I really like that set up. Neville Thompson is putting together some nice stuff. I had a lot fun looking at his images. You should check out this one> http://api.gigapan.org/gigapans/123478# the first crop entiltled Peeper. Could this be one of the little guys?
I don't know what other members think but I am getting a little annoyed, firstly at the quality of the mastcam images from Curiosity and secondly the color hue over the images that NASA/JPL/MSSS are using. I am sure they can do better even with a 2 Megapixel camera.
Personally, I think these organizations are trying to create visual confusion in that they know there are tiny structures and other interesting objects and artefacts on the surface that they do not want the general public to see but the camera doesn't lie.
Take note of what appears to be a capped pyramid of a different color (reddish) to the other geology in the top part of the image.
The image below is a color enhancement of the image Levelwind posted above and whilst making the enhancement many interesting features started to show.
You may find it better to download the image and zoom in as many of the structural features are very small.
Another possibility is that it is a fragment that got stuck in a piece of soft rock after a meteorite hit the surface. It was fused within the rock as a result.
I'm sorry you do not see the tiny structures, but I can assure you that they are definitely there all over the surface. Unfortunately, the raw MastCam image does not show what is really on the surface, so image enhancement is required to 'bring out' many of the the unseen features in the original.
From previous research I carried out during the Phoenix mission I was able to determine, from one solitary image, that the size of the species when standing was between 1.6 and 1.8 millimeters therefore, their basic single storey structures would be no more than 3 to 5 millimeter in height. Some of the larger structures are higher as per the anomalous tower-like object we are discussing here.
The image shown below is a rough black and white enhancement of the image shown above. Look to the left of the anomaly and a large structure can be observed. I have also placed an ellipse around some of the other items of interest. These items confirm that the species that constructed them has advanced intelligence. Also, in the image it can be seen that representations of faces seem to be present. I believe the reason for this is because the martian way is that of an art-orientated culture. Many of the facial representations are in fact structures. You may notice that some of the rock faces have carvings on them.
Anyway, I would ask members and visitors to have a look at this image and see if you notice any of the features I have mentioned.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Hey Timewarp, it is hard for me to see the tiny structures in this one. I have been able to see them in some of your other post. I went back to sol 173 mast cam today to try and find another angle but didn't have any luck. I couldn't even find the original. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough. They have posted lots of new photos for that sol though. What do you think about the biological scenario? I think I found another dried up fish looking thing. Maybe an eel who knows? And how about that tee pee looking rock right above the eel? Could that be something?
I agree with Macten. I think it looks reptilian or possibly avian, I can make out an eye, mouth, head, ears, and neck pretty easily. It even looks like it's coming out of the ground, ( look at the depression in front of it ) maybe it got covered with sand while it was sleeping. And Goggog I love your flickr account, I'll have to do some more exploring there.
I did some work on these crops. Adjusted color, brightness, and contrast.
I think this one look like a dried up fish.
Looks like something is flowing here.
Is this just sand blowing off of this rock?
Not sure what to think about this but I don't think it looks natural.
This anomalous object was captured by the MastCam onboard Curiosity during sol 173 and is shown in the red rectangle.
The near object appears to be a tower of some description and has a construction around the lower part of it. There is an amount of radiance at the top of the structure that could either be some reflective surface or possibly light illumination that is being emitted from within the structure. It would also appear that there is something behind the tower structure which also appears to be emitting some form of light energy as a degree of flaring to the right can be seen.
If you look right into the image there are some other interesting anomalous features to view.
Have a look and see what you think the objects could be.