I came across a related Earth statue of a "Buddah" the other day when I was looking through a magazine in Switzerland.Somewhere on here there are other threads about these pharohs (but maybe they are buddahs ??) Before I found this thread, I messaged Chandre to see if she could locate the thread, but here is one which will do for now.
The Google search to do is "bamiyan afghanistan buddha" and is most interesting as there used to be 2x 50m+ hight statues carved into the rock face at Bamiyan, Afghanistan. I think then it was blown up by the Taliban in 2001. Now they are reconstructing the buddhas see here
Have been looking about ' the Pharoah's Cliff ' again and find that the curious roof-cover insignia ( ? ) emblazoned over a door or passageway-entrance, as attached, and what started the post, is actually not a singular occurrence. I am submitting 5 more, out of about 20 others spotted about the Cliff. These seem possible indicators as directions or ' street-signs ' or cliff-levels, house ( or cave ) number-signs or clan-insignias, and other plausible advertisement of locational importance, such as the particular Pharoah installed in certain niches..? -Morbius
ICEMAN This place you show me is correct. All the elements are coalesced here in an eminently readable form. The genealogies, Nephalim, Sons of God/Daughters of Men, Talking Serpents, etc., are present from many places and cultures through time. Yet I believe the Hebrew Writings have remained basically unchanged over the milliniums, and thereby constitute a valid historical documentation of greatest interest to us in this present age. You have an unusually clear mind my friend, to make the unnecessarily complicated simple .. and manageabe. Thanks . Morbius
It makes perfect sense to me that it should become a fashion among some sections of society that they want their offspring to look as if they come from a noble line - particularly if the 'kings' of that time were physically much different from normal humans. Personally, I think that at some time in history, there were aliens as rulers and it suited their ego to be rulers of humans.
I really dont know what may have happened to send them packing back to wherever they came from, maybe it was an agreement with a more powerful race which caused them to leave their offspring to rule and they left. It is also makes perfect sense that 'kings' should breed with human women which would then have kids with pointy-heads.
Now I hope all this is simply taken as a possible explanation for the elongation-effect, nothing more. But I think anomales and their interpretation need be given a handle from as many disiplines and points of view possible, including achitectural, art, and cultural views too. If an interpretation or possible explanation is put on the table and liked or seems sound .. good .. if not we know where the file-cabinet or waste-baskets are too.
Funny, I had particularly read TW's reply that " I think Egyptian is a good term that kinda invokes some classic figures, shapes, glyphs, etc." , and I thought yes, I could run with that and find some more points of agreement to compliment and confirm that perception. So, after a post of such parallels, I was suddenly barraged with his insight (?!!) that I was shacked-up with Aliens and producing hybrid babies or something. Well, I don't believe that ' Alien ' crap. Never did! No offense TW, but why raise the bar so high? We're already on Mars, and in no great hurry to get to Jupiter and beyond! Give us some slack. These are dedicated and disiplined researchers, shure we are from different cultures, races and areas of the earth, and have likes, dislikes, pet peeves and odd dispositions at times. But we're not floundering in our researches, scant as they might appear. We could be spending our days, evenings, and nights in front of a 5 foot screen with a Big Mack watching a football game or something, but we're not! This is serious labour .. yes, and it takes sacrifice too .. yes. So we all do give willingly and freely of our time and energies .. to try to make some sense of a bigger picture of who we were, who we are, and where we're trying to get to. There is a mutual respect and comaradier here that is unequalled anywhere! And I said it before, and I'll say it again, that children, even bigger children, have more need of example and encouragement than criticism and rebuke. And that is the way it should be .. for everybody!
Well, anyways .. Chandre, all, I really hope this post is of some use and insight as to the earth-mars connection, and especially our connection to each other. We are not meant to grovel in the mud below, but reach up to the sky, to the stars above .. and this is what we do! And I hope too, this takes graft on to each heart, as it is a lesson well worth the learning. And yes Chandre, you can edit or arrange my posts anytime, including this one .. looks kinda neat really. -Morbius
Morbius, that was my thinking all through this discussion on elongated heads. The ancient cultures always tried to emulate ones they came in contact with that were superior , at least on a technical level, seeing the technology as "magic" therefore godlike. Maybe they thought elongating thier childrens heads would make them superior?
Aside from massaging your ego, and postulating, I have a question. What I would really like to know is where you got the pic "TW5". ( the one Chandre points out has no official sources). It has some very interesting features when examined closely.
Chandre , you always seem to appear at the right time with the right words . It is remindful of Isis , as related here. Osiris was the 10th and last of the Neturu, those lords who lived and ruled in Tep Zepi, the First Time or Golden Age of Egyptian remembrance. This King was the culture-hero who brought or re-introduced all the sciences, arts, government, agriculture and religious standards to Egypt after a devastating cataclysm. Afterwards, he travelled over the rest of the world to bring these same benefits to all the widespread and isolated peoples and tribes globally. While away, hs enemy Typho, the Egyptian's 'Set', had no opportunity to make any innovations or changes in the state, " Isis being extremely vigilent in the government, and always upon her guard . So it seemed remindful somewhat of you Chandre. In fact, reminds me of a simular kind of situation, but somewhat humerous this time. A grandmother had just put the grandchildren to bed. She then changed into some slacks and a loose blouse and proceeded to wash her hair. However, the ruckuss from the bedroom had increased so much she finally lost her patience, wrapped a towel around her head and stomped into the children's room where she commanded in a loud stern voice that there would be order, and no noise, and to go to sleep! There was a dead silence as she left the room, and she heard the 3-year-old say with a trembling voice " Who was THAT ?."
Frankly Chandre I don't quite know how you keep this place organized, it seems a thankless job, but you get it done with some amazing efficiency and finess. This is a crucial position considering, and I for one, and hopefully everyone here, can appreciate the efforts you make in keeping its stability and progress intact.
Now, on to a subject ' close to your own heart.' You had commented on the elongated-skulls, particularly here, that these rulers may have descended from the original race with the same. I have recently been considering this very question, and however, note that it is also plausible that the skull-deformations were not emulated as a genetic-trait ... in humans. May it not have been observed and applied as a religious-insignia taken or derived from an animal-totemic or ' god ' who did indeed have this genetic-feature present? To this point I am presenting here the consideration that this trait or outstanding characteristic, thus tradition, to have sprung from either one or both of the following sources. -Morbius
2. The second possible candidate I find displaying the elongation-effect, and its source here, is that it had derived from a supposedly extinct bird, and this is the Pterodactyl conection. And so we shall proceed.
As the attached (1 ) , a fossil-find, clearly displays the almost human skeltal-form and leathery wings of this bird, albeit the tail has become detached.
However, look closely at the head and neck alone. I forward the notion here, that this elongated-head is the original inspiration for the Egyptian's Was or Waz Sceptre. This Royal Sceptre, often seen carried by the Pharoahs, gods, and rulers of Egypt, stood for domination and power. In a Scientific American cover article, about 40 years ago now, there was a feature-story of a fossil-find in the Andes of one of these birds, with a wingspan reported at 50 feet.
As 3 shows a close-up of the Waz Sceptres 'head' -we need note the elongate-head is depicted as half-feathery. The other end is a stylized bird's-claw. As this Waz Sceptre is prominent even from pre-dynastic times, and that it may be derived from this incredible bird, is enough to induce us to ask as to just where, and from whom then, coud this ancient symbol and reality have derived? For this we need only look to Osiris ( Asar ) who was the last of the Neturu Kings ... those that lived in that Golden Age, saw these birds, survived the cataclysmic earth change, and re-appears as King of Egypt, bringing culture and civilization once again, not only to Egypt, but onwards as culture-bringer to the entire earth.
Start to make sense? Osiris then, had lived and ruled in the First World, yes, and who then, had choosen and perpetuated all the symbols of royalty to Egypt ... and the entire world? For example, the mentioned bottom-end of the Waz Sceptre is a stylized bird's-claw -- and no less observed as such as depited on the aforementioned God of the Andes .. on the Gate of the Sun, who also carries this same Waz Sceptre as symbol of absolute rule. An interesting and puzzling find Google 'Pterodactyl-Sighting 2008-You Tube ??/ M
-- Edited by Chandre on Monday 14th of January 2013 11:02:05 AM
1. The artificial-elongation was induced to emulate a primordial serpent-god. This is a basic form and premise of all earliest 'religions' and formed the precepts of their organized-religion, with attendant accoutrements, dress, appearance , and such formal setups of worship. In the earliest understanding of history, or 'prehistory' to some, the earth was a Matriarchal Domain for thousands of years. It was the Great Mother/Earth-Lady and her appointed offspring who would choose and empower any King or ruler. And who then were obligated, indebted, owed their allegiance and appointed position to this Great-Mother/Earth-Lady. She then , had much to say, and expect, from this appointee.
There are in fact many representations from the neolithic period onward to confirm this view. The attached set then, should clearly show this progression through time.
1. is " a woman of willendorf"/Austria wherein is featured a picture of fecundity, a woman whose proportions are bursting with fertility. And there are dozens of these depictions to be seen, so globally spread and revered was this acknowledged position. In essentials she was the earth-mother/serpent-lady.
In the next( 2 ), considered neolithic and from Thrace, is again the earth-mother as Serpent-Lady.
This latter style has been added the 'twin-serpent' theme, as shown by the 2 serpent on her arms with heads looking up to their source or origin in the serpent-goddess. These 'children' are then Venus, as the 'morning' and 'evening' Star, and a view held on no less than a global basis. Note also, she is sitting on the cylindrical birthing-stone, the same identifying symbolism depicted by the many local variants of this same goddess world-wide.
Another depiction (3) is from the Sumerian City of Ur ( Iraq ), from the Al-Abaid period, now in the British Museum and dated to 4,000-3,500 BC. This version is replete with a feather (<flying/bird ) headress, although, after 6,000 years, she seems to be having a bad hair, or ruffled-feathers, day. As her 'child' suggests, he too is a future Serpent-Lord of this Lineage. And his elongated head cannot but suggest this is taken after his serpent-mothers same.
Within these parameters then,it would be a reasonable consideration that the elongated or de-formed heads, extended necks/earlobes, as such, could very well be related to the revered worship, acknowledgement, and emulation of the first Great Lady as Serpent-Goddess. But then, let's look at one more equally potential source from which these deformities may have been taken and perpetuated for milliniums./M
-- Edited by Chandre on Monday 14th of January 2013 10:57:29 AM
Hello Chandre , All . Have been considerig your post reply where you mention the elongated-skulls . That these rulers may have descended from the original race with the same . Possibly .. yes , I thought so myself , but of late have had thoughts that may point to an alternative solution . Am working on this report now , and will submit it shortly . It may seem rather extensive in explanation , but I think the material , even if parts of it , should be of value in our understanding of history and the earth-mars connection . As you say , a subject close to your heart .
In the meantime am attaching some pics of this globally acknowledged status as manifested through the ages . The first is a group of jade figurines from La Venta on the South Coast of the Gulf of Maxico , and considered ' Olmec '( 1200 BC - 700 BC ), and were purposely buried as such to commemorate or perform some ritualistic function of importance . From time considerations , I have simply submitted the rest with their original captions left intact . For a really interesting write-up on this subject Google ' MALTA-Dolichocephaloids.'
-- Edited by Chandre on Monday 14th of January 2013 10:27:44 AM
I noticed that the erosion on the crater walls is much older(or more recent) than that of the statue giving it the appearance of a recent carving.
Hey Mark, I also made a comment relatve to the look of the crater walls too. However, if you are referring to the streaking on the rocks as "erosion", I do wonder if that is the case. It just seems so different, in color and appearance. That is what I was referring to in my prior post as looking somewhat like "" having been applied to the face rocks on that cliff. No way to know, but I haven't seen any other cliff walls like that either.
And Chandre. Thanks for posting Nefertiti! I almost used much the same pic, to relate the "leaning back" of the rather vauge anomaly I posted just below. My thoughts on it weren't related to the elongated head, but rather to her "head going back" look.
Sure is a lot we don't know about the ancients!! Thanks for the info too!
A very interesting post and a subject close to my own heart. Morbius, I hope you don't mind me amending your post to be simpler for people to follow and inserting the images where indicated.
There are a number of tribes of American and Central American descent that practised head binding as well as the African tribes. There are also African tribes that practice elongation of necks and earlobes.
This practice seems to echo the Egyptian gods with long necks and long lobes and ears. I personally believe that these tribes were emulating the gods they had met in mortal form on Earth rather than ET/Alien species.
I attach an image of Nefertiti, wife of Akhenaten in about 1400BC, notice the neck and the headress that hints at an elongated skull beneath it. I believe that their children had elongated skulls to a minor degree so they may have been descended from the original race with the pronounced elongated skulls ?
Now to be daring...we must add that many of the famous crystal skulls (forged or not) show signs of that skull elongation so ancient peoples all over the Earth with no apparant connection seem to have revered the same race of people with elongated necks and skulls...wonder if Ancient Aliens did an episode on this ?
Hello rdunk , have had the same problem in the 2 or 3D quality aspect of the plaque as you . It's a hard call , perhaps more intel or imput might put the matter to rest . I kinda have a leaning toward a 3D interpretation here . You have a keen eye and your writing is polishng up nicely rdunk . As for the ' gazing ' area you bring to our attention , and I believe it a fair question and accurate observation , am attaching the same with only background correction applied . So give it a good view and see what may actually be present in the pic . Incidentally , there appears , in my opinion , a figure or person overhead and to the left of the Pharoah .. mabee not ( ? ) . Finally here , yes .. there is not a pic that is presented for public consumption that has not been specially edited .. but I guess we've been to this rodeo before. -Morbius
-- Edited by Chandre on Thursday 10th of January 2013 03:48:14 PM
TW. I have to disagree . I had considered it possible that Mars was a colonial-outpost of earth . Much as the United States and Canada were colonies of Britian and many settlers were ' British '. So , any colonists from earth , on Mars , would then be .. earthlings . As the pic indicates , or may not , a possible elongated-head feature , this may well be a cultural item brought-there , as they considered this , as on earth , among the highest insignias of rank , power , and authority . That its possible appearance there , would then , constitute some connection to its presence .. on earth . Simple . I have made no connection , or mention , to friggin 'Aliens ' ..anywhere. I never even thought of them in an ' ET ' context! How you grafted this into my account is not quite clear ... please do explain . Anyways .. cheers . -Morbius
Ok Morbius and TW, here is an anomaly piece that goes right along with some of your thoughts - "gazing ahead to eternity, but seeing everything".
This piece is near the "Egyptian", and seems that it might be "gazing ahead", as it has the appearance of a bust type figure, from the neck up.
In the Rover photo, this piece is black. It seems that while the "black" looks like shadow, from the angles and other cliff areas around it, it should not be shadowed. And actually, in the screenshots, one can see some shadow, on the ground, behind the piece.
It is difficult to make out any specific details as it is depicted in the Rover photo. And, as always with this degree of uncertainity, it could be just a rock.
This anomaly piece stands vertically, separate from other rocks, and does appear to have a backward lean, as if "gazng outward". It is just another interestingpiece on this Cape, and actually is very close to the Egyptian statue.
This is from the primary link we have been using for the Egyptian, and I will include it here again. Also, I will post two screenshots, from the photo.
While the screenshots are similar, showing both this anomaly and the Egyptian statue, one is more magnified than the other.
Morbius. Interesting selection of images that at face value can capture the attention of the uninitiated. Its important to remove ones belief from 'actual' evidence. in this case I could discount most of the images and presented 'personal' hypothesis in a few posts. I;d like to deal with a couple of images that have done the rounds online without further deeper research.
The Much misunderstood deformed skulls and the dubious connection with aliens and ancient Egyptian depictions (which maybe a form of skull binding too. Of course this is noticed in other regions of the world too. ie South America.
Your stream of thinking maybe should be broken down. The images inserted (eg above) are immotive and under researched. The actual truth is based on complex tribal rituals wrapped in cultural traditions etc. These are not the heads of Xenomorphs (ETs) or human hybrids.
The above image you inserted is again hinting of another alien connection. This is highly dubious image (with no official sources ) I might add. This is clearly a well researched field of head binding. A good example is within the African/South American cultures. More closely, we take a tribe like the Mangbetu (Africa). Examples below:
Plagiocephaly and head binding: an interesting debate... HERE
In this report, the evidence, mechanisms, and rationale for the practice of artificial cranial deformation (ACD) in ancient Peru and during Akhenaten's reign in the 18th dynasty in Egypt (1375-1358 BCE) are reviewed. The authors argue that insufficient attention has been given to the sociopolitical implications of the practice in both regions. While evidence from ancient Peru is widespread and complex, there are comparatively fewer examples of deformed crania from the period of Akhenaten's rule. Nevertheless, Akhenaten's own deformity, the skull of the so-called "Younger Lady" mummy, and Tutankhamen's skull all evince some degree of plagiocephaly, suggesting the need for further research using evidence from depictions of the royal family in reliefs and busts.Following the anthropological review, a neurosurgical focus is directed to instances of plagiocephaly in modern medicine, with special attention to the conditions' etiology, consequences, and treatment. Novel clinical studies on varying modes of treatment will also be studied, together forming a comprehensive review of ACD, both in the past and present.
Mixing these images into your post is'nt really fair to the general public. the Truth isnt being represented in its more serious light. This is just one hit on one image. For me a slight irritation in the floundering field of anomaly hunting! If I can find time I may respond to some others. Interesting post worthy of better research and a clearer way of presenting ideas. These sku;; shapes are based around human culture and not aliens! Cheers
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Wednesday 9th of January 2013 12:06:21 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
Morbius, that is an interesting feature. One can see that something is there, even at the smallest level of magnification. While it does have a look of somewhat typical pixelation, there are obvious unnatural characteristics. I have done a little looking across the area, and so far I see nothing else like it. But then I couldn't see the item TheWatcher was referring to either, behind it. One way of looking at the image shows us 3 or four faces, looking toward the cameras. :)
Looking at he image, it is hard for me to tell whether it is a flat image, or a 3-dimensional image. We may not solve the riddle of this anomaly for a while yet, but, as we get enough of this type of odd stuff together from this Cape, we can begin to know, something very un-natural, from the basic planet, has occurred/is occurring here.
Every time I look at this Cape, so much of the face of it seems just un-natural to me. I mentioned this before, but I am seeing it again, with your post. And the wall "texturing".........well, that just seems very odd, and possibly applied, to me. Even some of the shadows seem to be applied, as similar places near to some of the shadowing are not similarly shadowed. And, there is even instance of shadow being "cross-shadowed", as if we should believe just anything we see here!!??
Ths is an interesting find Moribus. Just post whatever you find! I have others also here, but, I will post separately, so, each can be given appropriate indivdual attention.
Yes TW , the plaque is easily seen, without enhancement , on a reasonably good zoom and screen .
As to ' Egyptian ' it actually puts a good handle on this amazing cliff-treasury on Mars . The statuary , such as your seated Pharoah , are quite simular (attached ) to those posed in Egyptian statues ( attached
. Seated straight-backed , gazing ahead to eternity but seeing everything.
All nations of old had a certain ( local ) pose to depict their leaders.
1. The Assyrians for example preferred a side-view of the enthroned monarch . This was to show the true source of power of the king . It was not primarily the King per se being depicted, but .. the Throne .
2. In Japan the people would pilgrimage to where the throne was located , the meeting place or nexus between heaven and earth - and upon which rested the then current ' Emperor '.
3. In Egypt , the heiroglyph for Isis ( As-t) was the Throne -which she then was, and this then was the throne of Osiris ( Asar ) who seat of power infers a matriarchy -from whence his power and rule proceeded .
The parallel between earth and mars counterpoints continues , methinks , in another possible corellation , and that is the unique distinction of many of Egypt's great lords and ladies having elongated heads ( attached ).
I consider this distinctive feature was artificially induced and adopted by later generations of rulers to emulate an original ruling-monarch or family which had this trait or characteristic as a genetic-inheritance , thus the great effort to keep the blood-lines ' pure ' and this trait intact. Such as Neffertiti and Tutankamen ( attached ) exhibited this phenomena.
We need consider then , at some remote time , the entire solar-system was colonized , and that a certain elite were able to visit and rule their colonies as we might board a private-jet to New York , to London , to Tokyo , etc.
I find the writing/symbolism of the plaque itself is strangely akin to the Gate of the Sun in stylizational format, The giant 15 ton monolith is found high in the alto-plano of the Andes in Peru ( attached ).
Yet this gets stranger , for the same ' god ' central to this Andean Culture , is seen half-way around the world designed into the floor-plans of Assyrian Temples .
As I believe the cataclysmic event on earth and mars were the effects of the same cause , then the early post-cataclysm Gate of the Sun would correspond to the said cliffs of mars .. also early post-cataclysm .
The planet was dealt a death-blow of titanic and swift proportions.
The then intact atmosphere being torn away in an astonishing 15 minutes .
As possible examples of cultural-transfer across worlds , in poses , elongated skulls , and many other things too , it is going to be some amazed future archaeologist and historians who piece together a lost history of two worlds . I'm sorry to ramble on , and I should reiterate that this is just my own ' view ' of a possibility that may make sense someday . Again , I usually like to present neat work , so hope this is not to sloppily done and plausibly readable .
Finally here, it should have been first, but .. that was a really enjoyable read TW , it made sense and is much appreciated .. thank-you./cheers
Edited to insert images - Chandre
-- Edited by Chandre on Thursday 10th of January 2013 03:44:22 PM
lol trouble .... Very interesting pattern. Just off the top of my head is this where the 'Egyptian' figure is located lower down? I think Egyptian is a good term that kinda invokes some classic figures, shapes, glyphs etc. Is that pattern sitting like that with no enhancement? if so that pretty impressive. Theres a few more geometric patterns around but imaging artifacts are infesting the image. Thats a strong find. Can u supply the link? Cheers
Just checked it is... Well.. Victoria crater has a few fascinating structures /features. Great find! Your pattern is in-keeping with the perspective of the surface and there's an adjacent darker version on the wall behind it.
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Tuesday 8th of January 2013 06:44:34 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
Probably get in trouble on this , but come hell or high-water , its called " Egyptian Oddity ". It need be first said , this is an amazing pic TW has pulled out of the hat for us .. so packed with anomalies and mysteries .. one could pick over it for a month . In the upper left area , just below the ridge or escarpment line is a peculiar ledge , as marked . On this ledge , which seems to be part of a once intact structure , is a most bizzar plaque which forms a part of the ' ledge ' or roof , as its dimensions continue directly downward and form an entrance door . As to the roof-plate or plaque itself , there seems to be a number of faces evident in some strange , presently unknown configuration . This is just my initial opinion , but as such, it may represent a stylized form of Family-Lineage of some unknown totemic formula . Just caught my eye and thought to present it for viewing and evaluation by the members . -Morbius