even remotely acknowledge any tampering would instantly nullify any lauded ' expertise'. As such expertise has not taken into account, nor will even allow any tampering or obfuscation recognition to have taken place. So, you have to continually deny NASA has ever done any such thing, for thereby you could not fall back on you're ' expertise' -and that's a real Catch 22 corner you've boxed yourself into. You know what TW, there's no one here at AA, as so many simular sites, who would ever believe such a blatently deceptive lie for a second. We know better. That is why you detest Skipper's invaluable pioneering work on image analysis and obfuscation detection , why you have ' locked-horns ' with such as Hoagland , who has more degrees, certificates and awards than you have brain cells. Perhaps the only round peg that dosen't fit the square is the round neck of your wooden-head and square hole on top of your torso. There is a serious dissconnect evidenced here. Why don't you get some wood-filler and sandpaper ... and don't forget to put the head on right. No TW, methinks, as this is a site devoted to Skipper's work, the only possible reason for you to stay around here is to show everyone just what we should never hope to become. -Morbius
Just a question... Admin buildings etc. Is that a joke ? or is there any reason why the word 'structure' or if you have to, 'building'... cant be used? Is there more evidence to warrant an 'admin' building label. Maybe Im missing something here? Cheers TW
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Saturday 22nd of December 2012 03:24:45 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
Hey Morbius, I knew this looked familair to me, I posted a picture of this I can no longer find online on here when I first started posting. http://alienanomalies.activeboard.com/t40848836/pathfinder-anomalies/ I have gone to all the links and looked at many of the photos including the press release images and have concluded that this area has some of the most blatant tampering I have ever seen. Here is the yogi rock I have without the rover. I don't know how I got this, the picture is on an old computer I no longer use. Notice how were the rover should be it's smudged out.
What I found interesting at the time was to the left Yogi.
I have looked and looked and can not find this anomaly in any other pics, but I can see were it should be.
Here is a newer high res one of the Yogi rock again without the rover. Something does not seem right about it does it?
This is the follow-up , and the attachments are of the same area . They include 1. -the distant Twin-Peak , the marked ' Administration Building ' . and the Sentry Site . It is noteable that the camera is exactly lined up with the high spire of the Admin. bld., and continues unswervingly to the apex of the pyramidal ' Twin Peak ', coincidence here ? I am including 2. -a preliminary study of the major or highest pyramid area , which begins to show a row of buildings on the lower slopes , and behind which is seen a road leading , at a reasonable incline from the left base , up to a switchback and on to a group of large buildings about two-thirds of the way up the pyramids facing side . Below and centered on this , in my opinion , man-made pyramid , is an amazing edifice surrounded by neatly laid out smaller buildings of all sorts , spaced in appointed locations on the streets and avenues . Because of its size and central location , it is nicknamed ' the Administration Building ' 3. Below this , and much closer now , a little to the left of the Admin. bld. , is 4. -the Sentry Outpost , this , and the Admin. bld. having been submitted in previous posts , but are now marked and annotated . By comparison with the larger Sentry and Armoured-Vehicle pic., we can see this soldier is now emerging from inside the pup-tent and is now seen to leave . Not only is his vehicle now partially smeared over , but the entire picture has been gone over thoroughly with 'special-editing' applications , and I estimate that there are approximately 100-130 or so other soldiers of his division present ... and for the most part obscured . A possible addendum would mark their locations ... and purpose for being there.
As for the previous post , Pt. I , the noted ' servicemen ' is not beside any ' rocks ' with simular ends . I believe this was a standard template ' rock ' that was stacked , stamped , moved slightly , and stamped again ... then gone over with airbrush and other cosmetic treatments . Furthermore , I would suggest the ' rocks ' , are not even ' there ' -but it was arranged to cover a small flat golf-cart type service wagon of some sort , which may be indicated by the peculiar overhang ... under ' the rock '. What you see then in the picture , is not really there , while what is really there ... you really can't see ... kinda wierd I guess . -Morbius