Think I may have found another example of the peanut anomaly only this time it appears to be raised skyward on its base supported by a column of some sort. Just to the right of this there also appears to be an empty base again supported by a structure of some sort. The picture is blurred due to magnification so please look at the original on the LROC website. The original anomaly is shown top left of the slide. Observations welcome as usual. The location is supplied on the image.
Genealogist. Great presentation. Clear identifying gelogy (though I see no real anomalies YET! Resolution running against you but sterling work in keeping some kind of methodology.
(side personal request, sorry). Any chance in future of pointing ur guns on Apollo 16/17 location and especially locating 'House Rock' (Apollo 16) and surrounding terrain? if available? Image to give some idea of terrain : Full size image : Source:
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Wednesday 13th of February 2013 02:21:28 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
Interestingly I have recently found another peanut type anomaly which bears a striking resemblance to the one posted below. This time the 'nose' of the object would appear to be pointed towards the LRO camera but the 'shell' is still visible below and around the oval shaped object on top. The respective co-ordinates are provided on the images. Observations welcome
Hi Levelwind thanks for your comments. Ever since starting this project I have felt that a lot of what may be going on is below the moons surface and that we are seeing just the tip of the iceberg. It seems that this is a popular theory as far back as I can find on the internet and in the books I have read on the subject.
In the following series of slides I show 2 more anomalies. The first looks like a peanut shaped 'craft-like' object to me sitting in its transport protective 'shell' while the second looks like an arrangement of structures partially hidden by reflection or 'clouding'. I have found the peanut shaped object in three different images and it does seem to sit independantly inside the base (the shell). How could this occur if it were a natural rock. The base is unique in my findings as it seems to have a flat inner floor. I would love to know what possible geological process on the moon would enable this to happen? What could bring these 2 objects (if indeed they are 2 objects) together? If we cannot find a geological explanation there can only be one other surely?
Having found the first object in a couple of images I was sure the same would happen with the second. I couldnt have been more wrong and it has taken me a long time to decide whether to post this one at all. I really dont know whats going on here as I cannot find the rectangular LRO Quick map structure in any other photo. The shadow produced would suggest that there is 2 or more geometric shaped objects on the surface but in the other images there is no such thing. The jury is out on this one but I would be happy for any solutions.
Locations supplied on the slides
-- Edited by The Genealogist on Sunday 25th of November 2012 09:09:44 AM
Fascinating, I love the door find. It goes right along with the hollow moon stories. It took me awhile but I do see the supporting arm on your last find. It looks like it goes up instead of down like should? And the entire thing looks old and beaten where as the door almost looks new. Neat stuff, keep up the good work.
The following slides show a number of anomalies at the centre of which is a tall flat rectangular structure. That in itself is unusual but not unique to the moons surface. However what drew my attention further is what seems to be attached to one side of the structure. Even at low magnification the 'monolith' appears to have an arm supporting it at the top. The arm seems to be sectioned like the knuckles on a finger. In addition the slab seems to be slightly but evenly corrugated suggesting that this may not be a rock at all. The arm seems to go into a 'Z' shape at the point it connects to the top suggesting the arm could extend even further. At the base of the arm an arched structure would suggest that movement can be generated at this point in an arc like fashion. Nearby a few strangely shaped structures shine up at the earth.
Observations most welcome. Alternatives theories would be greatly appreciated.
The following 2 slides show a 'door like' anomaly in Tycho crater. What intrigued me most when I found this is how sharp the line is to the top. When the door or hatch is magnified and enhanced it appears to show an almost face like image on its surface although this may be largely due to a rock on its left interfering with our clear view of it. In previous posts I have shown some 'shield like' anomalies which seem to stand up from the moons surface. I have always wondered that if these shields are of intelligent design could they have been brought flat against the surface by some mechanical means. I think I have found such an anomaly with an extending arm to the rear of it but that I will keep for a later posting. Observatios welcome. Location supplied on the images.
This slide shows an anomaly taken from M165931875L. Only have only used magnification to enhance the object using Powerpoint. I have also provided my simple interpretation of the 2 central shapes. Either side of these seems to be an arch possibly providing support. The hexagonal shape at the centre appears clear when magnified but it was the overall shape that first caught my eye seeing the object from altitude and low magnification. A pipe or tube seems to run from this hexagonal shape to a 'cab' like structure below it. The cab seems to have a window-like opening. Observations welcome. I am consious of the fact that magnification can cause 'blocking' of the pixels but Im confident that the hexagonal shape will stand up under scrutiny when the overall make-upof the anomaly is taken into consideration. Its purpose though confounds me.
All that I have used on these slides is Paint and Powerpoint a little magnification and a little increase in the contrast. The anomaly sits to the lower right edge of the NASA the above image. (A guide map is supplied on the top left of the 2nd slide) Usually when comparing the M images to the LRO Act React site I have to turn them 180 degrees and sometimes flip them horizontally. I havn't done this on this particular occasion because I want the observer to go and check out the same image for themselves. Please let me know what you find because this one seem's too 'far fetched' (even for me). From one perspective it looks like a hollow cone-like structure, from another it looks like a reptile and from the third it looks like there is a series of symbols or letters written along its side. There are a couple of triangular anomalies to the left of the main anomaly which have been duly noted.
Hi qmantoo I dont actually have any image editor on my computer - just Paint and Powerpoint. I cant enhance anything other than using the contrast and brightness tools, rotate etc. I have asked Morbius to take look at a couple of the images as it does sometimes show up different aspects as Im sure other computer packages would. For my part I just scan the surface, press the print screen button (when I think I have found something) paste the image into paint - trim or crop it - then just copy or paste it into Powerpoint.......A bit old fashioned I know but so am I. lol.
Genealogist, here is your ' tower ' confirmation. Have enhanced one attached with annotations and extracted a view of the surrounding walls and outposts, although in some disrepair. One attached is unmarked for comparison purposes. Hope this may appear clear enough for you to accept this truly strange lunar scene. Will give a go at the ' jeep ' next. -Morbius
It is a line of electricity pylons ! Of course... now I see it. C'mon guys - turn off the pixel smoothing in your image editor and see how much you can enlarge the image without it turning into blocky squares where NASA have compressed the image to turn it into a jpeg. My elastic mind will stretch only so far before it goes ping and breaks like a rubber band. Call me a skep-tick if you like and if it makes you feel any better.
-- Edited by qmantoo on Sunday 14th of October 2012 12:29:49 PM
Genealogist, here you go. Have attached an enhancement of below ' Strangest Anomaly ', which may be uncannily true. Have choosen the most promising ( with the ? mark ) to submit my impressions on. This is the annotated pic, followed by an unmarked study set of 3 by which to compare or check what you may, or may not, see in the annotated one. -Morbius
The anomaly shown in the following slide has fascinated me for days. I have been trying to understand its makeup. It sits beneath an overhang on what seems to be a white handlike structure. It looks to be a framed structure itself consisting of interconnecting pentagons and a square. Observations welcome as I have no idea what it could be. If it is an optical illusion please feel free to pass your theory on. Even at 0.5 mppix it looks hollow with a soprt of inner light. (You will note that near and around this anomaly there are other strange objects which I have yet to investigate)
Hi Morbius - with your images to hand in your opinion are we looking at 'a tower' of some sort or are we just looking at rocks which are aligned and creating the effect of a tower. ie Like when adverts stand up on a football pitch!! I value your thoughts on this.
Genealogist, am attaching a set of 4 enhanced versions of ' the Hammer Tower '. Hope they may be of some use to you in spotting or confirming some detail of this particular study. -|Morbius
Whilst looking for another artifact I had put into my database a while back I came across this quite by chance yesterday. It has been magnified but no other enhancement has been used. The original on the LRO Quick Map site can be seen at 0.5 mppix so this area will probably need more analysis. The tower passes infront of a white rock and the shadow blackness of the rock further back. Note the accompanying star-like symbol. The main anomaly looks like a hammer to me. Observations welcome.
The following 3 slides show a very strange anomaly in Tycho crater. The structure appears to be raised from the surface towards the LROC flying above. Along its side appear to be 3 similar symbols evenly spaced and in a line. Each of the symbols looks to me to have a Delta shape.
In addition to this coming from the top of the base appears to be 2 arms or arcs. The larger one seems to cast a shadow onto the surface. My first thoughts were that these arms were the rim of a crater but Im not so sure now as they must be in the the air. Observations welcome.
In among a heap of boulders and it conceivable we have been left a self portrait?? In George Leonards book 'Someone else is on our moon' he poses the question. 'If we have been left with machinery and other wonderful structural artifacts is it possible we have also been left with works of art?'
My own thoughts go even further. What if there is evidence of another civilisation copying from us? Its something we would instantly recognise after all.
Observations welcome. Location on the LROC Act React Quick map site is given at the top of the image.
It's interesting for many pictures of the Moon's surface: they seem to be coated with a clay layer. This method removes all sharp lines but at the same time, very unreal.
The Shield and Pyramid-like anomalies shown in the 3 slides lie just 300 metres North and South of each other.
The Shield has been shown from 2 source photographs and the pyramid from 4. This puts paid to light playing a part in this as they appear on all the images whatever angle the sun shines from. The Shield seems to stand up from the moon surface on some sort of circular base. Unfortunately several of the LROC images do not show the 'Shield' as it lies in shadow on at least half 2 of them. My first thoughts on the shieldwas that it was some sort of sign-post or even a door maybe.
Further to the analysis done by Morbius on the 'spanner' anomaly image below (Aug 6th and Aug 4th) I have had another look at the original and think I can add 3 more anomalies which I missed on my first visit. One of these looks very much like the bio-shelter Morbius has identified in his post. It also reminds me of an Ark with a boat-like appearance. These anomalies sit against the hillside just to the left of the 'spanner'. The one to the right seems mask-like in appearance.
Hello again Genealogist. Your central or 'spanner-like' anomaly piqued my interest , enough so that a reply in some depth seemed warranted. To begin, this anomaly is actually located on a purposefully terraced hillside some distance behind the 'pillar'. This distant hillside anomaly is, as the attached will clearly demonstrate, a type of carport. Inside these ' carports' are found parked a type of Airsteam or perhaps better put 'bio-shelter' ( after locating 35 of these constructs I stopped counting ). I was a little reluctant, not to seem disrespectful, but felt compelled to raise our submissions to a new level. Download or secure some exceptional programs*, learn to use them well, and then lets enjoy taking our productions to a new level of quality and respect .. we can be right up there with Hoagland, Skipper, ATS and the rest!
* will gladly give AA members advise from the last 10 years evaluation and practice with image enhancements -Morbius
ps - m listening to Hoagland and Norrey describing the Curiosity landing .. on Mars! (what a historical moment!)
Morbius thanks again for your analysis on the Spanner Anomaly and anomalies contained in the surrounding landscape. Please dont feel reluctant on my part as I am truly a novice at this and I am happy to accept any help from members on anything I post. I enjoy looking for these anomalies on any level and in any format but I have to keep it in perspective.
The landing of Curiosity is certainly an important milestone.
Until I am able to secure an enhancement program perhaps members would take a look at this series of images for me as it has me perplexed. To fully appreciate it I have just screen printed the 1st slide of the LROC site image and in the 2nd slide turned the entire image 180 degrees. (the wall of the crater seems to be upside down on the site) I have then just zoomed in 200% and 400% and thats it. I am interested to see what members think. If its a photo anomaly fine but maybe it isnt. I have zoomed this small patch of ground to higher magnifications and been dumbstruck more than at any other time as what I am seeing is beyond explanation. How can random pixels, rocks, boulders, dust and shadow produce such clear anomalies unless something else is at play here? We cant have it both ways either its real and a true find or the whole image is bogus.
As a reminder Members should note that Arizona SU informed me a while back that the LROC images are only 50% quality compared to the original and that magnifying the image does not increase its clarity. They have also informed me that what I am looking at on its site are 'rocks and boulders and nothing else'.
Location Egede Crater 51.71756Long 10.69239
-- Edited by The Genealogist on Monday 6th of August 2012 08:52:10 AM
The following 2 slides show an area which I have covered before as it has a very strange anomaly at Location 1 looking like the letter 'Y' in front of an enormous shell like entrance to maybe a tunnel or tube like structure.
On this visit I want to draw the observers attention to Location 2 which shows 3 or possibly 4 anomalies including a 'Tower' or 'Fort' like structure, a 'wedge shaped' building and a round structure reminding me of a web-cam. The Tower looks to be part of a bigger structure like a Fort with an enclosure and entrances beneath the tower itself. The round object seems to top another structure running away to the left. The wedge shaped structure can be seen from quite a height above the surface. Note the pentagonal or 5 pointed star shape on the side of the tower.
Grateful for observations. Locations 3 and 4 will be looked at a later date.
Main Tower Location is at Lat –43.13555 Long –11.18848
I am sure members have found many symbols in their research while scanning photographs. Here I have colour coded symbols I have found over several months in Tycho crater that look similar to at least one other thus increasing the odds that it may be of intelligent design. (I said 'may be') Despite my knowledge of old and ancient manuscripts this one is for the hieroglyph experts me thinks.
Earlier in this thread (June 24th) I added a couple of slides showing star-like or pentagonal markings / shapes that appear on rocks and anomalies alike. This slide is along similar lines but shows numbers that also appear in Tycho crater. Some appear to be very distinct while others could be the result of natural design. Any mathematicians out there have any ideas especially on the distinct ones??
Thanks again Morbius for the additional information on the enhancement program. I'm sure your cousin has had many pleasurable hours researching your tree. I began when I was 15 and that was almost 40 years ago. You may have seen that I began researching anomalies as a break from genealogical research. I had come to a difficult point on a tree for someone and decided to take my mind of it for a while. Hey presto 5 months later I'm combining the 2 interests. Hope you find the following slides interesting. I have not added any enhancement other than magnification and a little brightness.
The following 3 slides show 3 anomalies which I realise are all subject to conjecture, however the central anomaly is what caught my eye as it can be seen clearly on the LROC Act React website at the co-ordinates given. If this spanner-like anomaly was seen anywhere else in the solar system surely it would be the subject of some serious investigation. I have found hundreds of monolith like structures on the moon similar to the one on Phobos but I have not seen anything like this before after hours of scanning the moons surface. I cannot see how rocks and shadow alone could produce this shape. Happy to be proved wrong.
hello again Genealogist and thanks for replying. The recommended 'Image Analyzer' is actually a freebee, although Vinthers asks a small donation if possible. Anyways, this contains a sub-program, a simple version of what is known as Retinex . Retinex Image Processing was developed as a collaborative effort at NASA Langley Research Center so it is not Micky Mouse stuff. Retinex ( Retina+Cortex) can do some amazing enhancements, as a few attachments do readily demonstrate. This infromation is freely offered to all AA members and will hopefully be passed on to Skipper himself, as it would have easily cleared up such problematic areas as the Hale Crater 'haze' ( to be nice ). The original program was marketed under the name ' PhotoFlair ' and can still be downloaded on the net ( about $70 ) and the investment is well worth the returns. The relentless efforts of NASA, as the European and Japanese space programs, to use specialized editing is known of well enough and yet need not be a cause for ulcers or high blood pressure. Unfortunately that is what they do and thats the way it is. I am 68 now and don't really care if there is some photo editing going on or not, am having a good time spotting some oddball anomalie that slips by, and thats just fine by me. To divert a second, my cousin Paul Marquis was in the Marines holding the DMZ during the Nam era, he is retired now and has taken a Genealogical Course from the University of Toronto. He has traced our family ( so far ) to some hill town in 14th Century France and that one of our relatives helped to raise the flag on Iwo Jima. You might consider him a good contact on a not to busy day/ . All in All Genealogist, have a nice day .... despite the opposition! More later -Morbius
Hi Morbius thanks for your help I will certainly take a look at that 'photo enhancer' package to which you refer as it certainly sounds good. I am aware of the anomalies to which you refer but what really annoys me is the fact that images of this area have been seriously downgraded from the image available on the LROC site just last month. I wish I had taken more still shots of the former images for this area if just for comparison. Oh well I learn from my mistakes. Thanks again.
hello Genealogist, a few things to note. Firstly, sorry for the delay, but was sidetracked to answer you sooner, as Thomas Jefferson puts it " Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading." As a Reiki Master, this is just reloading/rebuilding my energy-field somewhat.. As to your zoom/enhancement and labeling programs, 'Paint' and 'Powerpoint', may I suggest giving 'Image Analyzer' a try. It will shurely hone your skills somewhat, and after you feel it is useful, let me know if you wish any further suggestions. And also, here, have attached three studie on your submitted 'Cup Anomaly' which caught my eye. This strange ( aren't they all ) artifact rests on the very edge of a clifflike precipice. This overlooks a faded ( by contrast ) vista of ... ruins. If I might draw your attention to this valley scene, you will note a walled enclosure of a settlement. Please take your time to distinguish the slight shades of grey which will focus into the different buildings and attendant ruins.. Obviously these ruins are not in their original condition, but are blasted and shredded all over the area. This particular cluster however, seems to have received less devastation so remains intact to some degree and is still recognisable to our 21st Century view and presuasions. There are those who know well about these ruins, but we can be satisfied with a few gleanings now and again to enjoy, speculate, and reconstruct some of the vast evidence of a great, long ago people, and their many remaining artifacts. Once again, good find Genealogist!
I have been trying to put together a slide showing similar 'Tower' like structures in Tycho crater when I realised that there was more to see in this particular image. To the left and below left of what I think is a tower like anomaly you may be able to see frame-like structures. Is this the result of recent volcanic activity, an optical illusion or an abandoned building project?
As The ASU overwrite the Tycho Crater maps with new images they sometimes uncover further anomalies.
In this slide there seems to be a 5 sided 5 pointed cup sitting on a ridge. The cup casts a shadow on the near-side in line with those being cast by nearby rocks so it definately has a solid form. At 20m across it is of considerable size. I have used magnification on 2 images and have inverted colours on 1 image.
This slide shows an interesting arrangement of very big rocks. The reason I am calling it that is simply because I cannot prove it is anything else. However, only time will tell - many such anomalies here on earth have later been found to have been built by human hands. One wonders?
Note the 2 evenly spaced semi circles covering several hundred metres
These 4 slides show what I like to think of as a Temple. This is 1 of 3 which I think I have found in Tycho crater and this one being the clearest at the LROC's maximum magnification of 0.5 meters per pixel. At higher magnifications however the quality descends rapidly. As I have said before if this anomaly is later found to be just a series of rocks that have fallen into patterns then I still feel that it must still be worth looking at from even that perspective.
If the casual observer is not baffled by this find then please let me have an explanation as I dont think I can offer one myself.
In this series of 5 slides I am assuming that if these objects are real and solid then they are statues which resemble bird-like creatures here on earth. If I had found one on its own I think its reasonable to suggest that it might just be a rock that just looks like a bird but 5 in the same location?? I think thats stretching it a bit.
This slide shows even more Star-like symbols present in Tycho crater. The previous slide to this was on another thread so I have added it here also to add weight to the argument that these are not due to coincidence or pixelation but insignia or identification. The use of 'Y' like symbol and a 'T' like symbols are being collected and will be shown here on a future post.
On slide 1 the Locations (where possible) have been added to the photos
On slide 2 the co-ordinates wouldn't be accurate so I have not added them. (Apologies) These symbols were extracted from much bigger pictutres. I hope to have time to retrace my steps at a later date.
Although I have created a 'similar anomalies thread' I have decided to post these statue like objects on this thread. Unless they are both an optical illusion both seem to have almost Egyptian like qualities similar to the Sphinx at Giza. Observations most welcome.
Having tried to classify a batch of slides I have, I gave up and decided to put them all under a new Topic. The first slide shows a beautiful anomaly in the shape of a fish and another what I can only describe as an insect reminiscent of the film Starship Troopers!! I realise nature produces wonderful and weird natural structures here on earth. But what factors could have produced these. I have also highlighted a very strange image of a face to the left. May be an optical illusion but interesting all the same. Observations welcome.
I tried hard to find some of the Towers shown on the internet without success. This slide shows 4 such anomalies in Tycho crater. 3 are Towers and 1 appears to be a crane type anomaly. Towers labelled 1 and 2 are very similar other than their height. I am not convinced that Tower 1 is in fact upright but it does have the components of Tower 2. I will expand on these anomalies in due course. The Leaning Tower is most interesting as it looks as though it is being moved although it probably isnt as tall as it looks as a rock on the wall behind it is adding to its height.
Locations are provided on the pictures. I used the same LROC Act React Quick Map website as below. Observations Welcome
-- Edited by The Genealogist on Saturday 16th of June 2012 10:54:50 AM
-- Edited by The Genealogist on Saturday 16th of June 2012 10:56:33 AM
-- Edited by The Genealogist on Sunday 17th of June 2012 09:01:23 AM