This is cool and all, but it is a meteor and the Apollo image is not.
It is literally today
Willease wrote:AS12-47-6890
This picture looks like a meteor, but isn't because of the lack of an atmosphere. Perplexing anomaly to say the least.
Willease, video kitchen of solar monitoring at users the Internet
SolarSoft Последние события
And the excellent program for the personal computer
By means of these programs I also have found out this radiation. They often meet in pictures of solar observatories. The given picture only at me . For certain they from the Sun
Here my page with my works
Канал пользователя goggog67 - YouTube
There is video. Itself did. Even video from an official site. I will find I will lay out
Do you have a link to the original of that picture goggog?
Space radiation could leave on a film the trace